
Buildbot no longer supports Python 2.7 on the Buildbot master.

4. Release Notes

4.1. Buildbot 2.9.1 ( 2020-12-05 )

4.1.1. Bug fixes

  • Fixed checkConfig failures in GitHubStatusPush and GitLabStatusPush (issue # 5664).

  • Fixed incorrect deprecation notice for the builders argument of GitLabStatusPush.

4.2. Buildbot 2.9.0 ( 2020-12-04 )

4.2.1. Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug preventing the timeout=None parameter of CopyDirectory step from having effect (issue # 3032).

  • Fixed a bug in GitHubStatusPush that would cause silent failures for builders that specified multiple codebases.

  • Fixed display refresh of breadcrumb and topbar contextual action buttons (issue # 5549)

  • Throwing an exception out of a log observer while processing logs will now correctly fail the step in the case of new style steps.

  • Fixed an issue where git fetch would break on tag changes by adding the -f option. This could previously be handled by manually specifying clobberOnFailure, but as that is rather heavy handed and off by default, this new default functionality will keep Buildbot in sync with the repository it is fetching from.

  • Fixed GitHubStatusPush logging an error when triggered by the NightlyScheduler

  • Fixed GitHub webhook event handler when no token has been set

  • Fixed HashiCorpVaultSecretProvider reading secrets attributes, when they are not named value

  • Fixed HgPoller misuse of hg heads -r <branch> to hg heads <branch> because -r option shows heads that may not be on the wanted branch.

  • Fixed inconsistent REST api, buildid vs build_number, issue # 3427

  • Fixed permission denied in rmtree() usage in PrivateTemporaryDirectory on Windows

  • Fixed AssertionError when calling try client with --dryrun option (issue # 5618).

  • Fixed issue with known hosts not working when using git with a version less than 2.3.0

  • ForceScheduler now gets Responsible Users from owner property (issue # 3476)

  • Added support for refs/pull/###/head ref for fetching the issue ID in the GitHub reporter instead of always expecting refs/pull/###/merge.

  • Fixed Github v4 API URL

  • Fixed show_old_builders to have expected effects in the waterfall view.

  • Latent workers no longer reuse the started worker when it’s incompatible with the requested build.

  • Fixed handling of submission of non-decoded bytes logs in new style steps.

  • Removed usage of distutils.LooseVersion is favor of packaging.version

  • Updated OpenstackLatentWorker to use checkConfig/reconfigService structure.

  • Fixed OpenstackLatentWorker to use correct method when listing images. Updated OpenstackLatentWorker to support renderable flavor, nova_args and meta.

  • Fixed support of renderables for p4base` and p4branch arguments of the P4 step.

  • Buildbot now uses pypugjs library instead of pyjade to render pug templates.

  • Step summary is now updated after the last point where the step status is changed. Previously exceptions in log finish methods would be ignored.

  • Transfer steps now return CANCELLED instead of SUCCESS when interrupted.

  • Fixed bytes-related master crash when calling buildbot try (issue # 4488)

  • The waterfall modal is now closed upon clicking build summary link

  • The worker will now report low level cause of errors during the command startup.

4.2.2. Improved Documentation

  • Added documentation of how to log to stdout instead of twistd.log.

  • Added documentation of how to use pdb in a buildbot application.

  • Fixed import path for plugins

  • Added documentation about vault secrets handling.

4.2.3. Features

  • Added UpCloud latent worker UpCloudLatentWorker

  • The init flag is now allowed to be set to false in the host config for DockerLatentWorker

  • Added ability for the browser to auto-complete force dialog form fields.

  • AvatarGitHub class has been implemented, which lets us display the user’s GitHub avatar.

  • New reporter has been implemented BitbucketServerCoreAPIStatusPush. Reporting build status has been integrated into BitbucketServer Core REST API in Bitbucket Server 7.4. Old BitbucketServer Build REST API is still working, but does not provide the new and improved functionality.

