Package buildslave :: Package commands :: Module base :: Class SourceBaseCommand
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Class SourceBaseCommand

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Command --+
Known Subclasses:

Abstract base class for Version Control System operations (checkout and update). This class extracts the following arguments from the dictionary received from the master:

Instance Methods
setup(self, args)
Override this in a subclass to extract items from the args dict.
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getCommand(self, name)
Wrapper around utils.getCommand that will output a resonable error message and raise AbandonChain if the command cannot be found
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Start the command.
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maybeClobber(self, d) source code
Override this in a subclass to allow commands to be interrupted.
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doVC(self, res) source code
sourcedataMatches(self) source code
sourcedirIsPatched(self) source code
Override this in a subclass.
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readSourcedata(self) source code
writeSourcedata(self, res) source code
Returns True if the tree can be updated.
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Returns a deferred with the steps to update a checkout.
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Returns a deferred with the steps to do a fresh checkout.
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maybeDoVCFallback(self, rc) source code
doVCFallback2(self, res) source code
maybeNotDoVCFallback(self, rc)
Override this in a subclass if you want to detect unrecoverable checkout errors where clobbering the repo wouldn't help, and stop the current VC chain before it clobbers the repo for future builds.
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maybeDoVCRetry(self, res)
We get here somewhere after a VC chain has finished.
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doClobber(self, dummy, dirname, chmodDone=False) source code
doClobberTryChmodIfFail(self, rc, dirname) source code
doCopy(self, res) source code
doPatch(self, res) source code

Inherited from Command: __init__, __providedBy__, doInterrupt, doStart, sendStatus

Class Variables
  sourcedata = ''

Inherited from Command: __implemented__, __provides__, debug, interrupted, running

Method Details

setup(self, args)

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Override this in a subclass to extract items from the args dict.

Overrides: Command.setup
(inherited documentation)


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Start the command. This method should return a Deferred that will fire when the command has completed. The Deferred's argument will be ignored.

This method should be overridden by subclasses.

Overrides: Command.start
(inherited documentation)


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Override this in a subclass to allow commands to be interrupted. May be called multiple times, test and set self.interrupted=True if this matters.

Overrides: Command.interrupt
(inherited documentation)


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Override this in a subclass. It should return a string that represents which revision was actually checked out, or a Deferred that will fire with such a string. If, in a future build, you were to pass this 'got_revision' string in as the 'revision' component of a SourceStamp, you should wind up with the same source code as this checkout just obtained.

It is probably most useful to scan self.command.stdout for a string of some sort. Be sure to set keepStdout=True on the VC command that you run, so that you'll have something available to look at.

If this information is unavailable, just return None.

maybeNotDoVCFallback(self, rc)

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Override this in a subclass if you want to detect unrecoverable checkout errors where clobbering the repo wouldn't help, and stop the current VC chain before it clobbers the repo for future builds.

Use 'raise AbandonChain' to pass up a halt if you do detect such.

maybeDoVCRetry(self, res)

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We get here somewhere after a VC chain has finished. res could be:

- 0: the operation was successful
- nonzero: the operation failed. retry if possible
- AbandonChain: the operation failed, someone else noticed. retry.
- Failure: some other exception, re-raise