Package buildbot :: Package db :: Module buildrequests
[frames] | no frames]

Source Code for Module buildbot.db.buildrequests

  1  # This file is part of Buildbot.  Buildbot is free software: you can 
  2  # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public 
  3  # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. 
  4  # 
  5  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
  6  # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
  7  # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more 
  8  # details. 
  9  # 
 10  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 
 11  # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 
 12  # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. 
 13  # 
 14  # Copyright Buildbot Team Members 
 16  """ 
 17  Support for buildsets in the database 
 18  """ 
 20  import itertools 
 21  import sqlalchemy as sa 
 22  from twisted.internet import reactor 
 23  from twisted.python import log 
 24  from buildbot.db import base 
 25  from buildbot.util import epoch2datetime 
26 27 -class AlreadyClaimedError(Exception):
28 pass
30 -class NotClaimedError(Exception):
31 pass
33 -class BrDict(dict):
34 pass
36 # private decorator to add a _master_objectid keyword argument, querying from 37 # the master 38 -def with_master_objectid(fn):
39 def wrap(self, *args, **kwargs): 40 d = self.db.master.getObjectId() 41 d.addCallback(lambda master_objectid : 42 fn(self, *args, _master_objectid=master_objectid, **kwargs)) 43 return d
44 wrap.__name__ = fn.__name__ 45 wrap.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ 46 return wrap 47
48 -class BuildRequestsConnectorComponent(base.DBConnectorComponent):
49 """ 50 A DBConnectorComponent to handle buildrequests. An instance is available 51 at C{master.db.buildrequests}. 52 53 Build Requests are represented as dictionaries with keys C{brid}, 54 C{buildsetid}, C{buildername}, C{priority}, C{claimed} (boolean), 55 C{claimed_at}, C{mine} (boolean), C{complete}, C{results}, C{submitted_at}, 56 and C{complete_at}. The two time parameters (C{*_at}) are presented as 57 datetime objects. 58 """ 59 60 @with_master_objectid
61 - def getBuildRequest(self, brid, _master_objectid=None):
62 """ 63 Get a single BuildRequest, in the format described above. Returns 64 C{None} if there is no such buildrequest. 65 66 Note that build requests are not cached, as the values in the database 67 are not fixed. 68 69 @param brid: build request id 70 @type brid: integer 71 72 @returns: Build request dictionary as above or None, via Deferred 73 """ 74 def thd(conn): 75 reqs_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequests 76 claims_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequest_claims 77 res = conn.execute([ 78 reqs_tbl.outerjoin(claims_tbl, 79 ( == claims_tbl.c.brid)) ], 80 whereclause=( == brid))) 81 row = res.fetchone() 82 83 rv = None 84 if row: 85 rv = self._brdictFromRow(row, _master_objectid) 86 res.close() 87 return rv
88 return
89 90 @with_master_objectid
91 - def getBuildRequests(self, buildername=None, complete=None, claimed=None, 92 bsid=None, _master_objectid=None):
93 """ 94 Get a list of build requests matching the given characteristics. Note 95 that C{unclaimed}, C{my_claimed}, and C{other_claimed} all default to 96 C{False}, so at least one must be provided or no results will be 97 returned. 98 99 The C{claimed} parameter can be C{None} (the default) to ignore the 100 claimed status of requests; C{True} to return only claimed builds, 101 C{False} to return only unclaimed builds, or C{"mine"} to return only 102 builds claimed by this master instance. A request is considered 103 unclaimed if its C{claimed_at} column is either NULL or 0, and it is 104 not complete. If C{bsid} is specified, then only build requests for 105 that buildset will be returned. 106 107 A build is considered completed if its C{complete} column is 1; the 108 C{complete_at} column is not consulted. 109 110 Since this method is often used to detect changed build requests, it 111 always bypasses the cache. 112 113 @param buildername: limit results to buildrequests for this builder 114 @type buildername: string 115 116 @param complete: if true, limit to completed buildrequests; if false, 117 limit to incomplete buildrequests; if None, do not limit based on 118 completion. 