  • A per-build key-value store and related APIs have been created for transient and potentially large per-build data.

  • Buildbot worker docker image has been upgraded to python3.

  • Added the ability to copy build properties to the clipboard.

  • The urlText parameter to the DirectoryUpload step is now renderable.

  • Added the option to hide sensitive HTTP header values from the log in HTTPStep.

  • It is now possible to set urlText on a url linked to a MultipleFileUpload step.

  • Use os_auth_args to pass in authentication for OpenstackLatentWorker.

  • DebPbuilder, DebCowbuilder, UbuPbuilder and UbuCowbuilder now support renderables for the step parameters.

  • A new report generator API has been implemented to abstract generation of various reports that are then sent via the reporters. The BitbucketServerPRCommentPush, MailNotifier, PushjetNotifier and PushoverNotifier support this new API via their new generators parameter.

  • Added rules for Bitbucket to default revlink helpers.

  • Added counts of the statuses of the triggered builds to the summary of trigger steps

  • The worker preparation step now shows the worker name.

4.2.4. Deprecations and Removals

  • buildbot.test.fake.httpclientservice.HttpClientService.getFakeService() has been deprecated. Use getService method of the same class.

  • The MTR step has been deprecated due to migration to new style steps and the build result APIs. The lack of proper unit tests made it too time-consuming to migrate this step along with other steps. Contributors are welcome to step in, migrate this step and add a proper test suite so that this situation never happens again.

  • Many steps have been migrated to new style from old style.

    This only affects users who use steps as base classes for their own steps. New style steps provide a completely different set of functions that may be overridden. Direct instantiation of step classes is not affected. Old and new style steps work exactly the same in that case and users don’t need to do anything.

    The old-style steps have been deprecated since Buildbot v0.9.0 released in October 2016. The support for old-style steps will be removed entirely Buildbot v3.0.0 which will be released in near future. Users are advised to upgrade their custom steps to new-style steps as soon as possible.

    A gradual migration path is provided for steps that are likely to be used as base classes. Users need to inherit from <StepName>NewStyle class and convert all overridden APIs to use new-style step APIs. The old-style <StepName> classes will be provided until Buildbot v3.0.0 release. In Buildbot v3.0.0 <StepName> will refer to new-style steps and will be equivalent to <StepName>NewStyle. <StepName>NewStyle aliases will be removed in Buildbot v3.2.0.

    The list of old-style steps that have new-style equivalents for gradual migration is as follows:

    • Configure (new-style equivalent is ConfigureNewStyle)

    • Compile (new-style equivalent is CompileNewStyle)

    • HTTPStep (new-style equivalent is HTTPStepNewStyle)

    • GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS (new-style equivalent is GETNewStyle, PUTNewStyle, POSTNewStyle, DELETENewStyle, HEADNewStyle, OPTIONSNewStyle)

    • MasterShellCommand (new-style equivalent is MasterShellCommandNewStyle)

    • ShellCommand (new-style equivalent is ShellCommandNewStyle)

    • SetPropertyFromCommand (new-style equivalent is SetPropertyFromCommandNewStyle)

    • WarningCountingShellCommand (new-style equivalent is WarningCountingShellCommandNewStyle)

    • Test (new-style equivalent is TestNewStyle)

    The list of old-style steps that have been converted to new style without a gradual migration path is as follows:

