
This page documents the latest, unreleased version of Buildbot. For documentation for released versions, see


class buildbot.worker.upcloud.UpcloudLatentWorker

UpCloud is a web service that allows you to start virtual machines in cloud. Please see their website for details, including costs.

This document will guide you through setup of a UpCloud latent worker:

Get an UpCloud Account

To start off, to use the UpCloud latent worker, you need to sign up on UpCloud.

  1. Go to and create an account.

  2. Once you are logged into your account, create a sub-account for buildbot to use. You need to tick the box enabling it for API usage. You should disable the box enabling web interface. You should not use your primary account for safety and security reasons.

Configure the Master with an UpcloudLatentWorker

Quick-start sample

from buildbot.plugins import worker
    image='Debian GNU/Linux 9.3 (Stretch)',
    hostconfig = {
/usr/bin/apt-get update
/usr/bin/apt-get install -y buildbot-slave
/usr/bin/buildslave create-slave --umask=022 /buildslave upcloud-01 slavepass
/usr/bin/buildslave start /buildslave

Complete example with default values

from buildbot.plugins import worker
    image='Debian GNU/Linux 9.3 (Stretch)',
    hostconfig = {
        "ssh_keys":["ssh-rsa ...."],

The image argument specifies the name of image in the image library. UUID is not currently supported.

The api_username and api_password are for the sub-account you created on UpCloud.

hostconfig can be used to set various aspects about the created host.
  • zone is a valid execution zone in UpCloud environment, check their API documentation <> for valid values.

  • plan is a valid pre-configured machine specification, or custom if you want to define your own. See their API documentation for valid values

  • user_data field is used to specify startup script to run on the host.

  • hostname specifies the hostname for the worker. Defaults to name of the worker.

  • ssh_keys specifies ssh key(s) to add for root account. Some images support only one SSH key. At the time of writing, only RSA keys are supported.

  • os_disk_size specifies size of the system disk.

  • core_number can be used to specify number of cores, when plan is custom.

  • memory_amount can be used to specify memory in megabytes, when plan is custom.

  • user_data can be used to specify either URL to script, or script to execute when machine is started.

Note that by default buildbot retains latent workers for 10 minutes, see build_wait_time on how to change this.