
This page documents the latest, unreleased version of Buildbot. For documentation for released versions, see P4

class buildbot.steps.source.p4.P4

The P4 build step creates a Perforce client specification and performs an update.

from buildbot.plugins import steps, util


You can specify the client spec in two different ways. You can use the p4base, p4branch, and (optionally) p4extra_views to build up the viewspec, or you can utilize the p4viewspec to specify the whole viewspec as a set of tuples.

Using p4viewspec will allow you to add lines such as:

//depot/branch/mybranch/...             //<p4client>/...
-//depot/branch/mybranch/notthisdir/... //<p4client>/notthisdir/...

If you specify p4viewspec and any of p4base, p4branch, and/or p4extra_views you will receive a configuration error exception.


A view into the Perforce depot without branch name or trailing /.... Typically //depot/proj.


(optional): A single string, which is appended to the p4base as follows <p4base>/<p4branch>/... to form the first line in the viewspec


(optional): a list of (depotpath, clientpath) tuples containing extra views to be mapped into the client specification. Both will have /... appended automatically. The client name and source directory will be prepended to the client path.


This will override any p4branch, p4base, and/or p4extra_views specified. The viewspec will be an array of tuples as follows:


It yields a viewspec with just:

//depot/main/... //<p4client>/...

(optional): The p4viewspec lets you customize the client spec for a builder but, as the previous example shows, it automatically adds ... at the end of each line. If you need to also specify file-level remappings, you can set the p4viewspec_suffix to None so that nothing is added to your viewspec:

[('//depot/main/...', '...'),
 ('-//depot/main/config.xml', 'config.xml'),
 ('//depot/main/config.vancouver.xml', 'config.xml')]

It yields a viewspec with:

//depot/main/...                  //<p4client>/...
-//depot/main/config.xml          //<p4client/main/config.xml
//depot/main/config.vancouver.xml //<p4client>/main/config.xml

Note how, with p4viewspec_suffix set to None, you need to manually add ... where you need it.


(optional): By default, clients are created with the allwrite rmdir options. This string lets you change that.


(optional): the host:port string describing how to get to the P4 Depot (repository), used as the option -p argument for all p4 commands.


(optional): the Perforce user, used as the option -u argument to all p4 commands.


(optional): the Perforce password, used as the option -p argument to all p4 commands.


(optional): The name of the client to use. In mode='full' and mode='incremental', it’s particularly important that a unique name is used for each checkout directory to avoid incorrect synchronization. For this reason, Python percent substitution will be performed on this value to replace %(prop:workername)s with the worker name and %(prop:buildername)s with the builder name. The default is buildbot_%(prop:workername)s_%(prop:buildername)s.


(optional): The type of line ending handling P4 should use. This is added directly to the client spec’s LineEnd property. The default is local.


(optional): The type of client to create. A client type can be set to create a client better suited to CI use. Learn more about client type in the P4 documentation The default is None.


(optional): Extra arguments to be added to the P4 command-line for the sync command. So for instance if you want to sync only to populate a Perforce proxy (without actually syncing files to disk), you can do:

P4(p4extra_args=['-Zproxyload'], ...)

Set to True to use ticket-based authentication, instead of passwords (but you still need to specify p4passwd).


Set to True to use a stream-associated workspace, in which case p4base and p4branch are used to determine the stream path.