    • BuildEPYDoc

    • CopyDirectory

    • DebLintian

    • DebPbuilder

    • DirectoryUpload

    • FileDownload

    • FileExists

    • FileUpload

    • HLint

    • JsonPropertiesDownload

    • JsonStringDownload

    • LogRenderable

    • MakeDirectory

    • MaxQ

    • Mock

    • MockBuildSRPM

    • MsBuild, MsBuild4, MsBuild12, MsBuild14, MsBuild141

    • MultipleFileUpload

    • PerlModuleTest

    • PyFlakes

    • PyLint

    • RemoveDirectory

    • RemovePYCs

    • RpmLint

    • RpmBuild

    • SetPropertiesFromEnv

    • Sphinx

    • StringDownload

    • TreeSize

    • Trial

    • VC6, VC7, VC8, VC9, VC10, VC11, VC12, VC14, VC141

    • VS2003, VS2005, VS2008, VS2010`, ``VS2012, VS2013, VS2015, VS2017

    Additionally, all source steps have been migrated to new style without a gradual migration path. Ability to be used as base classes was not documented and thus is considered unsupported. Please submit any custom steps to Buildbot for inclusion into the main tree to reduce maintenance burden. Additionally, bugs can be submitted to expose needed APIs publicly for which a migration path will be provided in the future.

    The list of old-style source steps that have been converted to new style is as follows:

    • Bzr

    • CVS

    • Darcs

    • Gerrit

    • Git

    • GitCommit

    • GitLab

    • GitPush

    • GitTag

    • Monotone

    • Mercurial

    • P4

    • Repo

    • Source

    • SVN

  • The undocumented and broken RpmSpec step has been removed.

  • The usage of certain parameters have been deprecated in BitbucketServerPRCommentPush, MailNotifier, PushjetNotifier and PushoverNotifier reporters. They have been replaced by the generators parameter. The support for the deprecated parameters will be removed in Buildbot v3.0. The list of deprecated parameters is as follows:

    • mode

    • tags

    • builders

    • buildSetSummary

    • messageFormatter

    • subject

    • addLogs

    • addPatch

    • schedulers

    • branches

    • watchedWorkers

    • messageFormatterMissingWorker

    The undocumented NotifierBase class has been renamed to ReporterBase.

    The undocumented HttpStatusPushBase class has been deprecated. Please use ReporterBase directly.

    The send method of the reporters based on HttpStatusPushBase has been deprecated. This affects only users who implemented custom reporters that directly or indirectly derive HttpStatusPushBase. Please use sendMessage as the replacement. The following reporters have been affected:

    • HttpStatusPush

    • BitbucketStatusPush

    • BitbucketServerStatusPush

    • BitbucketServerCoreAPIStatusPush

    • GerritVerifyStatusPush

    • GitHubStatusPush

    • GitLabStatusPush

    • HipChatStatusPush

    • ZulipStatusPush

  • BuildBot now requires SQLAlchemy 1.2.0 or newer.

  • Deprecation warnings have been added to the buildbot.status module. It has been deprecated in documentation since v0.9.0.

  • buildbot.interfaces.WorkerTooOldError is deprecated in favour of buildbot.interfaces.WorkerSetupError

  • The worker_transition module has been removed.

  • The buildbot worker Docker image has been updated to Ubuntu 20.04.

4.3. Buildbot 2.8.4 ( 2020-08-29 )

4.3.1. Bug fixes

  • Fix 100% CPU on large installations when using the changes API (issue # 5504)

  • Work around incomplete support for codebases in GerritChangeSource (issue # 5190). This avoids an internal assertion when the configuration file does not specify any codebases.

  • Add missing VS2017 entry points.

4.4. Buildbot 2.8.3 ( 2020-08-22 )

4.4.1. Bug fixes

  • Fix Docker image building for the master which failed due to mismatching versions of Alpine (issue # 5469).

4.5. Buildbot 2.8.2 ( 2020-06-14 )

4.5.1. Bug fixes

  • Fix crash in Buildbot Windows service startup code (issue # 5344)

4.6. Buildbot 2.8.1 ( 2020-06-06 )

4.6.1. Bug fixes

  • Fix source distribution missing required buildbot.test.fakedb module for unit tests.

