Package buildbot :: Package steps :: Package source :: Module oldsource :: Class SVN
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Class SVN

source code --+            
           process.buildstep.BuildStep --+        
        process.buildstep.LoggingBuildStep --+    
                                        Source --+

I perform Subversion checkout/update operations.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, svnurl=None, baseURL=None, defaultBranch=None, directory=None, username=None, password=None, extra_args=None, keep_on_purge=None, ignore_ignores=None, always_purge=None, depth=None, **kwargs) source code
computeSourceRevision(self, changes)
Each subclass must implement this method to do something more precise than -rHEAD every time.
source code
Handle compatibility between old slaves/svn clients
source code
getSvnUrl(self, branch)
Compute the svn url that will be passed to the svn remote command
source code
startVC(self, branch, revision, patch) source code

Inherited from Source: commandComplete, describe, getRepository, setDefaultWorkdir, setStepStatus, start

Inherited from process.buildstep.LoggingBuildStep: addLogFile, buildCommandKwargs, checkDisconnect, createSummary, evaluateCommand, getText, getText2, interrupt, maybeGetText2, setStatus, setupLogfiles, startCommand

Inherited from process.buildstep.BuildStep: __provides__, acquireLocks, addCompleteLog, addFactoryArguments, addHTMLLog, addLog, addLogObserver, addURL, failed, finished, getLog, getSlaveName, getStepFactory, releaseLocks, runCommand, setBuild, setBuildSlave, setProgress, setupProgress, slaveVersion, slaveVersionIsOlderThan, startStep

Inherited from __providedBy__, getProperties, getProperty, hasProperty, has_key, render, setProperty

Class Variables
  name = 'svn'
  branch_placeholder = '%%BRANCH%%'
  renderables = ['svnurl', 'baseURL']

Inherited from Source: branch, description, descriptionDone, flunkOnFailure, haltOnFailure, notReally

Inherited from process.buildstep.LoggingBuildStep: cmd, logfiles, parms, progressMetrics

Inherited from process.buildstep.BuildStep: __implemented__, alwaysRun, build, doStepIf, flunkOnWarnings, hideStepIf, locks, progress, set_runtime_properties, step_status, useProgress, warnOnFailure, warnOnWarnings

Method Details

__init__(self, svnurl=None, baseURL=None, defaultBranch=None, directory=None, username=None, password=None, extra_args=None, keep_on_purge=None, ignore_ignores=None, always_purge=None, depth=None, **kwargs)

source code 
  • svnurl (string) - the URL which points to the Subversion server, combining the access method (HTTP, ssh, local file), the repository host/port, the repository path, the sub-tree within the repository, and the branch to check out. Use exactly one of svnurl and baseURL.
  • baseURL - if branches are enabled, this is the base URL to which a branch name will be appended. It should probably end in a slash. Use exactly one of svnurl and baseURL.
  • defaultBranch - if branches are enabled, this is the branch to use if the Build does not specify one explicitly. It will simply be appended to baseURL and the result handed to the SVN command.
  • username (string) - username to pass to svn's --username
  • password (string) - password to pass to svn's --password
Overrides: process.buildstep.BuildStep.__init__

computeSourceRevision(self, changes)

source code 

Each subclass must implement this method to do something more precise than -rHEAD every time. For version control systems that use repository-wide change numbers (SVN, P4), this can simply take the maximum such number from all the changes involved in this build. For systems that do not (CVS), it needs to create a timestamp based upon the latest Change, the Build's treeStableTimer, and an optional self.checkoutDelay value.

Overrides: Source.computeSourceRevision
(inherited documentation)