Package buildbot :: Package db :: Module sourcestamps
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Source Code for Module buildbot.db.sourcestamps

  1  # This file is part of Buildbot.  Buildbot is free software: you can 
  2  # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public 
  3  # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. 
  4  # 
  5  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
  6  # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
  7  # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more 
  8  # details. 
  9  # 
 10  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 
 11  # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 
 12  # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. 
 13  # 
 14  # Copyright Buildbot Team Members 
 16  """ 
 17  Support for creating and reading source stamps 
 18  """ 
 20  import base64 
 21  from twisted.python import log 
 22  from buildbot.db import base 
23 24 -class SsDict(dict):
25 pass
27 -class SourceStampsConnectorComponent(base.DBConnectorComponent):
28 """ 29 A DBConnectorComponent to handle source stamps in the database 30 """ 31
32 - def addSourceStamp(self, branch, revision, repository, project, 33 patch_body=None, patch_level=0, patch_author="", 34 patch_comment="", patch_subdir=None, changeids=[]):
35 """ 36 Create a new SourceStamp instance with the given attributes, and return 37 its sourcestamp ID, via a Deferred. 38 """ 39 def thd(conn): 40 # handle inserting a patch 41 patchid = None 42 if patch_body is not None: 43 ins = self.db.model.patches.insert() 44 r = conn.execute(ins, dict( 45 patchlevel=patch_level, 46 patch_base64=base64.b64encode(patch_body), 47 patch_author=patch_author, 48 patch_comment=patch_comment, 49 subdir=patch_subdir)) 50 patchid = r.inserted_primary_key[0] 51 52 # insert the sourcestamp itself 53 ins = self.db.model.sourcestamps.insert() 54 r = conn.execute(ins, dict( 55 branch=branch, 56 revision=revision, 57 patchid=patchid, 58 repository=repository, 59 project=project)) 60 ssid = r.inserted_primary_key[0] 61 62 # handle inserting change ids 63 if changeids: 64 ins = self.db.model.sourcestamp_changes.insert() 65 conn.execute(ins, [ 66 dict(sourcestampid=ssid, changeid=changeid) 67 for changeid in changeids ]) 68 69 # and return the new ssid 70 return ssid
71 return
72 73 @base.cached("ssdicts")
74 - def getSourceStamp(self, ssid):
75 """ 76 Get a dictionary representing the given source stamp, or None if no 77 such source stamp exists. 78 79 The dictionary has keys C{ssid}, C{branch}, C{revision}, C{patch_body}, 80 C{patch_level}, C{patch_subdir}, C{patch_author}, C{patch_comment}, 81 C{repository}, C{project}, and C{changeids}. Most are simple strings. 82 The C{changeids} key contains a set of change IDs. The C{patch_*} 83 arguments will be C{None} if no patch is attached. The last is a set of 84 changeids for this source stamp. 85 86 @param bsid: buildset ID 87 88 @param no_cache: bypass cache and always fetch from database 89 @type no_cache: boolean 90 91 @returns: dictionary as above, or None, via Deferred 92 """ 93 def thd(conn): 94 tbl = self.db.model.sourcestamps 95 q = == ssid)) 96 res = conn.execute(q) 97 row = res.fetchone() 98 if not row: 99 return None 100 ssdict = SsDict(ssid=ssid, branch=row.branch, 101 revision=row.revision, patch_body=None, patch_level=None, 102 patch_author=None, patch_comment=None, patch_subdir=None, 103 repository=row.repository, project=row.project, 104 changeids=set([])) 105 patchid = row.patchid 106 res.close() 107 108 # fetch the patch, if necessary 109 if patchid is not None: 110 tbl = self.db.model.patches 111 q = == patchid)) 112 res = conn.execute(q) 113 row = res.fetchone() 114 if row: 115 # note the subtle renaming here 116 ssdict['patch_level'] = row.patchlevel 117 ssdict['patch_subdir'] = row.subdir 118 ssdict['patch_author'] = row.patch_author 119 ssdict['patch_comment'] = row.patch_comment 120 body = base64.b64decode(row.patch_base64) 121 ssdict['patch_body'] = body 122 else: 123 log.msg('patchid %d, referenced from ssid %d, not found' 124 % (patchid, ssid)) 125 res.close() 126 127 # fetch change ids 128 tbl = self.db.model.sourcestamp_changes 129 q = == ssid)) 130 res = conn.execute(q) 131 for row in res: 132 ssdict['changeids'].add(row.changeid) 133 res.close() 134 135 return ssdict
136 return 137