Package buildbot :: Package steps :: Module python_twisted
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Source Code for Module buildbot.steps.python_twisted

  1  # This file is part of Buildbot.  Buildbot is free software: you can 
  2  # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public 
  3  # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. 
  4  # 
  5  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
  6  # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
  7  # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more 
  8  # details. 
  9  # 
 10  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 
 11  # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 
 12  # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. 
 13  # 
 14  # Copyright Buildbot Team Members 
 17  from twisted.python import log 
 19  from buildbot.status import testresult 
 20  from buildbot.status.results import SUCCESS, FAILURE, WARNINGS, SKIPPED 
 21  from buildbot.process.buildstep import LogLineObserver, OutputProgressObserver 
 22  from import ShellCommand 
 24  try: 
 25      import cStringIO 
 26      StringIO = cStringIO 
 27  except ImportError: 
 28      import StringIO 
 29  import re 
 31  # BuildSteps that are specific to the Twisted source tree 
33 -class HLint(ShellCommand):
34 """I run a 'lint' checker over a set of .xhtml files. Any deviations 35 from recommended style is flagged and put in the output log. 36 37 This step looks at .changes in the parent Build to extract a list of 38 Lore XHTML files to check.""" 39 40 name = "hlint" 41 description = ["running", "hlint"] 42 descriptionDone = ["hlint"] 43 warnOnWarnings = True 44 warnOnFailure = True 45 # TODO: track time, but not output 46 warnings = 0 47
48 - def __init__(self, python=None, **kwargs):
49 ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs) 50 self.addFactoryArguments(python=python) 51 self.python = python
53 - def start(self):
54 # create the command 55 htmlFiles = {} 56 for f in 57 if f.endswith(".xhtml") and not f.startswith("sandbox/"): 58 htmlFiles[f] = 1 59 # remove duplicates 60 hlintTargets = htmlFiles.keys() 61 hlintTargets.sort() 62 if not hlintTargets: 63 return SKIPPED 64 self.hlintFiles = hlintTargets 65 c = [] 66 if self.python: 67 c.append(self.python) 68 c += ["bin/lore", "-p", "--output", "lint"] + self.hlintFiles 69 self.setCommand(c) 70 71 # add an extra log file to show the .html files we're checking 72 self.addCompleteLog("files", "\n".join(self.hlintFiles)+"\n") 73 74 ShellCommand.start(self)
76 - def commandComplete(self, cmd):
77 # TODO: remove the 'files' file (a list of .xhtml files that were 78 # submitted to hlint) because it is available in the logfile and 79 # mostly exists to give the user an idea of how long the step will 80 # take anyway). 81 lines = cmd.logs['stdio'].getText().split("\n") 82 warningLines = filter(lambda line:':' in line, lines) 83 if warningLines: 84 self.addCompleteLog("warnings", "".join(warningLines)) 85 warnings = len(warningLines) 86 self.warnings = warnings
88 - def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
89 # warnings are in stdout, rc is always 0, unless the tools break 90 if cmd.rc != 0: 91 return FAILURE 92 if self.warnings: 93 return WARNINGS 94 return SUCCESS
96 - def getText2(self, cmd, results):
97 if cmd.rc != 0: 98 return ["hlint"] 99 return ["%d hlin%s" % (self.warnings, 100 self.warnings == 1 and 't' or 'ts')]
102 -def countFailedTests(output):
