Package buildbot :: Package status :: Module builder :: Class BuildStatus
[frames] | no frames]

Class BuildStatus

source code

twisted.persisted.styles.Versioned --+
                                     | --+

Instance Methods
Get state, adding a version number to it on its way out.
source code
__init__(self, parent, master, number) source code
Special descriptor for class __provides__
__repr__(self) source code
__setstate__(self, d) source code
addStepWithName(self, name)
The Build is setting up, and has added a new BuildStep to its list.
source code
addTestResult(self, result) source code
asDict(self) source code
buildFinished(self) source code
buildStarted(self, build)
The Build has been set up and is about to be started.
source code
checkLogfiles(self) source code
generateLogfileName(self, stepname, logname)
Return a filename (relative to the Builder's base directory) where the logfile's contents can be stored uniquely.
source code
getAllGotRevisions(self) source code
getBuilder(self) source code
getChanges(self) source code
getCurrentStep(self) source code
getETA(self) source code
getInterestedUsers(self) source code
getLogs(self) source code
getNumber(self) source code
getPreviousBuild(self) source code
getReason(self) source code
getResponsibleUsers(self) source code
getResults(self) source code
getRevisions(self) source code
getSlavename(self) source code
getSourceStamps(self, absolute=False) source code
Return a list of IBuildStepStatus objects.
source code
getSummaryStatistic(self, name, summary_fn, initial_value=[])
Summarize the named statistic over all steps in which it exists, using combination_fn and initial_value to combine multiple results into a single result.
source code
getTestResults(self) source code
getText(self) source code
getTimes(self) source code
isFinished(self) source code
pruneSteps(self) source code
saveYourself(self) source code
sendETAUpdate(self, receiver, updateInterval) source code
setBlamelist(self, blamelist) source code
setProcessObjects(self, builder, master) source code
setProgress(self, progress) source code
setReason(self, reason) source code
setResults(self, results) source code
setSlavename(self, slavename) source code
setSourceStamps(self, sourceStamps) source code
setText(self, text) source code
stepStarted(self, step) source code
subscribe(self, receiver, updateInterval=None) source code
unsubscribe(self, receiver) source code
upgradeToVersion1(self) source code
upgradeToVersion2(self) source code
upgradeToVersion3(self) source code
upgradeToVersion4(self) source code
waitUntilFinished(self) source code

Inherited from twisted.persisted.styles.Versioned: __providedBy__, versionUpgrade

Inherited from getProperties, getProperty, hasProperty, has_key, render, setProperty

Class Variables
  __implemented__ = <implementedBy
  blamelist = []
  changes = []
  currentStep = None
  finished = None
  finishedWatchers = []
  persistenceForgets = ('wasUpgraded')
  persistenceVersion = 4
  progress = None
  reason = None
  results = None
  set_runtime_properties = True
the default value for the runtime parameter of setProperty.
  slavename = '???'
  sources = None
  started = None
  testResults = {}
  text = []
  updates = {}
  watchers = []
Method Details


source code 

Get state, adding a version number to it on its way out.

Overrides: twisted.persisted.styles.Versioned.__getstate__
(inherited documentation)

__init__(self, parent, master, number)

source code 



Special descriptor for class __provides__

The descriptor caches the implementedBy info, so that we can get declarations for objects without instance-specific interfaces a bit quicker.


__setstate__(self, d)

source code 
Overrides: twisted.persisted.styles.Versioned.__setstate__

addStepWithName(self, name)

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The Build is setting up, and has added a new BuildStep to its list. Create a BuildStepStatus object to which it can send status updates.

buildStarted(self, build)

source code 

The Build has been set up and is about to be started. It can now be safely queried, so it is time to announce the new build.

generateLogfileName(self, stepname, logname)

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Return a filename (relative to the Builder's base directory) where the logfile's contents can be stored uniquely.

The base filename is made by combining our build number, the Step's name, and the log's name, then removing unsuitable characters. The filename is then made unique by appending _0, _1, etc, until it does not collide with any other logfile.

These files are kept in the Builder's basedir (rather than a per-Build subdirectory) because that makes cleanup easier: cron and find will help get rid of the old logs, but the empty directories are more of a hassle to remove.


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Return a list of IBuildStepStatus objects. For invariant builds (those which always use the same set of Steps), this should be the complete list, however some of the steps may not have started yet (step.getTimes()[0] will be None). For variant builds, this may not be complete (asking again later may give you more of them).

getSummaryStatistic(self, name, summary_fn, initial_value=[])

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Summarize the named statistic over all steps in which it exists, using combination_fn and initial_value to combine multiple results into a single result. This translates to a call to Python's reduce:

   return reduce(summary_fn, step_stats_list, initial_value)

Class Variable Details

