
This page documents the latest, unreleased version of Buildbot. For documentation for released versions, see

2.12.1. Upgrading to Buildbot 5.0 (not released)

Upgrading a Buildbot instance from 4.x to 5.0 may require some work to achieve.

The recommended upgrade procedure is as follows:

  • Upgrade to the last released BuildBot version in 4.x series.

  • Remove usage of the deprecated APIs. All usages of deprecated APIs threw a deprecation warning at the point of use. If the code does not emit deprecation warnings, it’s in a good shape in this regard. You may need to run the master on a real workload in order to force all deprecated code paths to be exercised.

  • Upgrade to the latest Buildbot 5.0.x release.

  • (Optional) Upgrade to newest Buildbot 5.x. The newest point release will contain bug fixes and functionality improvements.

2.12.2. Testing support

The build_files, worker_env and worker_version arguments of TestBuildStepMixin.setup_step() have been removed. As a replacement, call TestBuildStepMixin.setup_build() before setup_step.

2.12.3. Non-reconfigurable services

Raising NotImplementedError from reconfigServiceWithSibling or reconfigService service functions has been deprecated. Use canReconfigWithSibling() that returns False as a replacement.

2.12.4. HTTP service

The following methods of httpclientservice.HTTPClientService have been deprecated:

  • get

  • delete

  • post

  • put

  • updateHeaders

As a replacement, use httpclientservice.HTTPSession and call corresponding methods on it.

2.12.5. Build factories

BuildFactory workdir attribute no longer supports callables. As a replacement, use a renderable instead.

2.12.6. Database connectors

The internal API presented by the database connectors has been changed to return data classes instead of Python dictionaries. To upgrade to the data classes simply access the data as class attributes, not dictionary keys.

The following functions have been affected:

  • BuildDataConnectorComponent getBuildData, getBuildDataNoValue, and getAllBuildDataNoValues.

  • BuildsConnectorComponent getBuild, getBuildByNumber, getPrevSuccessfulBuild, getBuildsForChange, getBuilds, _getRecentBuilds, and _getBuild.

  • BuildRequestsConnectorComponent getBuildRequest, and getBuildRequests.

  • BuildsetsConnectorComponent getBuildset, getBuildsets, and getRecentBuildsets.

  • BuildersConnectorComponent getBuilder and getBuilders.

  • ChangesConnectorComponent getChange, getChangesForBuild, getChangeFromSSid.

  • ChangeSourcesConnectorComponent getChangeSource, and getChangeSources.

  • LogsConnectorComponent getLog, getLogBySlug, and getLogs.

  • MastersConnectorComponent getMaster, and getMasters.

  • ProjectsConnectorComponent get_project, get_projects.

  • SchedulersConnectorComponent getScheduler, and getSchedulers.

  • SourceStampsConnectorComponent getSourceStamp, get_sourcestamps_for_buildset, getSourceStampsForBuild, and getSourceStamps.

  • StepsConnectorComponent getStep, and getSteps.

  • TestResultsConnectorComponent getTestResult and getTestResults.

  • TestResultSetsConnectorComponent getTestResultSet, and getTestResultSets.

  • UsersConnectorComponent getUser, getUserByUsername, and getUsers.

  • WorkersConnectorComponent getWorker, and getWorkers.

DataConnector.produceEvent() has been deprecated. The replacement is update methods from the data API.

2.12.7. Schedulers

Old location of Dependent scheduler has been removed. Instead of buildbot.schedulers.basic.Dependent use buildbot.plugins.schedulers.Dependent.

buildbot.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler has been deprecated. Replace uses of it with buildbot.schedulers.base.ReconfigurableBaseScheduler.

2.12.8. Reporters

The add_logs argument of BuildStatusGenerator, BuildStartEndStatusGenerator and BuildSetStatusGenerator has been removed. As a replacement, set want_logs_content of the passed message formatter.

2.12.9. Data API

The multiline string type of ResourceType.eventPathPatterns and Enpoint.pathPatterns attribute has been deprecated. Use list of strings type instead.