103 # start scanning 10kb from the end, because there might be a few kb of 104 # import exception tracebacks between the total/time line and the errors 105 # line 106 chunk = output[-10000:] 107 lines = chunk.split("\n") 108 lines.pop() # blank line at end 109 # lines[-3] is "Ran NN tests in 0.242s" 110 # lines[-2] is blank 111 # lines[-1] is 'OK' or 'FAILED (failures=1, errors=12)' 112 # or 'FAILED (failures=1)' 113 # or "PASSED (skips=N, successes=N)" (for Twisted-2.0) 114 # there might be other lines dumped here. Scan all the lines. 115 res = {'total': None, 116 'failures': 0, 117 'errors': 0, 118 'skips': 0, 119 'expectedFailures': 0, 120 'unexpectedSuccesses': 0, 121 } 122 for l in lines: 123 out ='Ran (\d+) tests', l) 124 if out: 125 res['total'] = int( 126 if (l.startswith("OK") or 127 l.startswith("FAILED ") or 128 l.startswith("PASSED")): 129 # the extra space on FAILED_ is to distinguish the overall 130 # status from an individual test which failed. The lack of a 131 # space on the OK is because it may be printed without any 132 # additional text (if there are no skips,etc) 133 out ='failures=(\d+)', l) 134 if out: res['failures'] = int( 135 out ='errors=(\d+)', l) 136 if out: res['errors'] = int( 137 out ='skips=(\d+)', l) 138 if out: res['skips'] = int( 139 out ='expectedFailures=(\d+)', l) 140 if out: res['expectedFailures'] = int( 141 out ='unexpectedSuccesses=(\d+)', l) 142 if out: res['unexpectedSuccesses'] = int( 143 # successes= is a Twisted-2.0 addition, and is not currently used 144 out ='successes=(\d+)', l) 145 if out: res['successes'] = int( 146 147 return res
148 149
150 -class TrialTestCaseCounter(LogLineObserver):
151 _line_re = re.compile(r'^(?:Doctest: )?([\w\.]+) \.\.\. \[([^\]]+)\]$') 152 numTests = 0 153 finished = False 154
155 - def outLineReceived(self, line):
156 # different versions of Twisted emit different per-test lines with 157 # the bwverbose reporter. 158 # 2.0.0: testSlave (buildbot.test.test_runner.Create) ... [OK] 159 # 2.1.0: buildbot.test.test_runner.Create.testSlave ... [OK] 160 # 2.4.0: buildbot.test.test_runner.Create.testSlave ... [OK] 161 # Let's just handle the most recent version, since it's the easiest. 162 # Note that doctests create lines line this: 163 # Doctest: viff.field.GF ... [OK] 164 165 if self.finished: 166 return 167 if line.startswith("=" * 40): 168 self.finished = True 169 return 170 171 m = 172 if m: 173 testname, result = m.groups() 174 self.numTests += 1 175 self.step.setProgress('tests', self.numTests)
176 177 178 UNSPECIFIED=() # since None is a valid choice 179
180 -class Trial(ShellCommand):
181 """ 182 There are some class attributes which may be usefully overridden 183 by subclasses. 'trialMode' and 'trialArgs' can influence the trial 184 command line. 185 """ 186 187 name = "trial" 188 progressMetrics = ('output', 'tests', 'test.log') 189 # note: the slash only works on unix buildslaves, of course, but we have 190 # no way to know what the buildslave uses as a separator. 191 # TODO: figure out something clever. 192 logfiles = {"test.log": "_trial_temp/test.log"} 193 # we use test.log to track Progress at the end of __init__() 194 195 flunkOnFailure = True 196 python = None 197 trial = "trial" 198 trialMode = ["--reporter=bwverbose"] # requires Twisted-2.1.0 or newer 199 # for Twisted-2.0.0 or 1.3.0, use ["-o"] instead 200 trialArgs = [] 201 testpath = UNSPECIFIED # required (but can be None) 202 testChanges = False # TODO: needs better name 203 recurse = False 204 reactor = None 205 randomly = False 206 tests = None # required 207
208 - def __init__(self, reactor=UNSPECIFIED, python=None, trial=None, 209 testpath=UNSPECIFIED, 210 tests=None, testChanges=None, 211 recurse=None, randomly=None, 212 trialMode=None, trialArgs=None, 213 **kwargs):
214 """ 215 @type testpath: string 216 @param testpath: use in PYTHONPATH when running the tests. If 217 None, do not set PYTHONPATH. Setting this to '.' will 218 cause the source files to be used in-place. 219 220 @type python: string (without spaces) or list 221 @param python: which python executable to use. Will form the start of 222 the argv array that will launch trial. If you use this, 223 you should set 'trial' to an explicit path (like 224 /usr/bin/trial or ./bin/trial). Defaults to None, which 225 leaves it out entirely (running 'trial args' instead of 226 'python ./bin/trial args'). Likely values are 'python', 227 ['python2.2'], ['python', '-Wall'], etc. 228 229 @type trial: string 230 @param trial: which 'trial' executable to run. 231 Defaults to 'trial', which will cause $PATH to be 232 searched and probably find /usr/bin/trial . If you set 233 'python', this should be set to an explicit path (because 234 'python2.3 trial' will not work). 