Package buildbot :: Package changes :: Module gitpoller
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Source Code for Module buildbot.changes.gitpoller

  1  # This file is part of Buildbot.  Buildbot is free software: you can 
  2  # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public 
  3  # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. 
  4  # 
  5  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
  6  # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
  7  # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more 
  8  # details. 
  9  # 
 10  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 
 11  # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 
 12  # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. 
 13  # 
 14  # Copyright Buildbot Team Members 
 16  import time 
 17  import tempfile 
 18  import os 
 20  from twisted.python import log 
 21  from twisted.internet import defer, utils 
 23  from buildbot.changes import base, changes 
25 -class GitPoller(base.PollingChangeSource):
26 """This source will poll a remote git repo for changes and submit 27 them to the change master.""" 28 29 compare_attrs = ["repourl", "branch", "workdir", 30 "pollInterval", "gitbin", "usetimestamps", 31 "category", "project"] 32
33 - def __init__(self, repourl, branch='master', 34 workdir=None, pollInterval=10*60, 35 gitbin='git', usetimestamps=True, 36 category=None, project=None, 37 pollinterval=-2):
38 # for backward compatibility; the parameter used to be spelled with 'i' 39 if pollinterval != -2: 40 pollInterval = pollinterval 41 if project is None: project = '' 42 43 self.repourl = repourl 44 self.branch = branch 45 self.pollInterval = pollInterval 46 self.lastChange = time.time() 47 self.lastPoll = time.time() 48 self.gitbin = gitbin 49 self.workdir = workdir 50 self.usetimestamps = usetimestamps 51 self.category = category 52 self.project = project 53 self.changeCount = 0 54 self.commitInfo = {} 55 56 if self.workdir == None: 57 self.workdir = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/gitpoller_work'
59 - def startService(self):
60 base.PollingChangeSource.startService(self) 61 62 if not os.path.exists(self.workdir): 63 log.msg('gitpoller: creating working dir %s' % self.workdir) 64 os.makedirs(self.workdir) 65 66 if not os.path.exists(self.workdir + r'/.git'): 67 log.msg('gitpoller: initializing working dir') 68 os.system(self.gitbin + ' clone ' + self.repourl + ' ' + self.workdir)
70 - def describe(self):
71 status = "" 72 if not self.parent: 73 status = "[STOPPED - check log]" 74 str = 'GitPoller watching the remote git repository %s, branch: %s %s' \ 75 % (self.repourl, self.branch, status) 76 return str
78 - def poll(self):
79 d = self._get_changes() 80 d.addCallback(self._process_changes) 81 d.addErrback(self._process_changes_failure) 82 d.addCallback(self._catch_up) 83 d.addErrback(self._catch_up_failure) 84 return d
86 - def _get_commit_comments(self, rev):
87 args = ['log', rev, '--no-walk', r'--format=%s%n%b'] 88 d = utils.getProcessOutput(self.gitbin, args, path=self.workdir, env={}, errortoo=False ) 89 d.addCallback(self._get_commit_comments_from_output) 90 return d
92 - def _get_commit_comments_from_output(self,git_output):
93 stripped_output = git_output.strip() 94 if len(stripped_output) == 0: 95 raise EnvironmentError('could not get commit comment for rev') 96 self.commitInfo['comments'] = stripped_output 97 return self.commitInfo['comments'] # for tests
99 - def _get_commit_timestamp(self, rev):
100 # unix timestamp 101 args = ['log', rev, '--no-walk', r'--format=%ct'] 102 d = utils.getProcessOutput(self.gitbin, args, path=self.workdir, env={}, errortoo=False ) 103 d.addCallback(self._get_commit_timestamp_from_output) 104 return d
106 - def _get_commit_timestamp_from_output(self, git_output):
107 stripped_output = git_output.strip() 108 if self.usetimestamps: 109 try: 110 stamp = float(stripped_output) 111 except Exception, e: 112 log.msg('gitpoller: caught exception converting output \'%s\' to timestamp' % stripped_output) 113 raise e 114 self.commitInfo['timestamp'] = stamp 115 else: 116 self.commitInfo['timestamp'] = None 117 return self.commitInfo['timestamp'] # for tests
