Package buildbot :: Package status :: Package web :: Module authz
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Source Code for Module buildbot.status.web.authz

  1  # This file is part of Buildbot.  Buildbot is free software: you can 
  2  # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public 
  3  # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. 
  4  # 
  5  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
  6  # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
  7  # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more 
  8  # details. 
  9  # 
 10  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 
 11  # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 
 12  # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. 
 13  # 
 14  # Copyright Buildbot Team Members 
 16  from twisted.internet import defer 
 17  from buildbot.status.web.auth import IAuth 
 18  from buildbot.status.web.session import SessionManager 
 20  COOKIE_KEY="BuildBotSession" 
21 -class Authz(object):
22 """Decide who can do what.""" 23 24 knownActions = [ 25 # If you add a new action here, be sure to also update the documentation 26 # at docs/cfg-statustargets.texinfo 27 'gracefulShutdown', 28 'forceBuild', 29 'forceAllBuilds', 30 'pingBuilder', 31 'stopBuild', 32 'stopAllBuilds', 33 'cancelPendingBuild', 34 'stopChange', 35 'cleanShutdown', 36 'showUsersPage', 37 ] 38
39 - def __init__(self, 40 default_action=False, 41 auth=None, 42 useHttpHeader=False, 43 httpLoginUrl=False, 44 **kwargs):
45 self.auth = auth 46 if auth: 47 assert IAuth.providedBy(auth) 48 49 self.useHttpHeader = useHttpHeader 50 self.httpLoginUrl = httpLoginUrl 51 52 self.config = dict( (a, default_action) for a in self.knownActions ) 53 for act in self.knownActions: 54 if act in kwargs: 55 self.config[act] = kwargs[act] 56 del kwargs[act] 57 58 self.sessions = SessionManager() 59 if kwargs: 60 raise ValueError("unknown authorization action(s) " + ", ".join(kwargs.keys()))
62 - def session(self, request):
63 if COOKIE_KEY in request.received_cookies: 64 cookie = request.received_cookies[COOKIE_KEY] 65 return self.sessions.get(cookie) 66 return None
68 - def authenticated(self, request):
69 if self.useHttpHeader: 70 return request.getUser() != '' 71 return self.session(request) != None
73 - def getUserInfo(self, user):
74 if self.useHttpHeader: 75 return dict(userName=user, fullName=user, email=user, groups=[ user ]) 76 s = self.sessions.getUser(user) 77 if s: 78 return s.infos
80 - def getUsername(self, request):
81 """Get the userid of the user""" 82 if self.useHttpHeader: 83 return request.getUser() 84 s = self.session(request) 85 if s: 86 return s.user 87 return request.args.get("username", ["<unknown>"])[0]
89 - def getUsernameHTML(self, request):
90 """Get the user formatated in html (with possible link to email)""" 91 if self.useHttpHeader: 92 return request.getUser() 93 s = self.session(request) 94 if s: 95 return s.userInfosHTML() 96 return "not authenticated?!"
98 - def getUsernameFull(self, request):
99 """Get the full username as fullname <email>""" 100 if self.useHttpHeader: 101 return request.getUser() 102 s = self.session(request) 103 if s: 104 return "%(fullName)s <%(email)s>"%(s.infos) 105 else: 106 return request.args.get("username", ["<unknown>"])[0]
107 108
109 - def getPassword(self, request):
110 if self.useHttpHeader: 111 return request.getPassword() 112 return request.args.get("passwd", ["<no-password>"])[0]
114 - def advertiseAction(self, action, request):
115 """Should the web interface even show the form for ACTION?""" 116 if action not in self.knownActions: 117 raise KeyError("unknown action") 118 cfg = self.config.get(action, False) 119 if cfg: 120 if cfg == 'auth' or callable(cfg): 121 return self.authenticated(request) 122 return cfg
124 - def actionAllowed(self, action, request, *args):
125 """Is this ACTION allowed, given this http REQUEST?""" 126 if action not in self.knownActions: 127 raise KeyError("unknown action") 128 cfg = self.config.get(action, False) 129 if cfg: 130 if cfg == 'auth' or callable(cfg): 131 if not self.auth: 132 return defer.succeed(False) 133 def check_authenticate(res): 134 if callable(cfg) and not cfg(self.getUsername(request), *args): 135 return False 136 return True
137 # retain old behaviour, if people have scripts 138 # without cookie support 139 passwd = self.getPassword(request) 140 if self.authenticated(request): 141 return defer.succeed(check_authenticate(None)) 142 elif passwd != "<no-password>": 143 def check_login(cookie): 144 ret = False 145 if type(cookie) is str: 146 ret = check_authenticate(None) 147 self.sessions.remove(cookie) 148 return ret
149 d = self.login(request) 150 d.addBoth(check_login) 151 return d 152 else: 153 return defer.succeed(False) 154 return defer.succeed(cfg) 155
156 - def login(self, request):
157 """Login one user, and return session cookie""" 158 if self.authenticated(request): 159 return defer.succeed(False) 160 161 user = request.args.get("username", ["<unknown>"])[0] 162 passwd = request.args.get("passwd", ["<no-password>"])[0] 163 if user == "<unknown>" or passwd == "<no-password>": 164 return defer.succeed(False) 165 if not self.auth: 166 return defer.succeed(False) 167 d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.auth.authenticate, user, passwd) 168 def check_authenticate(res): 169 if res: 170 cookie, s =, self.auth.getUserInfo(user)) 171 request.addCookie(COOKIE_KEY, cookie, expires=s.getExpiration(),path="/") 172 request.received_cookies = {COOKIE_KEY:cookie} 173 return cookie 174 else: 175 return False
176 d.addBoth(check_authenticate) 177 return d 178
179 - def logout(self, request):
180 if COOKIE_KEY in request.received_cookies: 181 cookie = request.received_cookies[COOKIE_KEY] 182 self.sessions.remove(cookie)