  • Fix crash in trigger step when renderables are used for scheduler names (issue # 5312)

4.7. Buildbot 2.8.0 ( 2020-05-27 )

4.7.1. Bug fixes

  • Fix GitHubEventHandler to include files in Change that comes from a github PR (issue # 5294)

  • Updated the Docker container buildbot-master to Alpine 3.11 to fix segmentation faults caused by an old version of musl

  • Base64 encoding logs and attachments sent via email so emails conform to RFC 5322 2.1.1

  • Handling the case where the BitbucketStatusPush return code is not 200

  • When cancelling a buildrequest, the reason field is now correctly transmitted all the way to the cancelled step.

  • Fix Cache-control header to be compliant with RFC 7234 (issue # 5220)

  • Fix GerritEventLogPoller class to be declared as entry_point (can be used in master.cfg file)

  • Git poller: add –ignore-missing argument to git log call to avoid fatal: bad object errors

  • Log watcher looks for the “tail” utility in the right location on Haiku OS.

  • Add limit and filtering support for the changes data API as described in issue # 5207

4.7.2. Improved Documentation

  • Make docs build with the latest sphinx and improve rendering of the example HTML file for custom dashboard

  • Make docs build with Sphinx 3 and fix some typos and incorrect Python module declarations

4.7.3. Features

  • Property and Interpolate objects can now be compared. This will generate a renderable that will be evaluated at runtime. see Renderable Comparison.

  • Added argument count to lock access to allow a lock to consume a variable amount of units

  • Added arguments pollRandomDelayMin and pollRandomDelayMax to HgPoller, GitPoller, P4Poller, SvnPoller to spread the polling load

4.7.4. Deprecations and Removals

  • Removed _skipChecks from LockAccess as it’s obsolete

4.8. Buildbot 2.7.0 ( 2020-02-27 )

4.8.1. Bug fixes

  • Command buildbot-worker create-worker now supports ipv6 address for buildmaster connection.

  • Fix crash in latent worker stopService() when the worker is insubstantiating (issue # 4935).

  • Fix race condition between latent worker’s stopService() and substantiate().

  • GitHubAuth is now using Authorization headers instead of access_token query parameter, as the latter was deprecated by Github. (issue # 5188)

  • jQuery and $ are available again as a global variable for UI plugins (issue # 5161).

  • Latent workers will no longer wait for builds to finish when worker is reconfigured. The builds will still be retried on other workers and the operators will not need to potentially wait multiple hours for builds to finish.

  • p4poller will no longer override Perforce login ticket handling behavior which fixes random crashes (issue # 5042).

4.8.2. Improved Documentation

  • The procedures of upgrading to Buildbot 1.x and 2.x have been clarified in separate documents.

  • The layout of the specification of the REST API has been improved.

  • Updated newsfragments README.txt to no longer refer to renamed class HttpStatusBase

  • The documentation now uses the read-the-docs theme which is more readable.

4.8.3. Features

  • A new www badges style was added: badgeio

  • HttpStatusPushBase now allows you to skip unicode to bytes encoding while pushing data to server

  • New buildbot-worker create-worker --delete-leftover-dirs option to automatically remove obsolete builder directories

4.9. Buildbot 2.6.0 ( 2020-01-21 )

4.9.1. Bug fixes

  • Fix a potential deadlock when interrupting a step that is waiting for a lock to become available.

  • Prepare unique hgpoller name when using multiple hgpoller for multiple branches (issue # 5004)

  • Fix hgpoller crash when force pushing a branch (issue # 4876)

  • Fix mail recipient formatting to make sure address comments are separately escaped instead of escaping the whole To: or CC: header, which is not RFC compliant.

  • Master side keep-alive requests are now repeated instead of being single-shot (issue # 3630).

  • The message queues will now wait until the delivered callbacks are fully completed during shutdown.

  • Fix encoding errors during P4Poller ticket parsing issue # 5148.

  • Remove server header from HTTP response served by the web component.

  • Fix multiple race conditions in Telegram reporter that were visible in tests.

