Package buildbot :: Package schedulers :: Module base :: Class BaseScheduler
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Class BaseScheduler

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 twisted.application.service.Service --+    
twisted.application.service.MultiService --+
                    util.ComparableMixin --+
Known Subclasses:

Base class for all schedulers; this provides the equipment to manage reconfigurations and to handle basic scheduler state. It also provides utility methods to begin various sorts of builds.

Subclasses should add any configuration-derived attributes to base.Scheduler.compare_attrs.

Nested Classes
Instance Methods
__init__(self, name, builderNames, properties)
Initialize a Scheduler.
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startService(self) source code
stopService(self) source code
getState(self, key, default=<class buildbot.schedulers.base.Thunk at 0x3264598>)
For use by subclasses; get a named state value from the scheduler's state, defaulting to DEFAULT; raises KeyError if default is not given and no value exists.
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setState(*args, **kwargs)
For use by subclasses; set a named state value in the scheduler's persistent state.
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Returns the list of builder names
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Returns a list of the next times that builds are scheduled, if known.
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startConsumingChanges(self, fileIsImportant=None, change_filter=None, onlyImportant=False)
Subclasses should call this method from startService to register to receive changes.
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gotChange(self, change, important)
Called when a change is received; returns a Deferred.
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addBuildsetForLatest(self, reason='', external_idstring=None, branch=None, repository='', project='', builderNames=None, properties=None)
Add a buildset for the 'latest' source in the given branch, repository, and project.
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addBuildsetForChanges(self, reason='', external_idstring=None, changeids=[], builderNames=None, properties=None)
Add a buildset for the combination of the given changesets, creating a sourcestamp based on those changes.
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addBuildsetForSourceStamp(self, ssid, reason='', external_idstring=None, properties=None, builderNames=None)
Add a buildset for the given, already-existing sourcestamp.
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Inherited from twisted.application.service.MultiService: __iter__, __provides__, addService, getServiceNamed, privilegedStartService, removeService

Inherited from twisted.application.service.Service: __getstate__, __providedBy__, disownServiceParent, setName, setServiceParent

Inherited from util.ComparableMixin: __cmp__, __hash__

Class Variables
  compare_attrs = ('name', 'builderNames', 'properties')

Inherited from twisted.application.service.MultiService: __implemented__

Inherited from twisted.application.service.Service: parent, running

Instance Variables
name of this scheduler; used to identify replacements on reconfig
list of builder names to start in each buildset
properties that are contributed to each buildset
ID of this scheduler; set just before the scheduler starts, and set to None after stopService is complete.
BuildMaster instance; set just before the scheduler starts, and set to None after stopService is complete.
Method Details

__init__(self, name, builderNames, properties)

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Initialize a Scheduler.

  • name (unicode) - name of this scheduler (used as a key for state)
  • builderNames (list of unicode) - list of builders this scheduler may start
  • properties (dictionary) - properties to add to builds triggered by this scheduler
  • consumeChanges (boolean) - true if this scheduler wishes to be informed about the addition of new changes. Defaults to False. This should be passed explicitly from subclasses to indicate their interest in consuming changes.
Overrides: twisted.application.service.MultiService.__init__


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Overrides: twisted.application.service.Service.startService


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Overrides: twisted.application.service.Service.stopService

getState(self, key, default=<class buildbot.schedulers.base.Thunk at 0x3264598>)

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For use by subclasses; get a named state value from the scheduler's state, defaulting to DEFAULT; raises KeyError if default is not given and no value exists. Scheduler must be started. Returns the value via a deferred.

setState(*args, **kwargs)

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For use by subclasses; set a named state value in the scheduler's persistent state. Note that value must be json-able. Returns a Deferred.

Note that this method is safe if called simultaneously in the same process, although it is not safe between processes.

  • @util.deferredLocked('_state_lock')

startConsumingChanges(self, fileIsImportant=None, change_filter=None, onlyImportant=False)

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Subclasses should call this method from startService to register to receive changes. The BaseScheduler class will take care of filtering the changes (using change_filter) and (if fileIsImportant is not None) classifying them. See gotChange. Returns a Deferred.

  • fileIsImportant (callable) - a callable provided by the user to distinguish important and unimportant changes
  • change_filter (buildbot.changes.filter.ChangeFilter instance) - a filter to determine which changes are even considered by this scheduler, or None to consider all changes
  • onlyImportant (boolean) - If True, only important changes, as specified by fileIsImportant, will be added to the buildset.

gotChange(self, change, important)

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Called when a change is received; returns a Deferred. If the fileIsImportant parameter to startConsumingChanges was None, then all changes are considered important.

  • change (buildbot.changes.changes.Change instance) - the new change object
  • important (boolean) - true if this is an important change, according to fileIsImportant.

addBuildsetForLatest(self, reason='', external_idstring=None, branch=None, repository='', project='', builderNames=None, properties=None)

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Add a buildset for the 'latest' source in the given branch, repository, and project. This will create a relative sourcestamp for the buildset.

This method will add any properties provided to the scheduler constructor to the buildset, and will call the master's addBuildset method with the appropriate parameters.

  • reason (unicode string) - reason for this buildset
  • external_idstring - external identifier for this buildset, or None
  • branch - branch to build (note that None often has a special meaning)
  • repository - repository name for sourcestamp
  • project - project name for sourcestamp
  • builderNames - builders to name in the buildset (defaults to self.builderNames)
  • properties ( - a properties object containing initial properties for the buildset
(buildset ID, buildrequest IDs) via Deferred

addBuildsetForChanges(self, reason='', external_idstring=None, changeids=[], builderNames=None, properties=None)

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Add a buildset for the combination of the given changesets, creating a sourcestamp based on those changes. The sourcestamp for the buildset will reference all of the indicated changes.

This method will add any properties provided to the scheduler constructor to the buildset, and will call the master's addBuildset method with the appropriate parameters.

  • reason (unicode string) - reason for this buildset
  • external_idstring - external identifier for this buildset, or None
  • changeids - nonempty list of changes to include in this buildset
  • builderNames - builders to name in the buildset (defaults to self.builderNames)
  • properties ( - a properties object containing initial properties for the buildset
(buildset ID, buildrequest IDs) via Deferred

addBuildsetForSourceStamp(self, ssid, reason='', external_idstring=None, properties=None, builderNames=None)

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Add a buildset for the given, already-existing sourcestamp.

This method will add any properties provided to the scheduler constructor to the buildset, and will call the master's BuildMaster.addBuildset method with the appropriate parameters, and return the same result.

  • reason (unicode string) - reason for this buildset
  • external_idstring - external identifier for this buildset, or None
  • properties ( - a properties object containing initial properties for the buildset
  • builderNames - builders to name in the buildset (defaults to self.builderNames)
(buildset ID, buildrequest IDs) via Deferred