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4.14.1 WebStatus

The buildbot.status.html.WebStatus status target runs a small web server inside the buildmaster. You can point a browser at this web server and retrieve information about every build the buildbot knows about, as well as find out what the buildbot is currently working on.

The first page you will see is the “Welcome Page”, which contains links to all the other useful pages. By default, this page is served from the status/web/templates/root.html file in buildbot's library area. If you'd like to override this page or the other templates found there, copy the files you're interested in into a templates/ directory in the buildmaster's base directory.

One of the most complex resource provided by WebStatus is the “Waterfall Display”, which shows a time-based chart of events. This somewhat-busy display provides detailed information about all steps of all recent builds, and provides hyperlinks to look at individual build logs and source changes. By simply reloading this page on a regular basis, you will see a complete description of everything the buildbot is currently working on.

A similar, but more developer-oriented display is the "Grid" display. This arranges builds by SourceStamp (horizontal axis) and builder (vertical axis), and can provide quick information as to which revisions are passing or failing on which builders.

There are also pages with more specialized information. For example, there is a page which shows the last 20 builds performed by the buildbot, one line each. Each line is a link to detailed information about that build. By adding query arguments to the URL used to reach this page, you can narrow the display to builds that involved certain branches, or which ran on certain Builders. These pages are described in great detail below.


Buildbot now uses a templating system for the web interface. The source of these templates can be found in the status/web/templates/ directory in buildbot's library area. You can override these templates by creating alternate versions in a templates/ directory within the buildmaster's base directory.

The first time a buildmaster is created, the public_html/ directory is populated with some sample files, which you will probably want to customize for your own project. These files are all static: the buildbot does not modify them in any way as it serves them to HTTP clients.

Note that templates in templates/ take precedence over static files in public_html/.

     from buildbot.status.html import WebStatus

Note that the initial robots.txt file has Disallow lines for all of the dynamically-generated buildbot pages, to discourage web spiders and search engines from consuming a lot of CPU time as they crawl through the entire history of your buildbot. If you are running the buildbot behind a reverse proxy, you'll probably need to put the robots.txt file somewhere else (at the top level of the parent web server), and replace the URL prefixes in it with more suitable values.

If you would like to use an alternative root directory, add the public_html=.. option to the WebStatus creation:

     c['status'].append(WebStatus(8080, public_html="/var/www/buildbot"))

In addition, if you are familiar with twisted.web Resource Trees, you can write code to add additional pages at places inside this web space. Just use webstatus.putChild to place these resources.

The following section describes the special URLs and the status views they provide.