Package buildbot :: Package status :: Module words :: Class IrcStatusBot
[frames] | no frames]

Class IrcStatusBot

source code

twisted.internet.protocol.BaseProtocol --+            
        twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol --+        
   twisted.protocols.basic._PauseableMixin --+        
          twisted.protocols.basic.LineReceiver --+    
             twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient --+

I represent the buildbot to an IRC server.

Nested Classes
Instance Methods
__init__(self, nickname, password, channels, status, categories, notify_events, noticeOnChannel=False, showBlameList=False) source code
msgOrNotice(self, dest, message) source code
addContact(self, name, contact) source code
getContact(self, name) source code
deleteContact(self, contact) source code
log(self, msg) source code
privmsg(self, user, channel, message)
Called when I have a message from a user to me or a channel.
source code
action(self, user, channel, data)
Called when I see a user perform an ACTION on a channel.
source code
Called after sucessfully signing on to the server.
source code
joined(self, channel)
Called when I finish joining a channel.
source code
left(self, channel)
Called when I have left a channel.
source code
kickedFrom(self, channel, kicker, message)
Called when I am kicked from a channel.
source code

Inherited from twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient: __getstate__, alterCollidedNick, away, back, badMessage, bounce, connectionMade, created, ctcpMakeQuery, ctcpMakeReply, ctcpQuery, ctcpQuery_ACTION, ctcpQuery_CLIENTINFO, ctcpQuery_DCC, ctcpQuery_ERRMSG, ctcpQuery_FINGER, ctcpQuery_PING, ctcpQuery_SOURCE, ctcpQuery_TIME, ctcpQuery_USERINFO, ctcpQuery_VERSION, ctcpReply, ctcpReply_PING, ctcpUnknownQuery, ctcpUnknownReply, dataReceived, dccAcceptResume, dccDoAcceptResume, dccDoChat, dccDoResume, dccDoSend, dccResume, dccSend, dcc_ACCEPT, dcc_CHAT, dcc_RESUME, dcc_SEND, describe, handleCommand, irc_ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME, irc_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE, irc_ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH, irc_JOIN, irc_KICK, irc_MODE, irc_NICK, irc_NOTICE, irc_PART, irc_PING, irc_PRIVMSG, irc_QUIT, irc_RPL_BOUNCE, irc_RPL_CREATED, irc_RPL_ENDOFMOTD, irc_RPL_ISUPPORT, irc_RPL_LUSERCHANNELS, irc_RPL_LUSERCLIENT, irc_RPL_LUSERME, irc_RPL_LUSEROP, irc_RPL_MOTD, irc_RPL_MOTDSTART, irc_RPL_MYINFO, irc_RPL_NOTOPIC, irc_RPL_TOPIC, irc_RPL_WELCOME, irc_RPL_YOURHOST, irc_TOPIC, irc_unknown, isupport, join, kick, leave, lineReceived, luserChannels, luserClient, luserMe, luserOp, me, mode, modeChanged, msg, myInfo, nickChanged, notice, noticed, part, ping, pong, quirkyMessage, quit, receivedMOTD, register, say, sendLine, setNick, topic, topicUpdated, userJoined, userKicked, userLeft, userQuit, userRenamed, whois, yourHost

Inherited from twisted.protocols.basic.LineReceiver: clearLineBuffer, lineLengthExceeded, rawDataReceived, setLineMode, setRawMode

Inherited from twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol: connectionLost

Inherited from twisted.internet.protocol.BaseProtocol: __providedBy__, makeConnection

Inherited from twisted.protocols.basic._PauseableMixin: pauseProducing, resumeProducing, stopProducing

Class Variables
  __implemented__ = <implementedBy buildbot.status.words.IrcStat...
  __provides__ = <zope.interface.declarations.ClassProvides obje...

Inherited from twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient: __pychecker__, dcc_destdir, dcc_sessions, delimiter, performLogin

Inherited from twisted.protocols.basic.LineReceiver: MAX_LENGTH, line_mode

Inherited from twisted.internet.protocol.BaseProtocol: connected, transport

Inherited from twisted.protocols.basic._PauseableMixin: paused

Instance Variables

Inherited from twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient: erroneousNickFallback, fingerReply, lineRate, motd, nickname, password, realname, sourceURL, supported, userinfo, username, versionEnv, versionName, versionNum

Method Details

__init__(self, nickname, password, channels, status, categories, notify_events, noticeOnChannel=False, showBlameList=False)

source code 
  • nickname (string) - the nickname by which this bot should be known
  • password (string) - the password to use for identifying with Nickserv
  • channels (list of strings) - the bot will maintain a presence in these channels
  • status (buildbot.status.builder.Status) - the build master's Status object, through which the bot retrieves all status information

privmsg(self, user, channel, message)

source code 

Called when I have a message from a user to me or a channel.

Overrides: twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient.privmsg
(inherited documentation)

action(self, user, channel, data)

source code 

Called when I see a user perform an ACTION on a channel.

Overrides: twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient.action
(inherited documentation)


source code 

Called after sucessfully signing on to the server.

Overrides: twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient.signedOn
(inherited documentation)

joined(self, channel)

source code 

Called when I finish joining a channel.

channel has the starting character ('#', '&', '!', or '+') intact.

Overrides: twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient.joined
(inherited documentation)

left(self, channel)

source code 

Called when I have left a channel.

channel has the starting character ('#', '&', '!', or '+') intact.

Overrides: twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient.left
(inherited documentation)

kickedFrom(self, channel, kicker, message)

source code 

Called when I am kicked from a channel.

Overrides: twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient.kickedFrom
(inherited documentation)

Class Variable Details


<implementedBy buildbot.status.words.IrcStatusBot>


<zope.interface.declarations.ClassProvides object at 0x1a65390>