Package buildbot :: Package status :: Package web :: Module auth :: Class HTPasswdAprAuth
[frames] | no frames]

Class HTPasswdAprAuth

source code

AuthBase --+    
HTPasswdAuth --+

Instance Methods
__init__(self, file)
file is a path to an .htpasswd file.
source code
validatePassword(self, passwd, hash) source code
Special descriptor for class __provides__

Inherited from HTPasswdAuth: authenticate

Inherited from AuthBase: __providedBy__, errmsg, getUserInfo

Class Variables
  file = ""
Path to the .htpasswd file to use.
  __implemented__ = <implementedBy buildbot.status.web.auth.HTPa...

Inherited from AuthBase: err, master

Method Details

__init__(self, file)

source code 

file is a path to an .htpasswd file.

Overrides: HTPasswdAuth.__init__
(inherited documentation)

validatePassword(self, passwd, hash)

source code 
Overrides: HTPasswdAuth.validatePassword



Special descriptor for class __provides__

The descriptor caches the implementedBy info, so that we can get declarations for objects without instance-specific interfaces a bit quicker.

Overrides: AuthBase.__provides__

Class Variable Details


<implementedBy buildbot.status.web.auth.HTPasswdAprAuth>