
This page documents the latest, unreleased version of Buildbot. For documentation for released versions, see TestBuildStepMixin

class buildbot.test.steps.TestBuildStepMixin

The class TestBuildStepMixin allows to test build steps. It mocks the connection to the worker. The commands sent to the worker can be verified and command results can be injected back into the step under test. Additionally, the step under test is modified to allow checking how the step runs and what results it produces.

The following is an example of a basic step test:

class RemovePYCs(TestBuildStepMixin, TestReactorMixin, unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        return self.setup_test_build_step()

    def tearDown(self):
        return self.tear_down_test_build_step()

    def test_run_ok(self):
                        command=['find', '.', '-name', '\'*.pyc\'', '-exec', 'rm', '{}', ';'])
        self.expect_outcome(result=SUCCESS, state_string='remove .pycs')
        return self.run_step()

Basic workflow is as follows:

  • The test case must derive from TestReactorMixin and properly setup it.

  • In setUp() of test case call self.setup_test_build_step().

  • In unit test call self.setup_step(step) which will setup the step for testing.

  • Call self.expect_commands(commands) to specify commands that the step is expected to run and the results of these commands.

  • Call various other expect_* member functions to define other expectations.

  • Call self.run_step() to actually run the step.

All expectations are verified once the step has completed running.


Call this function in the setUp() method of the test case to setup step testing machinery.


Call this function in the tearDown() of the test case to destroy step testing machinery.

setup_step(step, worker_env=None, build_files=None)
  • worker_env (dict) – An optional dictionary of environment variables on the mock worker.

  • build_files (list) – An optional list of source files that were changed in the build.


An instance of prepared step (not the same as the step argument).

Prepares the given step for testing. The method mimics how Buildbot instantiates steps in reality and thus the step parameter is used only as a factory for creating the real step.


The step under test. This attribute is available after setup_step() is run.


commands – A list of commands that are expected to be run (a subclass of buildbot.test.steps.Expect).

Sets up an expectation of step sending the given commands to worker.

expect_outcome(result, state_string=None)
  • result – A result from buildbot.process.results.

  • state_string (str) – An optional status text.

Sets up an expectation of the step result.

expect_property(property, value, source=None)
  • property (str) – The name of the property

  • value (str) – The value of the property

  • source (str) – An optional source of the property

Sets up an expectation of a property set by the step

expect_no_property(self, property)

property (str) – The name of the property

Sets up an expectation of an absence of a property set by the step.

expect_log_file(self, logfile, contents)
  • logfile (str) – The name of the log file

  • contents (str) – The contents of the log file

Sets up an expectation of a log file being produced by the step. Only the stdout associated with the log file is checked. To check the stderr see expect_log_file_stderr()

expect_log_file_stderr(self, logfile, contents)
  • logfile (str) – The name of the log file

  • contents (str) – The contents of the log file

Sets up an expectation of a stderr output in log file being produced by the step.

expect_build_data(name, value, source)
  • name (str) – The name of the build data.

  • value (str) – The value of the build data.

  • source (str) – The source of the build data.

Sets up an expectation of build data produced by the step.


hidden (bool) – Whether the step should be hidden.

Sets up an expectation of step being hidden on completion.


expection_class – The type of the class to expect.

Sets up an expectation of an exception being raised during the runtime of the step. The expected result of the step is automatically set to EXCEPTION.


Runs the step and validates the expectations setup before this function.