
This page documents the latest, unreleased version of Buildbot. For documentation for released versions, see

2.12.1. Upgrading to Buildbot 5.0 (not released)

Upgrading a Buildbot instance from 4.x to 5.0 may require some work to achieve.

The recommended upgrade procedure is as follows:

  • Upgrade to the last released BuildBot version in 4.x series.

  • Remove usage of the deprecated APIs. All usages of deprecated APIs threw a deprecation warning at the point of use. If the code does not emit deprecation warnings, it’s in a good shape in this regard. You may need to run the master on a real workload in order to force all deprecated code paths to be exercised.

  • Upgrade to the latest Buildbot 5.0.x release.

  • (Optional) Upgrade to newest Buildbot 5.x. The newest point release will contain bug fixes and functionality improvements.

2.12.2. Testing support

The build_files, worker_env and worker_version arguments of TestBuildStepMixin.setup_step() have been removed. As a replacement, call TestBuildStepMixin.setup_build() before setup_step.

2.12.3. HTTP service

The following methods of httpclientservice.HTTPClientService have been deprecated:

  • get

  • delete

  • post

  • put

  • updateHeaders

As a replacement, use httpclientservice.HTTPSession and call corresponding methods on it.