Package buildbot :: Package changes :: Module p4poller
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Source Code for Module buildbot.changes.p4poller

  1  # -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_p4poller -*- 
  3  # Many thanks to Dave Peticolas for contributing this module 
  5  import re 
  6  import time 
  7  import os 
  9  from twisted.python import log 
 10  from twisted.internet import defer, reactor 
 11  from twisted.internet.utils import getProcessOutput 
 12  from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall 
 14  from buildbot import util 
 15  from buildbot.changes import base, changes 
17 -class P4PollerError(Exception):
18 """Something went wrong with the poll. This is used as a distinctive 19 exception type so that unit tests can detect and ignore it."""
21 -def get_simple_split(branchfile):
22 """Splits the branchfile argument and assuming branch is 23 the first path component in branchfile, will return 24 branch and file else None.""" 25 26 index = branchfile.find('/') 27 if index == -1: return None, None 28 branch, file = branchfile.split('/', 1) 29 return branch, file
31 -class P4Source(base.ChangeSource, util.ComparableMixin):
32 """This source will poll a perforce repository for changes and submit 33 them to the change master.""" 34 35 compare_attrs = ["p4port", "p4user", "p4passwd", "p4base", 36 "p4bin", "pollinterval"] 37 38 env_vars = ["P4CLIENT", "P4PORT", "P4PASSWD", "P4USER", 39 "P4CHARSET"] 40 41 changes_line_re = re.compile( 42 r"Change (?P<num>\d+) on \S+ by \S+@\S+ '.*'$") 43 describe_header_re = re.compile( 44 r"Change \d+ by (?P<who>\S+)@\S+ on (?P<when>.+)$") 45 file_re = re.compile(r"^\.\.\. (?P<path>[^#]+)#\d+ [/\w]+$") 46 datefmt = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' 47 48 parent = None # filled in when we're added 49 last_change = None 50 loop = None 51 working = False 52
53 - def __init__(self, p4port=None, p4user=None, p4passwd=None, 54 p4base='//', p4bin='p4', 55 split_file=lambda branchfile: (None, branchfile), 56 pollinterval=60 * 10, histmax=None):
57 """ 58 @type p4port: string 59 @param p4port: p4 port definition (host:portno) 60 @type p4user: string 61 @param p4user: p4 user 62 @type p4passwd: string 63 @param p4passwd: p4 passwd 64 @type p4base: string 65 @param p4base: p4 file specification to limit a poll to 66 without the trailing '...' (i.e., //) 67 @type p4bin: string 68 @param p4bin: path to p4 binary, defaults to just 'p4' 69 @type split_file: func 70 $param split_file: splits a filename into branch and filename. 71 @type pollinterval: int 72 @param pollinterval: interval in seconds between polls 73 @type histmax: int 74 @param histmax: (obsolete) maximum number of changes to look back through. 75 ignored; accepted for backwards compatibility. 76 """ 77 78 self.p4port = p4port 79 self.p4user = p4user 80 self.p4passwd = p4passwd 81 self.p4base = p4base 82 self.p4bin = p4bin 83 self.split_file = split_file 84 self.pollinterval = pollinterval 85 self.loop = LoopingCall(self.checkp4)
87 - def startService(self):
88 base.ChangeSource.startService(self) 89 90 # Don't start the loop just yet because the reactor isn't running. 91 # Give it a chance to go and install our SIGCHLD handler before 92 # spawning processes. 93 reactor.callLater(0, self.loop.start, self.pollinterval)
95 - def stopService(self):
96 self.loop.stop() 97 return base.ChangeSource.stopService(self)
99 - def describe(self):
100 return "p4source %s %s" % (self.p4port, self.p4base)
102 - def checkp4(self):