235 236 @type trialMode: list of strings 237 @param trialMode: a list of arguments to pass to trial, specifically 238 to set the reporting mode. This defaults to ['-to'] 239 which means 'verbose colorless output' to the trial 240 that comes with Twisted-2.0.x and at least -2.1.0 . 241 Newer versions of Twisted may come with a trial 242 that prefers ['--reporter=bwverbose']. 243 244 @type trialArgs: list of strings 245 @param trialArgs: a list of arguments to pass to trial, available to 246 turn on any extra flags you like. Defaults to []. 247 248 @type tests: list of strings 249 @param tests: a list of test modules to run, like 250 ['twisted.test.test_defer', 'twisted.test.test_process']. 251 If this is a string, it will be converted into a one-item 252 list. 253 254 @type testChanges: boolean 255 @param testChanges: if True, ignore the 'tests' parameter and instead 256 ask the Build for all the files that make up the 257 Changes going into this build. Pass these filenames 258 to trial and ask it to look for test-case-name 259 tags, running just the tests necessary to cover the 260 changes. 261 262 @type recurse: boolean 263 @param recurse: If True, pass the --recurse option to trial, allowing 264 test cases to be found in deeper subdirectories of the 265 modules listed in 'tests'. This does not appear to be 266 necessary when using testChanges. 267 268 @type reactor: string 269 @param reactor: which reactor to use, like 'gtk' or 'java'. If not 270 provided, the Twisted's usual platform-dependent 271 default is used. 272 273 @type randomly: boolean 274 @param randomly: if True, add the --random=0 argument, which instructs 275 trial to run the unit tests in a random order each 276 time. This occasionally catches problems that might be 277 masked when one module always runs before another 278 (like failing to make registerAdapter calls before 279 lookups are done). 280 281 @type kwargs: dict 282 @param kwargs: parameters. The following parameters are inherited from 283 L{ShellCommand} and may be useful to set: workdir, 284 haltOnFailure, flunkOnWarnings, flunkOnFailure, 285 warnOnWarnings, warnOnFailure, want_stdout, want_stderr, 286 timeout. 287 """ 288 ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs) 289 self.addFactoryArguments(reactor=reactor, 290 python=python, 291 trial=trial, 292 testpath=testpath, 293 tests=tests, 294 testChanges=testChanges, 295 recurse=recurse, 296 randomly=randomly, 297 trialMode=trialMode, 298 trialArgs=trialArgs, 299 ) 300 301 if python: 302 self.python = python 303 if self.python is not None: 304 if type(self.python) is str: 305 self.python = [self.python] 306 for s in self.python: 307 if " " in s: 308 # this is not strictly an error, but I suspect more 309 # people will accidentally try to use python="python2.3 310 # -Wall" than will use embedded spaces in a python flag 311 log.msg("python= component '%s' has spaces") 312 log.msg("To add -Wall, use python=['python', '-Wall']") 313 why = "python= value has spaces, probably an error" 314 raise ValueError(why) 315 316 if trial: 317 self.trial = trial 318 if " " in self.trial: 319 raise ValueError("trial= value has spaces") 320 if trialMode is not None: 321 self.trialMode = trialMode 322 if trialArgs is not None: 323 self.trialArgs = trialArgs 324 325 if testpath is not UNSPECIFIED: 326 self.testpath = testpath 327 if self.testpath is UNSPECIFIED: 328 raise ValueError("You must specify testpath= (it can be None)") 329 assert isinstance(self.testpath, str) or self.testpath is None 330 331 if reactor is not UNSPECIFIED: 332 self.reactor = reactor 333 334 if tests is not