Package buildbot :: Package db :: Module builds :: Class BuildsConnectorComponent
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Class BuildsConnectorComponent

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               object --+    
base.DBConnectorComponent --+

A DBConnectorComponent to handle a little bit of information about builds. Avaialble at master.db.buildrequests.

NOTE: The interface for this module will change - the builds table duplicates some information available in pickles, without including all such information. Do not depend on this API.

Note that a single build may be represented in many rows in the builds table, as it the builds table represents

Builds are represented as dictionaries with keys bid (the build ID, globally unique), number (the build number, unique only within this master and builder), brid (the ID of the build request that caused this build), start_time, and finish_time (datetime objects, or None).

Instance Methods
getBuild(self, bid)
Get a single build, in the format described above.
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getBuildsForRequest(self, brid)
Get a list of builds for the given build request.
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addBuild(self, brid, number, _reactor=reactor)
Add a new build, recorded as having started now.
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finishBuilds(self, bids, _reactor=reactor)
Mark builds as finished, with finish_time now.
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Inherited from base.DBConnectorComponent: __init__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables

Inherited from base.DBConnectorComponent: connector

Instance Variables

Inherited from base.DBConnectorComponent: db


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

getBuild(self, bid)

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Get a single build, in the format described above. Returns None if there is no such build.

  • bid (integer) - build id
Build dictionary as above or None, via Deferred

getBuildsForRequest(self, brid)

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Get a list of builds for the given build request. The resulting build dictionaries are in exactly the same format as for getBuild.

  • brids - list of build request ids
List of build dictionaries as above, via Deferred

addBuild(self, brid, number, _reactor=reactor)

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Add a new build, recorded as having started now.

  • brid - build request id
  • number - build number
  • _reactor - reactor to use (for testing)
  • _race_hook - hook for testing
build ID via Deferred

finishBuilds(self, bids, _reactor=reactor)

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Mark builds as finished, with finish_time now. This is done unconditionally, even if the builds are already finished.

  • bids (list) - build ids
  • _reactor - reactor to use (for testing)