  • The Telegram reporter will now wait until in-progress polls finish during shutdown.

  • Improve reliability of timed scheduler.

  • transfer steps now correctly report errors from workers issue # 5058

  • Warn if Buildbot title in the configuration is too long and will be ignored.

  • Worker will now wait for any pending keep-alive requests to finish leaving them in indeterminate state during shutdown.

4.9.2. Improved Documentation

  • Mention that QueueRef.stopConsuming() may return a Deferred.

4.9.3. Features

  • Add the parameter –use-tls to buildbot-worker create-worker to automatically enable TLS in the connection string

  • Gerrit reporter now passes a tag for versions that support it. This enables filtering out buildbot’s messages.

  • GerritEventLogPoller and GerritChangeSource coordinate so as not to generate duplicate changes, resolves issue # 4786

  • Web front end now allows you to configure the default landing page with c[‘www’][‘default_page’] = ‘name-of-page’.

  • The new option dumpMailsToLog of MailNotifier allows to dump formatted mails to the log before sending.

  • bb:cfg:workers will now attempt to read /etc/os-release and stores them into worker info as os_<field> items. Add new interpolation worker that can be used for accessing worker info items.

4.10. Buildbot 2.5.1 ( 2019-11-24 )

4.10.1. Bug fixes

  • Updates supported browser list so that Ubuntu Chromium will not always be flagged as out of date.

  • Fixed IRC notification color of cancelled builds.

  • Updated url in description of worker service for Windows (no functionality impact).

  • Updated templates of www-badges to support additional padding configuration (issue # 5079)

  • Fix issue with custom_templates loading path (issue # 5035)

  • Fix url display when step do not contain any logs (issue # 5047)

4.11. Buildbot 2.5.0 ( 2019-10-17 )

4.11.1. Bug fixes

  • Fix crash when reconfiguring changed workers that have new builders assigned to them (issue # 4757, issue # 5027).

  • DockerLatentWorker: Allow to bind the same volume twice into a worker’s container, Buildbot now requires ‘docker-py’ (nowadays ‘docker’) version 1.2.3+ from 2015.

  • IRC bot can have authz configured to create or stop builds (issue # 2957).

  • Fix javascript exception with grid view tag filtering (issue # 4801)

4.11.2. Improved Documentation

  • Changed PluginList link from trac wiki directly to the GitHub wiki.

4.11.3. Features

  • Created a TelegramBot for notification and control through Telegram messaging app.

  • Added support for environment variable P4CONFIG to class P4Source

  • Allow to define behavior for GitCommit when there is nothing to commit.

  • Add support for revision links to Mercurial poller

  • Support recursive matching (‘**’) in MultipleFileUpload when glob=True (requires python3.5+ on the worker)

4.12. Buildbot 2.4.1 ( 2019-09-11 )

4.12.1. Bug fixes

  • allow committer of a change to be null for new setups (issue # 4987)

  • custom_templates are now working again.

  • Locks will no longer allow being acquired more times than the maxCount parameter if this parameter is changed during master reconfiguration.

4.12.2. Features

  • Improve log cleaning performance by using delete with join on supported databases.

  • Hiding/showing of inactive builders is now possible in Waterfall view.

4.13. Buildbot 2.4.0 ( 2019-08-18 )

4.13.1. Highlights

Database upgrade may take a while on larger instances on this release due to newly added index.

4.13.2. Bug fixes

  • Add an index to steps.started_at to boost expensive SQL queries.

  • Fix handling of the refs_changed event in the BitBucket Server web hook.

  • Fix errors when disconnecting a libvirt worker (issue # 4844).

  • Fix Bitbucket Cloud hook crash due to changes in their API (issue # 4873).

  • Fix GerritEventLogPoller was using the wrong date format.

  • Fix janitor Exception when there is no logchunk to delete.

  • Reduced the number of SQL queries triggered by getPrevSuccessfulBuild() by up to 100.