119 120 @param claimed: see above 121 122 @param bsid: see above 123 124 @returns: List of build request dictionaries as above, via Deferred 125 """ 126 def thd(conn): 127 reqs_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequests 128 claims_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequest_claims 129 q =[ reqs_tbl.outerjoin(claims_tbl, 130 == claims_tbl.c.brid) ]) 131 if claimed is not None: 132 if not claimed: 133 q = q.where( 134 (claims_tbl.c.claimed_at == None) & 135 (reqs_tbl.c.complete == 0)) 136 elif claimed == "mine": 137 q = q.where( 138 (claims_tbl.c.objectid == _master_objectid)) 139 else: 140 q = q.where( 141 (claims_tbl.c.claimed_at != None)) 142 if buildername is not None: 143 q = q.where(reqs_tbl.c.buildername == buildername) 144 if complete is not None: 145 if complete: 146 q = q.where(reqs_tbl.c.complete != 0) 147 else: 148 q = q.where(reqs_tbl.c.complete == 0) 149 if bsid is not None: 150 q = q.where(reqs_tbl.c.buildsetid == bsid) 151 res = conn.execute(q) 152 153 return [ self._brdictFromRow(row, _master_objectid) 154 for row in res.fetchall() ]
155 return 156 157 @with_master_objectid
158 - def claimBuildRequests(self, brids, _reactor=reactor, 159 _master_objectid=None):
160 """ 161 Try to "claim" the indicated build requests for this buildmaster 162 instance. The resulting deferred will fire normally on success, or 163 fail with L{AleadyClaimedError} if I{any} of the build requests are 164 already claimed by another master instance. In this case, none of the 165 claims will take effect. 166 167 As of 0.8.5, this method can no longer be used to re-claim build 168 requests. All given brids must be unclaimed. Use 169 L{reclaimBuildRequests} to reclaim. 170 171 On database backends that do not enforce referential integrity (e.g., 172 SQLite), this method will not prevent claims for nonexistent build 173 requests. On database backends that do not support transactions 174 (MySQL), this method will not properly roll back any partial claims 175 made before an L{AlreadyClaimedError} was generated. 176 177 @param brids: ids of buildrequests to claim 178 @type brids: list 179 180 @param _reactor: reactor to use (for testing) 181 182 @returns: Deferred 183 """ 184 185 def thd(conn): 186 transaction = conn.begin() 187 tbl = self.db.model.buildrequest_claims 188 189 try: 190 q = tbl.insert() 191 claimed_at = _reactor.seconds() 192 conn.execute(q, [ dict(brid=id, objectid=_master_objectid, 193 claimed_at=claimed_at) 194 for id in brids ]) 195 except sa.exc.IntegrityError: 196 transaction.rollback() 197 raise AlreadyClaimedError 198 199 transaction.commit()
200 201 return 202 203 @with_master_objectid
204 - def reclaimBuildRequests(self, brids, _reactor=reactor, 205 _master_objectid=None):
206 """ 207 Re-claim the given build requests, updating the timestamp, but checking 208 that the requsts are owned by this master. The resulting deferred will 209 fire normally on success, or fail with L{AleadyClaimedError} if I{any} 210 of the build requests are already claimed by another master instance, 211 or don't exist. In this case, none of the reclaims will take effect. 212 213 @param brids: ids of buildrequests to reclaim 214 @type brids: list 215 216 @param _reactor: reactor to use (for testing) 217 218 @returns: Deferred 219 """ 220 221 def thd(conn): 222 transaction = conn.begin() 223 tbl = self.db.model.buildrequest_claims 224 claimed_at = _reactor.seconds() 225 226 # we'll need to batch the brids into groups of 100, so that the 227 # parameter lists supported by the DBAPI aren't exhausted 228 iterator = iter(brids) 229 230 while 1: 231 batch = list(itertools.islice(iterator, 100)) 232 if not batch: 233 break # success! 234 235 q = tbl.update(tbl.c.brid.in_(batch) 236 & (tbl.c.objectid==_master_objectid)) 237 res = conn.execute(q, claimed_at=claimed_at) 238 239 # if fewer rows were updated than expected, then something 240 # went wrong 241 if res.rowcount != len(batch): 242 transaction.rollback() 243 raise AlreadyClaimedError 244 245 transaction.commit()
246 return 247 248 @with_master_objectid
249 - def unclaimBuildRequests(self, brids, _master_objectid=None):