103 # Our return value is only used for unit testing. 104 if self.working: 105 log.msg("Skipping checkp4 because last one has not finished") 106 return defer.succeed(None) 107 else: 108 self.working = True 109 d = self._get_changes() 110 d.addCallback(self._process_changes) 111 d.addCallbacks(self._finished_ok, self._finished_failure) 112 return d
114 - def _finished_ok(self, res):
115 assert self.working 116 self.working = False 117 return res
119 - def _finished_failure(self, res):
120 assert self.working 121 self.working = False 122 123 # Again, the return value is only for unit testing. If there's a 124 # failure, log it so it isn't lost. Use log.err to make sure unit 125 # tests flunk if there was a problem. 126 log.err(res, 'P4 poll failed') 127 return None
129 - def _get_process_output(self, args):
130 env = dict([(e, os.environ.get(e)) for e in self.env_vars if os.environ.get(e)]) 131 d = getProcessOutput(self.p4bin, args, env) 132 return d
134 - def _get_changes(self):
135 args = [] 136 if self.p4port: 137 args.extend(['-p', self.p4port]) 138 if self.p4user: 139 args.extend(['-u', self.p4user]) 140 if self.p4passwd: 141 args.extend(['-P', self.p4passwd]) 142 args.extend(['changes']) 143 if self.last_change is not None: 144 args.extend(['%s...@%d,now' % (self.p4base, self.last_change+1)]) 145 else: 146 args.extend(['-m', '1', '%s...' % (self.p4base,)]) 147 return self._get_process_output(args)
149 - def _process_changes(self, result):
150 last_change = self.last_change 151 changelists = [] 152 for line in result.split('\n'): 153 line = line.strip() 154 if not line: continue 155 m = self.changes_line_re.match(line) 156 if not m: 157 raise P4PollerError("Unexpected 'p4 changes' output: %r" % result) 158 num = int('num')) 159 if last_change is None: 160 log.msg('P4Poller: starting at change %d' % num) 161 self.last_change = num 162 return [] 163 changelists.append(num) 164 changelists.reverse() # oldest first 165 166 # Retrieve each sequentially. 167 d = defer.succeed(None) 168 for c in changelists: 169 d.addCallback(self._get_describe, c) 170 d.addCallback(self._process_describe, c) 171 return d
173 - def _get_describe(self, dummy, num):
174 args = [] 175 if self.p4port: 176 args.extend(['-p', self.p4port]) 177 if self.p4user: 178 args.extend(['-u', self.p4user]) 179 if self.p4passwd: 180 args.extend(['-P', self.p4passwd]) 181 args.extend(['describe', '-s', str(num)]) 182 return self._get_process_output(args)
184 - def _process_describe(self, result, num):
185 lines = result.split('\n') 186 # SF#1555985: Wade Brainerd reports a stray ^M at the end of the date 187 # field. The rstrip() is intended to remove that. 188 lines[0] = lines[0].rstrip() 189 m = self.describe_header_re.match(lines[0]) 190 if not m: 191 raise P4PollerError("Unexpected 'p4 describe -s' result: %r" % result) 192 who ='who') 193 when = time.mktime(time.strptime('when'), self.datefmt)) 194 comments = '' 195 while not lines[0].startswith('Affected files'): 196 comments += lines.pop(0) + '\n' 197 lines.pop(0) # affected files 198 199 branch_files = {} # dict for branch mapped to file(s) 200 while lines: 201 line = lines.pop(0).strip() 202 if not line: continue 203 m = self.file_re.match(line) 204 if not m: 205 raise P4PollerError("Invalid file line: %r" % line) 206 path ='path') 207 if path.startswith(self.p4base): 208 branch, file = self.split_file(path[len(self.p4base):]) 209 if (branch == None and file == None): continue 210 if branch_files.has_key(branch): 211 branch_files[branch].append(file) 212 else: 213 branch_files[branch] = [file] 214 215 for branch in branch_files: 216 c = changes.Change(who=who, 217 files=branch_files[branch], 218 comments=comments, 219 revision=str(num), 220 when=when, 221 branch=branch) 222 self.parent.addChange(c) 223 224 self.last_change = num