Package buildbot :: Package db :: Module connector :: Class DBConnector
[frames] | no frames]

Class DBConnector

source code

util.ComparableMixin --+

Instance Methods
__init__(self, spec) source code
start(self) source code
Call this when you're done with me
source code
quoteq(self, query)
Given a query that contains qmark-style placeholders, like:
source code
parmlist(self, count)
When passing long lists of values to e.g., an INSERT query, it is tedious to pass long strings of ? placeholders.
source code
Returns None for an empty database, or a number (probably 1) for the database's version
source code
runQueryNow(self, *args, **kwargs) source code
runInteractionNow(self, interaction, *args, **kwargs) source code
get_sync_connection(self) source code
notify(*args, **kw)
send_notification(self, category, args) source code
subscribe_to(self, category, observer) source code
runQuery(self, *args, **kwargs) source code
runInteraction(self, *args, **kwargs) source code
addChangeToDatabase(self, change) source code
changeEventGenerator(self, branches=[], categories=[], committers=[], minTime=0) source code
getLatestChangeNumberNow(self, t=None) source code
getChangeNumberedNow(self, changeid, t=None) source code
getChangeByNumber(self, changeid) source code
getChangesGreaterThan(self, last_changeid, t=None)
Return a Deferred that fires with a list of all Change instances with numbers greater than the given value, sorted by number.
source code
getChangesByNumber(self, changeids) source code
getSourceStampNumberedNow(self, ssid, t=None) source code
get_properties_from_db(self, tablename, idname, id, t=None) source code
addSchedulers(self, added) source code
scheduler_get_state(self, schedulerid, t) source code
scheduler_set_state(self, schedulerid, t, state) source code
get_sourcestampid(self, ss, t)
Given a SourceStamp (which may or may not have an ssid), make sure the contents are in the database, and return the ssid.
source code
create_buildset(self, ssid, reason, properties, builderNames, t, external_idstring=None) source code
scheduler_classify_change(self, schedulerid, number, important, t) source code
scheduler_get_classified_changes(self, schedulerid, t) source code
scheduler_retire_changes(self, schedulerid, changeids, t) source code
scheduler_subscribe_to_buildset(self, schedulerid, bsid, t) source code
scheduler_get_subscribed_buildsets(self, schedulerid, t) source code
scheduler_unsubscribe_buildset(self, schedulerid, buildsetid, t) source code
getBuildRequestWithNumber(self, brid, t=None) source code
get_buildername_for_brid(self, brid) source code
get_unclaimed_buildrequests(self, buildername, old, master_name, master_incarnation, t) source code
claim_buildrequests(self, now, master_name, master_incarnation, brids, t=None) source code
build_started(self, brid, buildnumber) source code
builds_finished(self, bids) source code
get_build_info(self, bid) source code
get_buildnums_for_brid(self, brid) source code
resubmit_buildrequests(self, brids) source code
retire_buildrequests(self, brids, results) source code
cancel_buildrequests(self, brids) source code
get_buildrequestids_for_buildset(self, bsid) source code
examine_buildset(self, bsid) source code
get_active_buildset_ids(self) source code
get_buildset_info(self, bsid) source code
get_pending_brids_for_builder(self, buildername) source code
has_pending_operations(self) source code
__hook_orig_buildbot_db_connector_DBConnector__end_operation__(self, t) source code
__hook_orig_buildbot_db_connector_DBConnector_notify__(self, category, *args) source code

Inherited from util.ComparableMixin: __cmp__, __hash__, __providedBy__

Class Variables
  compare_attrs = ['args', 'kwargs']
  synchronized = ['notify', '_end_operation']
  __hook_post_buildbot_db_connector_DBConnector__end_operation__ = ...
  __hook_post_buildbot_db_connector_DBConnector_notify__ = [<fun...
  __hook_pre_buildbot_db_connector_DBConnector__end_operation__ = ...
  __hook_pre_buildbot_db_connector_DBConnector_notify__ = [<func...

Inherited from util.ComparableMixin: __implemented__, __provides__

Method Details

quoteq(self, query)

source code 

Given a query that contains qmark-style placeholders, like:

INSERT INTO foo (col1, col2) VALUES (?,?)

replace the '?' with '%s' if the backend uses format-style placeholders, like:

INSERT INTO foo (col1, col2) VALUES (%s,%s)

parmlist(self, count)

source code 

When passing long lists of values to e.g., an INSERT query, it is tedious to pass long strings of ? placeholders. This function will create a parenthesis-enclosed list of COUNT placeholders. Note that the placeholders have already had quoteq() applied.

getChangesGreaterThan(self, last_changeid, t=None)

source code 

Return a Deferred that fires with a list of all Change instances with numbers greater than the given value, sorted by number. This is useful for catching up with everything that's happened since you last called this function.

get_sourcestampid(self, ss, t)

source code 

Given a SourceStamp (which may or may not have an ssid), make sure the contents are in the database, and return the ssid. If the SourceStamp originally came from the DB (and thus already has an ssid), just return the ssid. If not, create a new row for it.

Class Variable Details


[<function _synchPost at 0xa2db18>]


[<function _synchPost at 0xa2db18>]


[<function _synchPre at 0xa2daa0>]


[<function _synchPre at 0xa2daa0>]