None: 335 self.tests = tests 336 if type(self.tests) is str: 337 self.tests = [self.tests] 338 if testChanges is not None: 339 self.testChanges = testChanges 340 #self.recurse = True # not sure this is necessary 341 342 if not self.testChanges and self.tests is None: 343 raise ValueError("Must either set testChanges= or provide tests=") 344 345 if recurse is not None: 346 self.recurse = recurse 347 if randomly is not None: 348 self.randomly = randomly 349 350 # build up most of the command, then stash it until start() 351 command = [] 352 if self.python: 353 command.extend(self.python) 354 command.append(self.trial) 355 command.extend(self.trialMode) 356 if self.recurse: 357 command.append("--recurse") 358 if self.reactor: 359 command.append("--reactor=%s" % reactor) 360 if self.randomly: 361 command.append("--random=0") 362 command.extend(self.trialArgs) 363 self.command = command 364 365 if self.reactor: 366 self.description = ["testing", "(%s)" % self.reactor] 367 self.descriptionDone = ["tests"] 368 # commandComplete adds (reactorname) to self.text 369 else: 370 self.description = ["testing"] 371 self.descriptionDone = ["tests"] 372 373 # this counter will feed Progress along the 'test cases' metric 374 self.addLogObserver('stdio', TrialTestCaseCounter()) 375 # this one just measures bytes of output in _trial_temp/test.log 376 self.addLogObserver('test.log', OutputProgressObserver('test.log'))
378 - def setupEnvironment(self, cmd):
379 ShellCommand.setupEnvironment(self, cmd) 380 if self.testpath != None: 381 e = cmd.args['env'] 382 if e is None: 383 cmd.args['env'] = {'PYTHONPATH': self.testpath} 384 else: 385 # TODO: somehow, each build causes another copy of 386 # self.testpath to get prepended 387 if e.get('PYTHONPATH', "") == "": 388 e['PYTHONPATH'] = self.testpath 389 else: 390 e['PYTHONPATH'] = self.testpath + ":" + e['PYTHONPATH'] 391 try: 392 p = cmd.args['env']['PYTHONPATH'] 393 if type(p) is not str: 394 log.msg("hey, not a string:", p) 395 assert False 396 except (KeyError, TypeError): 397 # KeyError if args doesn't have ['env'] 398 # KeyError if args['env'] doesn't have ['PYTHONPATH'] 399 # TypeError if args is None 400 pass
402 - def start(self):
403 # now that is nailed down, finish building the 404 # command 405 if self.testChanges: 406 for f in 407 if f.endswith(".py"): 408 self.command.append("--testmodule=%s" % f) 409 else: 410 self.command.extend(self.tests) 411 log.msg("Trial.start: command is", self.command) 412 413 ShellCommand.start(self)
414 415
416 - def commandComplete(self, cmd):
417 # figure out all status, then let the various hook functions return 418 # different pieces of it 419 420 # 'cmd' is the original trial command, so cmd.logs['stdio'] is the 421 # trial output. We don't have access to test.log from here. 422 output = cmd.logs['stdio'].getText() 423 counts = countFailedTests(output) 424 425 total = counts['total'] 426 failures, errors = counts['failures'], counts['errors'] 427 parsed = (total != None) 428 text = [] 429 text2 = "" 430 431 if cmd.rc == 0: 432 if parsed: 433 results = SUCCESS 434 if total: 435 text += ["%d %s" % \ 436 (total, 437 total == 1 and "test" or "tests"), 438 "passed"] 439 else: 440 text += ["no tests", "run"] 441 else: 442 results = FAILURE 443 text += ["testlog", "unparseable"] 444 text2 = "tests" 445 else: 446 # something failed 447 results = FAILURE 448 if parsed: 449 text.append("tests") 450 if failures: 451 text.append("%d %s" % \ 452 (failures, 453 failures == 1 and "failure" or "failures")) 454 if errors: 455 text.append("%d %s" % \ 456 (errors, 457 errors == 1 and "error" or "errors")) 458 count = failures + errors 459 text2 = "%d tes%s" % (count, (count == 1 and 't' or 'ts')) 460 else: 461 text += ["tests", "failed"] 462 text2 = "tests" 463 464 if counts['skips']: 465 text.append("%d %s" % \ 466 (counts['skips'], 467 counts['skips'] == 1 and "skip" or "skips")) 468 if counts['expectedFailures']: 469 