Package buildbot :: Module buildslave :: Class AbstractBuildSlave
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Class AbstractBuildSlave

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       config.ReconfigurableServiceMixin --+
                twisted.spread.pb.Avatar --+
 twisted.application.service.Service --+   |
                                       |   |
twisted.application.service.MultiService --+
Known Subclasses:

This is the master-side representative for a remote buildbot slave. There is exactly one for each slave described in the config file (the c['slaves'] list). When buildbots connect in (.attach), they get a reference to this instance. The BotMaster object is stashed as the .botmaster attribute. The BotMaster is also our '.parent' Service.

I represent a build slave -- a remote machine capable of running builds. I am instantiated by the configuration file, and can be subclassed to add extra functionality.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, name, password, max_builds=None, notify_on_missing=[], missing_timeout=3600, properties={}, locks=None, keepalive_interval=3600) source code
__repr__(self) source code
Convert the LockAccess objects in self.locks into real lock objects, while also maintaining the subscriptions to lock releases.
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I am called to see if all the locks I depend on are available, in which I return True, otherwise I return False
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I am called when a build is preparing to run.
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I am called to release any locks after a build has finished
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startService(self) source code
reconfigService(self, new_config) source code
stopService(self) source code
findNewSlaveInstance(self, new_config) source code
startMissingTimer(self) source code
stopMissingTimer(self) source code
getPerspective(self, mind, slavename) source code
doKeepalive(self) source code
stopKeepaliveTimer(self) source code
startKeepaliveTimer(self) source code
isConnected(self) source code
Called to add or remove builders after the slave has connected.
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updateSlaveStatus(self, buildStarted=None, buildFinished=None) source code
attached(*args, **kwargs)
This is called when the slave connects.
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messageReceivedFromSlave(self) source code
detached(self, mind) source code
subscribeToDetach(self, callback)
Request that callable be invoked with no arguments when the detached method is invoked.
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Forcibly disconnect the slave.
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sendBuilderList(self) source code
perspective_keepalive(self) source code
perspective_shutdown(self) source code
addSlaveBuilder(self, sb) source code
removeSlaveBuilder(self, sb) source code
buildFinished(self, sb)
This is called when a build on this slave is finished.
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I am called when a build is requested to see if this buildslave can start a build.
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shutdown(*args, **kwargs)
Shutdown the slave
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Shut down this slave if it has been asked to shut down gracefully, and has no active builders.
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Special descriptor for class __provides__

Inherited from config.ReconfigurableServiceMixin: __providedBy__

Inherited from twisted.spread.pb.Avatar: perspectiveMessageReceived

Inherited from twisted.application.service.MultiService: __iter__, addService, getServiceNamed, privilegedStartService, removeService

Inherited from twisted.application.service.Service: __getstate__, disownServiceParent, setName, setServiceParent

Class Variables
  keepalive_timer = None
  keepalive_interval = None
  reconfig_priority = 64
  __implemented__ = <implementedBy buildbot.buildslave.AbstractB...

Inherited from twisted.application.service.Service: name, parent, running

Method Details

__init__(self, name, password, max_builds=None, notify_on_missing=[], missing_timeout=3600, properties={}, locks=None, keepalive_interval=3600)

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  • name - botname this machine will supply when it connects
  • password - password this machine will supply when it connects
  • max_builds - maximum number of simultaneous builds that will be run concurrently on this buildslave (the default is None for no limit)
  • properties (dictionary) - properties that will be applied to builds run on this slave
  • locks (dictionary) - A list of locks that must be acquired before this slave can be used
Overrides: twisted.application.service.MultiService.__init__


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I am called when a build is preparing to run. I try to claim all the locks that are needed for a build to happen. If I can't, then my caller should give up the build and try to get another slave to look at it.


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Overrides: twisted.application.service.Service.startService

reconfigService(self, new_config)

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Overrides: config.ReconfigurableServiceMixin.reconfigService


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Overrides: twisted.application.service.Service.stopService


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Called to add or remove builders after the slave has connected.

a Deferred that indicates when an attached slave has accepted the new builders and/or released the old ones.

attached(*args, **kwargs)

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This is called when the slave connects.

a Deferred that fires when the attachment is complete
  • @metrics.countMethod('AbstractBuildSlave.attached()')

subscribeToDetach(self, callback)

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Request that callable be invoked with no arguments when the detached method is invoked.



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Forcibly disconnect the slave.

This severs the TCP connection and returns a Deferred that will fire (with None) when the connection is probably gone.

If the slave is still alive, they will probably try to reconnect again in a moment.

This is called in two circumstances. The first is when a slave is removed from the config file. In this case, when they try to reconnect, they will be rejected as an unknown slave. The second is when we wind up with two connections for the same slave, in which case we disconnect the older connection.


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I am called when a build is requested to see if this buildslave can start a build. This function can be used to limit overall concurrency on the buildslave.

Note for subclassers: if a slave can become willing to start a build without any action on that slave (for example, by a resource in use on another slave becoming available), then you must arrange for maybeStartBuildsForSlave to be called at that time, or builds on this slave will not start.

shutdown(*args, **kwargs)

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Shutdown the slave

  • @defer.deferredGenerator


Special descriptor for class __provides__

The descriptor caches the implementedBy info, so that
we can get declarations for objects without instance-specific
interfaces a bit quicker.

For example:

  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class IFooFactory(Interface):
  ...     pass
  >>> class IFoo(Interface):
  ...     pass
  >>> class C(object):
  ...     implements(IFoo)
  ...     classProvides(IFooFactory)
  >>> [i.getName() for i in C.__provides__]

  >>> [i.getName() for i in C().__provides__]

Overrides: twisted.application.service.Service.__provides__

Class Variable Details


<implementedBy buildbot.buildslave.AbstractBuildSlave>