Package buildbot :: Package status :: Module status_push :: Class HttpStatusPush
[frames] | no frames]

Class HttpStatusPush

source code

                 base.StatusReceiverBase --+        
 twisted.application.service.Service --+   |        
                                       |   |        
twisted.application.service.MultiService --+        
                    util.ComparableMixin --+        
             base.StatusReceiverMultiService --+    
                                      StatusPush --+

Event streamer to a HTTP server.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, serverUrl, debug=None, maxMemoryItems=None, maxDiskItems=None, chunkSize=200, maxHttpRequestSize=1048576, **kwargs) source code
Returns if the "virtual pointer" in the queue advanced.
source code
Pops items from the pending list.
source code
Do the HTTP POST to the server.
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Inherited from StatusPush: buildETAUpdate, buildFinished, buildStarted, builderAdded, builderChangedState, builderRemoved, buildsetSubmitted, changeAdded, finalPush, initialPush, logFinished, logStarted, push, queueNextServerPush, requestCancelled, requestSubmitted, slaveConnected, slaveDisconnected, startService, stepETAUpdate, stepFinished, stepStarted, stepText2Changed, stepTextChanged, stopService

Inherited from base.StatusReceiverMultiService: __provides__

Inherited from base.StatusReceiverBase: __providedBy__, checkConfig, logChunk

Inherited from twisted.application.service.MultiService: __iter__, addService, getServiceNamed, privilegedStartService, removeService

Inherited from twisted.application.service.Service: __getstate__, disownServiceParent, setName, setServiceParent

Inherited from util.ComparableMixin: __cmp__, __hash__

Class Variables

Inherited from base.StatusReceiverMultiService: __implemented__

Inherited from twisted.application.service.Service: name, parent, running

Inherited from util.ComparableMixin: compare_attrs

Method Details

__init__(self, serverUrl, debug=None, maxMemoryItems=None, maxDiskItems=None, chunkSize=200, maxHttpRequestSize=1048576, **kwargs)

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Overrides: twisted.application.service.MultiService.__init__


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Returns if the "virtual pointer" in the queue advanced.

Overrides: StatusPush.wasLastPushSuccessful
(inherited documentation)


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Pops items from the pending list.

They must be queued back on failure.