text.append("%d %s" % \ 470 (counts['expectedFailures'], 471 counts['expectedFailures'] == 1 and "todo" 472 or "todos")) 473 if 0: # TODO 474 results = WARNINGS 475 if not text2: 476 text2 = "todo" 477 478 if 0: 479 # ignore unexpectedSuccesses for now, but it should really mark 480 # the build WARNING 481 if counts['unexpectedSuccesses']: 482 text.append("%d surprises" % counts['unexpectedSuccesses']) 483 results = WARNINGS 484 if not text2: 485 text2 = "tests" 486 487 if self.reactor: 488 text.append(self.rtext('(%s)')) 489 if text2: 490 text2 = "%s %s" % (text2, self.rtext('(%s)')) 491 492 self.results = results 493 self.text = text 494 self.text2 = [text2]
495 496
497 - def rtext(self, fmt='%s'):
498 if self.reactor: 499 rtext = fmt % self.reactor 500 return rtext.replace("reactor", "") 501 return ""
503 - def addTestResult(self, testname, results, text, tlog):
504 if self.reactor is not None: 505 testname = (self.reactor,) + testname 506 tr = testresult.TestResult(testname, results, text, logs={'log': tlog}) 507 508
510 - def createSummary(self, loog):
511 output = loog.getText() 512 problems = "" 513 sio = StringIO.StringIO(output) 514 warnings = {} 515 while 1: 516 line = sio.readline() 517 if line == "": 518 break 519 if line.find(" exceptions.DeprecationWarning: ") != -1: 520 # no source 521 warning = line # TODO: consider stripping basedir prefix here 522 warnings[warning] = warnings.get(warning, 0) + 1 523 elif (line.find(" DeprecationWarning: ") != -1 or 524 line.find(" UserWarning: ") != -1): 525 # next line is the source 526 warning = line + sio.readline() 527 warnings[warning] = warnings.get(warning, 0) + 1 528 elif line.find("Warning: ") != -1: 529 warning = line 530 warnings[warning] = warnings.get(warning, 0) + 1 531 532 if line.find("=" * 60) == 0 or line.find("-" * 60) == 0: 533 problems += line 534 problems += 535 break 536 537 if problems: 538 self.addCompleteLog("problems", problems) 539 # now parse the problems for per-test results 540 pio = StringIO.StringIO(problems) 541 pio.readline() # eat the first separator line 542 testname = None 543 done = False 544 while not done: 545 while 1: 546 line = pio.readline() 547 if line == "": 548 done = True 549 break 550 if line.find("=" * 60) == 0: 551 break 552 if line.find("-" * 60) == 0: 553 # the last case has --- as a separator before the 554 # summary counts are printed 555 done = True 556 break 557 if testname is None: 558 # the first line after the === is like: 559 # EXPECTED FAILURE: testLackOfTB (twisted.test.test_failure.FailureTestCase) 560 # SKIPPED: testRETR (twisted.test.test_ftp.TestFTPServer) 561 # FAILURE: testBatchFile (twisted.conch.test.test_sftp.TestOurServerBatchFile) 562 r ='^([^:]+): (\w+) \(([\w\.]+)\)', line) 563 if not r: 564 # TODO: cleanup, if there are no problems, 565 # we hit here 566 continue 567 result, name, case = r.groups() 568 testname = tuple(case.split(".") + [name]) 569 results = {'SKIPPED': SKIPPED, 570 'EXPECTED FAILURE': SUCCESS, 571 'UNEXPECTED SUCCESS': WARNINGS, 572 'FAILURE': FAILURE, 573 'ERROR': FAILURE, 574 'SUCCESS': SUCCESS, # not reported 575 }.get(result, WARNINGS) 576 text = result.lower().split() 577 loog = line 578 # the next line is all dashes 579 loog += pio.readline() 580 else: 581 # the rest goes into the log 582 loog += line 583 if testname: 584 self.addTestResult(testname, results, text, loog) 585 testname = None 586 587 if warnings: 588 lines = warnings.keys() 589 lines.sort() 590 self.addCompleteLog("warnings", "".join(lines))
592 - def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
593 return self.results
595 - def getText(self, cmd, results):
596 return self.text
597 - def getText2(self, cmd, results):
598 return self.text2
599 600
601 -class RemovePYCs(ShellCommand):
602 name = "remove-.pyc" 603 command = ['find', '.', '-name', '*.pyc', '-exec', 'rm', '{}', ';'] 604 description = ["removing", ".pyc", "files"] 605 descriptionDone = ["remove", ".pycs"]