250 """ 251 Release this master's claim on all of the given build requests. This 252 will not unclaim requests that are claimed by another master, but will 253 not fail in this case. The method does not check whether a request is 254 completed. 255 256 @param brids: ids of buildrequests to unclaim 257 @type brids: list 258 259 @returns: Deferred 260 """ 261 def thd(conn): 262 transaction = conn.begin() 263 claims_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequest_claims 264 265 # we'll need to batch the brids into groups of 100, so that the 266 # parameter lists supported by the DBAPI aren't exhausted 267 iterator = iter(brids) 268 269 while 1: 270 batch = list(itertools.islice(iterator, 100)) 271 if not batch: 272 break # success! 273 274 try: 275 q = claims_tbl.delete( 276 (claims_tbl.c.brid.in_(batch)) 277 & (claims_tbl.c.objectid == _master_objectid)) 278 conn.execute(q) 279 except: 280 transaction.rollback() 281 raise 282 283 transaction.commit()
284 return 285 286 @with_master_objectid
287 - def completeBuildRequests(self, brids, results, _reactor=reactor, 288 _master_objectid=None):
289 """ 290 Complete a set of build requests, all of which are owned by this master 291 instance. This will fail with L{NotClaimedError} if the build request 292 is already completed or does not exist. 293 294 @param brids: build request IDs to complete 295 @type brids: integer 296 297 @param results: integer result code 298 @type results: integer 299 300 @param _reactor: reactor to use (for testing) 301 302 @returns: Deferred 303 """ 304 def thd(conn): 305 transaction = conn.begin() 306 307 # the update here is simple, but a number of conditions are 308 # attached to ensure that we do not update a row inappropriately, 309 # Note that checking that the request is mine would require a 310 # subquery, so for efficiency that is not checed. 311 312 reqs_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequests 313 complete_at = _reactor.seconds() 314 315 # we'll need to batch the brids into groups of 100, so that the 316 # parameter lists supported by the DBAPI aren't exhausted 317 iterator = iter(brids) 318 319 while 1: 320 batch = list(itertools.islice(iterator, 100)) 321 if not batch: 322 break # success! 323 324 q = reqs_tbl.update() 325 q = q.where( 326 q = q.where(reqs_tbl.c.complete != 1) 327 res = conn.execute(q, 328 complete=1, 329 results=results, 330 complete_at=complete_at) 331 332 # if an incorrect number of rows were updated, then we failed. 333 if res.rowcount != len(batch): 334 log.msg("tried to complete %d buildreqests, " 335 "but only completed %d" % (len(batch), res.rowcount)) 336 transaction.rollback() 337 raise NotClaimedError 338 transaction.commit()
339 return 340
341 - def unclaimExpiredRequests(self, old, _reactor=reactor):
342 """ 343 Find any incomplete claimed builds which are older than C{old} seconds, 344 and clear their claim information. 345 346 This is intended to catch builds that were claimed by a master which 347 has since disappeared. As a side effect, it will log a message if any 348 requests are unclaimed. 349 350 @param old: number of seconds after which a claim is considered old 351 @type old: int 352 353 @param _reactor: for testing 354 355 @returns: Deferred 356 """ 357 def thd(conn): 358 reqs_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequests 359 claims_tbl = self.db.model.buildrequest_claims 360 old_epoch = _reactor.seconds() - old 361 362 # select any expired requests, and delete each one individually 363 expired_brids =[ ], 364 whereclause=(reqs_tbl.c.complete != 1)) 365 res = conn.execute(claims_tbl.delete( 366 (claims_tbl.c.claimed_at < old_epoch) & 367 claims_tbl.c.brid.in_(expired_brids))) 368 return res.rowcount
369 d = 370 def log_nonzero_count(count): 371 if count != 0: 372 log.msg("unclaimed %d expired buildrequests (over %d seconds " 373 "old)" % (count, old)) 374 d.addCallback(log_nonzero_count) 375 return d 376
377 - def _brdictFromRow(self, row, master_objectid):
378 claimed = mine = False 379 claimed_at = None 380 if row.claimed_at is not None: 381 claimed_at = row.claimed_at 382 claimed = True 383 mine = row.objectid == master_objectid 384 385 def mkdt(epoch): 386 if epoch: 387 return epoch2datetime(epoch)
388 submitted_at = mkdt(row.submitted_at) 389 complete_at = mkdt(row.complete_at) 390 claimed_at = mkdt(row.claimed_at) 391 392 return BrDict(, buildsetid=row.buildsetid, 393 buildername=row.buildername, priority=row.priority, 394 claimed=claimed, claimed_at=claimed_at, mine=mine, 395 complete=bool(row.complete), results=row.results, 396 submitted_at=submitted_at, complete_at=complete_at) 397