[ Module Hierarchy
| Class Hierarchy ]
Class Hierarchy
- buildbot.status.web.console.ANYBRANCH
- buildbot.status.web.grid.ANYBRANCH
- twisted.python.components.Adapter:
I am the default implementation of an Adapter for some interface.
- buildbot.status.web.auth.AuthBase
- twisted.spread.pb.Avatar:
A default IPerspective implementor.
- buildbot.locks.BaseLock:
Class handling claiming and releasing of
, and keeping track of current and waiting
- twisted.internet.protocol.BaseProtocol:
This is the abstract superclass of all protocols.
- twisted.internet.protocol.ProcessProtocol:
Base process protocol implementation which does simple dispatching
for stdin, stdout, and stderr file descriptors.
- twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol
- twisted.spread.banana.Banana
- twisted.protocols.basic.LineOnlyReceiver:
A protocol that receives only lines.
- twisted.protocols.basic.LineReceiver:
A protocol that receives lines and/or raw data, depending on mode.
- twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient:
Internet Relay Chat client protocol, with sprinkles.
- twisted.protocols.basic.NetstringReceiver:
This uses djb's Netstrings protocol to break up the input into
- buildbot.changes.bonsaipoller.BonsaiParser:
I parse the XML result from a bonsai cvsquery.
- buildbot.changes.bonsaipoller.BonsaiResult:
I hold a list of CiNodes
- buildbot.status.web.base.Box
- buildbot.clients.gtkPanes.Box
- buildbot.process.base.Build:
I represent a single build by a single slave.
- buildbot.status.web.base.BuildLineMixin
- buildbot.buildrequest.BuildRequest:
I represent a request to a specific Builder to run a single build.
- buildbot.process.builder.BuildRequestControl
- buildbot.status.builder.BuildRequestStatus
- buildbot.status.builder.BuildSetStatus
- buildbot.clients.tryclient.BuildSetStatusGrabber
- buildbot.process.buildstep.BuildStep:
I represent a single step of the build process.
- buildbot.status.client.BuildSubscriber
- buildbot.config.BuilderConfig:
Used in config files to specify a builder - this can be subclassed
by users to add extra config args, set defaults, or whatever.
- buildbot.process.builder.BuilderControl
- buildbot.changes.changes.Change:
I represent a single change to the source tree.
- buildbot.changes.changes.ChangeMaster
- buildbot.status.web.logs.ChunkConsumer
- buildbot.changes.bonsaipoller.CiNode:
I hold information baout one <ci> node, including a list of
- buildbot.schedulers.base.ClassifierMixin:
Mixin to classify changes using self.filter, a filter.ChangeFilter
- buildbot.slave.commands.base.Command
- buildbot.util.ComparableMixin:
Specify a list of attributes that are 'important'.
- twisted.enterprise.adbapi.ConnectionPool:
Represent a pool of connections to a DB-API 2.0 compliant database.
- buildbot.master.Control
- buildbot.clients.debug.DebugWidget
- buildbot.status.web.console.DevBuild:
Helper class that contains all the information we need for a build.
- buildbot.status.web.console.DevRevision:
Helper class that contains all the information we need for a
- buildbot.process.subunitlogobserver.DiscardStream:
A trivial thunk used to discard passthrough content.
- buildbot.master.Dispatcher
- twisted.persisted.styles.Ephemeral:
This type of object is never persisted; if possible, even
references to it are eliminated.
- twisted.spread.banana.Banana
- buildbot.status.builder.Event
- buildbot.status.progress.Expectations
- twisted.internet.protocol.Factory:
This is a factory which produces protocols.
- twisted.internet.protocol.ClientFactory:
A Protocol factory for clients.
- twisted.spread.pb.PBClientFactory:
Client factory for PB brokers.
- twisted.internet.protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory:
Factory which auto-reconnects clients with an exponential back-off.