  • GitStepMixin: Prevent builders from corrupting temporary ssh data path by using builder name as part of the path

  • GitTag: Allow tagName to be a renderable.

  • Fix Github error reporting to handle exceptions that happen before the HTTP request is sent.

  • GitPoller: Trigger on pushes with no commits when the new revision is not the tip of another branch.

  • Git: Fix the invocation of git submodule foreach on cleaning.

  • Fix StatsService not correctly clearing old consumers on reconfig.

  • Fix various errors in try client with Python 3 (issue # 4765).

  • Prevent accidental start of multiple force builds in web UI (issue # 4823).

  • The support for proxying Buildbot frontend to another Buildbot instance during development has been fixed. This feature has been broken since v2.3.0, and is now completely re-implemented for best performance, ease of use and maintainability.

4.13.3. Improved Documentation

  • Document why some listed icons may not work out-of-the-box when building a custom dashboard (issue # 4939).

  • Improve Vault secrets management documentation and examples.

  • Link the documentation of www.port to the capabilities of twisted.application.strports.

  • Move the documentation on how to submit PRs out of the trac wiki to the documentation shipped with Buildbot, update and enhance it.

4.13.4. Features

  • Update buildbot worker image to Ubuntu 18.04 (issue # 4928).

  • DockerLatentWorker: Added support for docker build contexts, buildargs, and specifying controlling context.

  • The GerritChangeFilter and GerritEventLogPoller now populate the files attribute of emitted changes when the get_files argument is true. Enabling this feature triggers an additional HTTP request or SSH command to the Gerrit server for every emitted change.

  • Buildbot now warns users who connect using unsupported browsers.

  • Boost janitor speed by using more efficient SQL queries.

  • Scheduler properties are now renderable.

  • Sphinx: Added strict_warnings option to fail on warnings.

  • UI now shows a paginated view for trigger step sub builds.

4.13.5. Deprecations and Removals

  • Support for older browsers that were not working since 2.3.0 has been removed due to technical limitations. Notably, Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported. Currently supported browsers are Chrome 56, Firefox 52, Edge 13 and Safari 10, newer versions of these browsers and their compatible derivatives. This set of browsers covers 98% of users of

4.14. Buildbot 2.3.1 ( 2019-05-22 )

4.14.1. Bug fixes

4.15. Buildbot 2.3.0 ( 2019-05-06 )

4.15.1. Highlights

  • Support for older browsers has been hopefully temporarily broken due to frontend changes in progress. Notably, Internet Explorer 11 is not supported in this release. Currently supported browsers are Chrome 56, Firefox 52, Edge 13 and Safari 10, newer versions of these browsers and their compatible derivatives. This set of browsers covers 98% of users of

4.15.2. Bug fixes

  • Fixed Git to clean the repository after the checkout when submodules are enabled. Previously this action could lead to untracked module directories after changing branches.

  • Latent workers with negative build_wait_timeout will be shutdown on master shutdown.

  • Latent worker will now wait until start_instance() before starting stop_instance() or vice-versa. Master will wait for these functions to finish during shutdown.

  • Latent worker will now correctly handle synchronous exception from the backend worker driver.

  • Fixed a potential error during database migration when upgrading to versions >=2.0 (issue # 4711).

4.15.3. Deprecations and Removals

  • The implementation language of the Buildbot web frontend has been changed from CoffeeScript to JavaScript. The documentation has not been updated yet, as we plan to transition to TypeScript. In the transitory period support for some browsers, notably IE 11 has been dropped. We hope to bring support for older browsers back once the transitory period is over.

  • The support for building Buildbot using npm as package manager has been removed. Please use yarn as a replacement that is used by Buildbot developers.

4.16. Buildbot 2.2.0 ( 2019-04-07 )

4.16.1. Bug fixes

  • Fix passing the verify and debug parameters for the HttpStatusPush reporter

  • The builder page UI now correctly shows the list of owners for each build.

