
This page documents the latest, unreleased version of Buildbot. For documentation for released versions, see

5.96. Release Notes for Buildbot 0.9.0b6

The following are the release notes for Buildbot 0.9.0b6 This version was released on January 20, 2016.

See Upgrading to Buildbot 0.9.0 for a guide to upgrading from 0.8.x to 0.9.x

5.96.1. Master Features

  • Builders ui page has improved tag filtering capabilities

  • Home page enhanced with the list of recent builds sorted by builder

  • IRC reporter has been partially ported to work on data api. Fixes

  • better stability and reliability in the UI thanks to switch to buildbot data-module

  • fix irc Changes for Developers

  • properties object is now directly present in build, and not in build_status. This should not change much unless you try to access your properties via Remember that with PropertiesMixin, you can access properties via getProperties on the steps, and on the builds objects.

  • Javascript Data Module is now integrated, which sets a definitive API for accessing buildbot data in angularJS UI.

5.96.2. Slave Features

  • The DockerLatentBuildSlave image attribute is now renderable (can take properties in account).

  • The DockerLatentBuildSlave sets environment variables describing how to connect to the master. Example dockerfiles can be found in master/contrib/docker.

5.96.3. Details

For a more detailed description of the changes made in this version, see the git log itself:

git log v0.9.0b5..v0.9.0b6