Package buildbot :: Package db :: Module buildrequests
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Source Code for Module buildbot.db.buildrequests

  1  # This file is part of Buildbot.  Buildbot is free software: you can 
  2  # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public 
  3  # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. 
  4  # 
  5  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
  6  # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
  7  # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more 
  8  # details. 
  9  # 
 10  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 
 11  # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 
 12  # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. 
 13  # 
 14  # Copyright Buildbot Team Members 
 16  import itertools 
 17  import sqlalchemy as sa 
 18  from twisted.internet import reactor 
 19  from twisted.python import log 
 20  from buildbot.db import base 
 21  from buildbot.util import epoch2datetime, datetime2epoch 
22 23 -class AlreadyClaimedError(Exception):
24 pass
26 -class NotClaimedError(Exception):
27 pass
29 -class BrDict(dict):
30 pass
32 # private decorator to add a _master_objectid keyword argument, querying from 33 # the master 34 -def with_master_objectid(fn):
35 def wrap(self, *args, **kwargs): 36 d = self.db.master.getObjectId() 37 d.addCallback(lambda master_objectid : 38 fn(self, _master_objectid=master_objectid, *args, **kwargs)) 39 return d
40 wrap.__name__ = fn.__name__ 41 wrap.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ 42 return wrap 43
44 -class BuildRequestsConnectorComponent(base.DBConnectorComponent):
45 # Documentation is in developer/database.rst 46 47 @with_master_objectid
48 - def getBuildRequest(self, brid, _master_objectid=None):
49 def thd(conn): 50 reqs_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequests 51 claims_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequest_claims 52 res = conn.execute([ 53 reqs_tbl.outerjoin(claims_tbl, 54 ( == claims_tbl.c.brid)) ], 55 whereclause=( == brid))) 56 row = res.fetchone() 57 58 rv = None 59 if row: 60 rv = self._brdictFromRow(row, _master_objectid) 61 res.close() 62 return rv
63 return
64 65 @with_master_objectid
66 - def getBuildRequests(self, buildername=None, complete=None, claimed=None, 67 bsid=None, _master_objectid=None):
68 def thd(conn): 69 reqs_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequests 70 claims_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequest_claims 71 q =[ reqs_tbl.outerjoin(claims_tbl, 72 == claims_tbl.c.brid) ]) 73 if claimed is not None: 74 if not claimed: 75 q = q.where( 76 (claims_tbl.c.claimed_at == None) & 77 (reqs_tbl.c.complete == 0)) 78 elif claimed == "mine": 79 q = q.where( 80 (claims_tbl.c.objectid == _master_objectid)) 81 else: 82 q = q.where( 83 (claims_tbl.c.claimed_at != None)) 84 if buildername is not None: 85 q = q.where(reqs_tbl.c.buildername == buildername) 86 if complete is not None: 87 if complete: 88 q = q.where(reqs_tbl.c.complete != 0) 89 else: 90 q = q.where(reqs_tbl.c.complete == 0) 91 if bsid is not None: 92 q = q.where(reqs_tbl.c.buildsetid == bsid) 93 res = conn.execute(q) 94 95 return [ self._brdictFromRow(row, _master_objectid) 96 for row in res.fetchall() ]
97 return 98 99 @with_master_objectid
100 - def claimBuildRequests(self, brids, claimed_at=None, _reactor=reactor, 101 _master_objectid=None):
102 if claimed_at is not None: 103 claimed_at = datetime2epoch(claimed_at) 104 else: 105 claimed_at = _reactor.seconds() 106 107 def thd(conn): 108 transaction = conn.begin() 109 tbl = self.db.model.buildrequest_claims 110 111 try: 112 q = tbl.insert() 113 conn.execute(q, [ dict(brid=id, objectid=_master_objectid, 114 claimed_at=claimed_at) 115 for id in brids ]) 116 except (sa.exc.IntegrityError, sa.exc.ProgrammingError): 117 transaction.rollback() 118 raise AlreadyClaimedError 119 120 transaction.commit()
121 122 return 123 124 @with_master_objectid
125 - def reclaimBuildRequests(self, brids, _reactor=reactor, 126 _master_objectid=None):