  • Fixed bug with tilde in git repo url on Python 3.7 (issue # 4639).

  • Fix secret leak when non-interpolated secret was passed to a step (issue # 4007)

4.16.2. Features

  • Added new GitCommit step to perform git commit operation

  • Added new GitTag step to perform git tag operation

  • HgPoller now supports bookmarks in addition to branches.

  • Buildbot can now monitor multiple branches in a Mercurial repository.

  • OAuth2Auth have been adapted to support ref:Secret.

  • Buildbot can now get secrets from the unix password store by zx2c4 (

  • Added a basename property to the Github pull request webhook handler.

  • The GitHub change hook secret can now be rendered.

  • Each build now gets a preparation step which counts the time spend starting latent worker.

  • Support known_hosts file format as sshKnownHosts parameter in SSH-related operations (issue # 4681)

4.17. Buildbot 2.1.0 ( 2019-03-09 )

4.17.1. Highlights

  • Worker to Master protocol can now be encrypted via TLS.

4.17.2. Bug fixes

  • To avoid database corruption, the upgrade-master command now ignores all signals except SIGKILL. It cannot be interrupted with ctrl-c (issue # 4600).

  • Fixed incorrect tracking of latent worker states that could sometimes result in duplicate stop_instance calls and so on.

  • Fixed a race condition that could manifest in cancelled substantiations if builds were created during insubstantiation of a latent worker.

  • Perforce CLI Rev. 2018.2/1751184 (2019/01/21) is now supported (issue # 4574).

  • Fix encoding issues with Forcescheduler parameters error management code.

4.17.3. Improved Documentation

  • fix grammar mistakes and use Uppercase B for Buildbot

4.17.4. Features

  • Worker now have connection_string kw-argument which can be used to connect to a master over TLS.

  • Adding ‘expand_logs’ option for LogPreview related settings.

  • Force schedulers buttons are now sorted by their name. (issue # 4619)

  • workers now have a new defaultProperties parameter.

4.18. Buildbot 2.0.1 ( 2019-02-06 )

4.18.1. Bug fixes

  • Do not build universal python wheels now that Python 2 is not supported.

  • Print a warning discouraging users from stopping the database migration.

4.19. Buildbot 2.0.0 ( 2019-02-02 )

4.19.1. Deprecations and Removals

  • Removed support for Python <3.5 in the buildbot master code. Buildbot worker remains compatible with python2.7, and interoperability tests are run continuously.

  • APIs that are not documented in the official Buildbot documentation have been made private. Users of these undocumented APIs are encouraged to file bugs to get them exposed.

  • Removed support of old slave APIs from pre-0.9 days. Using old APIs may fail silently. To avoid weird errors when upgrading a Buildbot installation that may use old APIs, first upgrade to to 1.8.0 and make sure there are no deprecated API warnings.

  • Remove deprecated default value handling of the keypair_name and security_name attributes of EC2LatentWorker.

  • Support for containers cloud provider has been removed as this service has shutdown.

4.19.2. Bug fixes

  • Fix CRLF injection vulnerability with validating user provided redirect parameters ( Thanks to mik317 and mariadb for reporting it.

  • Fix lockup during master shutdown when there’s a build with unanswered ping from the worker and the TCP connection to worker is severed (issue:4575).

  • Fix RemoteUserAuth.maybeAutLogin consumes bytes object as str leading to TypeError during JSON serialization. (issue # 4402)

  • Various database integrity problems were fixed. Most notably, it is now possible to delete old changes without wiping all “child” changes in cascade (issue # 4539, pull request 4536).

  • The GitLab change hook secret is now rendered correctly. (issue # 4118).

4.19.3. Features

  • Identifiers can now contain UTF-8 characters which are not ASCII. This includes worker names, builder names, and step names.

5. Older Release Notes

Note that Buildbot-0.8.11 was never released.