- buildbot.status.words.ThrottledClientFactory
- buildbot.scripts.logwatcher.FakeTransport
- buildbot.changes.bonsaipoller.FileNode:
I hold information about one <f> node
- buildbot.scripts.startup.Follower
- buildbot.status.builder.HTMLLogFile
- zope.interface.Interface:
- buildbot.status.words.IrcBuildRequest
- twisted.spread.jelly.Jellyable:
Inherit from me to Jelly yourself directly with the `getStateFor'
convenience method.
- twisted.spread.flavors.Serializable:
An object that can be passed remotely.
- twisted.spread.flavors.Referenceable
- buildbot.util.collections.KeyedSets:
This is a collection of named sets.
- buildbot.util.LRUCache:
A simple least-recently-used cache, with a fixed maximum size.
- buildbot.status.builder.LogFile:
A LogFile keeps all of its contents on disk, in a non-pickle format
to which new entries can easily be appended.
- buildbot.status.builder.LogFileProducer:
What's the plan?
- buildbot.slave.commands.base.LogFileWatcher
- buildbot.process.buildstep.LogObserver
- buildbot.master.LogRotation:
holds log rotation parameters (for WebStatus)
- buildbot.scripts.runner.Maker
- buildbot.slave.bot.Master
- buildbot.changes.monotone.Monotone:
All methods of this class return a Deferred.
- buildbot.process.mtrlogobserver.MtrTestFailData
- buildbot.slave.commands.base.Obfuscated:
An obfuscated string in a command
- buildbot.process.builder.Ping
- buildbot.process.properties.PropertyMap:
Privately-used mapping object to implement WithProperties'
substitutions, including the rendering of None as ''.
- buildbot.locks.RealSlaveLock
- buildbot.scripts.reconfig.Reconfigurator
- twisted.spread.pb.Referenceable
- twisted.spread.pb.Referenceable
- buildbot.status.client.RemoteChange
- buildbot.status.client.RemoteEvent
- buildbot.status.client.RemoteSlave
- twisted.web.resource.Resource:
I define a web-accessible resource.
- buildbot.db.dbspec.RetryingConnection
- buildbot.db.dbspec.RetryingCursor
- twisted.conch.checkers.SSHPublicKeyDatabase:
Checker that authenticates SSH public keys, based on public keys
listed in authorized_keys and authorized_keys2 files in user .ssh/
- buildbot.clients.sendchange.Sender
- twisted.application.service.Service:
Base class for services.
- buildbot.slave.commands.base.ShellCommand
- buildbot.slave.bot.SlaveBuild:
This is an object that can hold state from one step to another in
the same build.
- buildbot.status.builder.SlaveStatus
- buildbot.clients.tryclient.SourceStampExtractor
- buildbot.status.web.waterfall.Spacer
- buildbot.status.builder.Status:
I represent the status of the buildmaster.
- buildbot.status.base.StatusReceiver
- buildbot.status.progress.StepProgress:
I keep track of how much progress a single BuildStep has made.
- twisted.application.internet.TCPClient
- buildbot.status.builder.TestResult
- buildbot.clients.base.TextClient
- buildbot.clients.gtkPanes.ThreeRowBuilder
- buildbot.schedulers.timed.TimedBuildMixin
- buildbot.db.connector.Token
- twisted.enterprise.adbapi.Transaction:
A lightweight wrapper for a DB-API 'cursor' object.
- twisted.persisted.styles.Versioned:
This type of object is persisted with versioning information.
- buildbot.status.progress.WatcherState
- twisted.python.filepath._PathHelper:
Abstract helper class also used by ZipPath; implements certain
utility methods.
- twisted.python.filepath.FilePath:
I am a path on the filesystem that only permits 'downwards' access.
- twisted.web.static.File:
File is a resource that represents a plain non-interpreted file
(although it can look for an extension like .rpy or .cgi and hand
the file to a processor for interpretation if you wish).
- twisted.protocols.basic._PauseableMixin
- twisted.protocols.basic.LineReceiver:
A protocol that receives lines and/or raw data, depending on mode.
- twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient:
Internet Relay Chat client protocol, with sprinkles.
- buildbot.manhole.chainedProtocolFactory
- buildbot.manhole.makeTelnetProtocol
- object:
The most base type