127 def thd(conn): 128 transaction = conn.begin() 129 tbl = self.db.model.buildrequest_claims 130 claimed_at = _reactor.seconds() 131 132 # we'll need to batch the brids into groups of 100, so that the 133 # parameter lists supported by the DBAPI aren't exhausted 134 iterator = iter(brids) 135 136 while 1: 137 batch = list(itertools.islice(iterator, 100)) 138 if not batch: 139 break # success! 140 141 q = tbl.update(tbl.c.brid.in_(batch) 142 & (tbl.c.objectid==_master_objectid)) 143 res = conn.execute(q, claimed_at=claimed_at) 144 145 # if fewer rows were updated than expected, then something 146 # went wrong 147 if res.rowcount != len(batch): 148 transaction.rollback() 149 raise AlreadyClaimedError 150 151 transaction.commit()
152 return 153 154 @with_master_objectid
155 - def unclaimBuildRequests(self, brids, _master_objectid=None):
156 def thd(conn): 157 transaction = conn.begin() 158 claims_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequest_claims 159 160 # we'll need to batch the brids into groups of 100, so that the 161 # parameter lists supported by the DBAPI aren't exhausted 162 iterator = iter(brids) 163 164 while 1: 165 batch = list(itertools.islice(iterator, 100)) 166 if not batch: 167 break # success! 168 169 try: 170 q = claims_tbl.delete( 171 (claims_tbl.c.brid.in_(batch)) 172 & (claims_tbl.c.objectid == _master_objectid)) 173 conn.execute(q) 174 except: 175 transaction.rollback() 176 raise 177 178 transaction.commit()
179 return 180 181 @with_master_objectid
182 - def completeBuildRequests(self, brids, results, complete_at=None, 183 _reactor=reactor, _master_objectid=None):
184 if complete_at is not None: 185 complete_at = datetime2epoch(complete_at) 186 else: 187 complete_at = _reactor.seconds() 188 189 def thd(conn): 190 transaction = conn.begin() 191 192 # the update here is simple, but a number of conditions are 193 # attached to ensure that we do not update a row inappropriately, 194 # Note that checking that the request is mine would require a 195 # subquery, so for efficiency that is not checed. 196 197 reqs_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequests 198 199 # we'll need to batch the brids into groups of 100, so that the 200 # parameter lists supported by the DBAPI aren't exhausted 201 iterator = iter(brids) 202 203 while 1: 204 batch = list(itertools.islice(iterator, 100)) 205 if not batch: 206 break # success! 207 208 q = reqs_tbl.update() 209 q = q.where( 210 q = q.where(reqs_tbl.c.complete != 1) 211 res = conn.execute(q, 212 complete=1, 213 results=results, 214 complete_at=complete_at) 215 216 # if an incorrect number of rows were updated, then we failed. 217 if res.rowcount != len(batch): 218 log.msg("tried to complete %d buildreqests, " 219 "but only completed %d" % (len(batch), res.rowcount)) 220 transaction.rollback() 221 raise NotClaimedError 222 transaction.commit()
223 return 224
225 - def unclaimExpiredRequests(self, old, _reactor=reactor):
226 def thd(conn): 227 reqs_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequests 228 claims_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequest_claims 229 old_epoch = _reactor.seconds() - old 230 231 # select any expired requests, and delete each one individually 232 expired_brids =[ ], 233 whereclause=(reqs_tbl.c.complete != 1)) 234 res = conn.execute(claims_tbl.delete( 235 (claims_tbl.c.claimed_at < old_epoch) & 236 claims_tbl.c.brid.in_(expired_brids))) 237 return res.rowcount
238 d = 239 def log_nonzero_count(count): 240 if count != 0: 241 log.msg("unclaimed %d expired buildrequests (over %d seconds " 242 "old)" % (count, old)) 243 d.addCallback(log_nonzero_count) 244 return d 245
246 - def _brdictFromRow(self, row, master_objectid):
247 claimed = mine = False 248 claimed_at = None 249 if row.claimed_at is not None: 250 claimed_at = row.claimed_at 251 claimed = True 252 mine = row.objectid == master_objectid 253 254 def mkdt(epoch): 255 if epoch: 256 return epoch2datetime(epoch)
257 submitted_at = mkdt(row.submitted_at) 258 complete_at = mkdt(row.complete_at) 259 claimed_at = mkdt(row.claimed_at) 260 261 return BrDict(, buildsetid=row.buildsetid, 262 buildername=row.buildername, priority=row.priority, 263 claimed=claimed, claimed_at=claimed_at, mine=mine, 264 complete=bool(row.complete), results=row.results, 265 submitted_at=submitted_at, complete_at=complete_at) 266