119 - def _get_commit_files(self, rev):
120 args = ['log', rev, '--name-only', '--no-walk', r'--format=%n'] 121 d = utils.getProcessOutput(self.gitbin, args, path=self.workdir, env={}, errortoo=False ) 122 d.addCallback(self._get_commit_files_from_output) 123 return d
125 - def _get_commit_files_from_output(self, git_output):
126 fileList = git_output.split() 127 self.commitInfo['files'] = fileList 128 return self.commitInfo['files'] # for tests
130 - def _get_commit_name(self, rev):
131 args = ['log', rev, '--no-walk', r'--format=%aE'] 132 d = utils.getProcessOutput(self.gitbin, args, path=self.workdir, env={}, errortoo=False ) 133 d.addCallback(self._get_commit_name_from_output) 134 return d
136 - def _get_commit_name_from_output(self, git_output):
137 stripped_output = git_output.strip() 138 if len(stripped_output) == 0: 139 raise EnvironmentError('could not get commit name for rev') 140 self.commitInfo['name'] = stripped_output 141 return self.commitInfo['name'] # for tests
143 - def _get_changes(self):
144 log.msg('gitpoller: polling git repo at %s' % self.repourl) 145 146 self.lastPoll = time.time() 147 148 # get a deferred object that performs the fetch 149 args = ['fetch', self.repourl, self.branch] 150 # This command always produces data on stderr, but we actually do not care 151 # about the stderr or stdout from this command. We set errortoo=True to 152 # avoid an errback from the deferred. The callback which will be added to this 153 # deferred will not use the response. 154 d = utils.getProcessOutput(self.gitbin, args, path=self.workdir, env={}, errortoo=True ) 155 156 return d
158 - def _process_changes(self, unused_output):
159 # get the change list 160 revListArgs = ['log', 'HEAD..FETCH_HEAD', r'--format=%H'] 161 d = utils.getProcessOutput(self.gitbin, revListArgs, path=self.workdir, env={}, errortoo=False ) 162 d.addCallback(self._process_changes_in_output) 163 return d
165 - def _process_changes_in_output(self, git_output):
166 self.changeCount = 0 167 168 # process oldest change first 169 revList = git_output.split() 170 if revList: 171 revList.reverse() 172 self.changeCount = len(revList) 173 174 log.msg('gitpoller: processing %d changes: %s in "%s"' % (self.changeCount, revList, self.workdir) ) 175 176 for rev in revList: 177 self.commitInfo = {} 178 179 deferreds = [ 180 self._get_commit_timestamp(rev), 181 self._get_commit_name(rev), 182 self._get_commit_files(rev), 183 self._get_commit_comments(rev), 184 ] 185 dl = defer.DeferredList(deferreds) 186 dl.addCallback(self._add_change,rev)
187 188
189 - def _add_change(self, results, rev):
190 log.msg('gitpoller: _add_change results: "%s", rev: "%s" in "%s"' % (results, rev, self.workdir)) 191 192 c = changes.Change(who=self.commitInfo['name'], 193 revision=rev, 194 files=self.commitInfo['files'], 195 comments=self.commitInfo['comments'], 196 when=self.commitInfo['timestamp'], 197 branch=self.branch, 198 category=self.category, 199 project=self.project, 200 repository=self.repourl) 201 log.msg('gitpoller: change "%s" in "%s"' % (c, self.workdir)) 202 self.parent.addChange(c) 203 self.lastChange = self.lastPoll
204 205
206 - def _process_changes_failure(self, f):
207 log.msg('gitpoller: repo poll failed') 208 log.err(f) 209 # eat the failure to continue along the defered chain - we still want to catch up 210 return None
212 - def _catch_up(self, res):
213 if self.changeCount == 0: 214 log.msg('gitpoller: no changes, no catch_up') 215 return 216 log.msg('gitpoller: catching up to FETCH_HEAD') 217 args = ['reset', '--hard', 'FETCH_HEAD'] 218 d = utils.getProcessOutputAndValue(self.gitbin, args, path=self.workdir, env={}) 219 def convert_nonzero_to_failure(res): 220 (stdout, stderr, code) = res 221 if code != 0: 222 raise EnvironmentError('catch up failed with exit code: %d' % code)
223 d.addCallback(convert_nonzero_to_failure) 224 return d
226 - def _catch_up_failure(self, f):
227 log.err(f) 228 log.msg('gitpoller: please resolve issues in local repo: %s' % self.workdir)
229 # this used to stop the service, but this is (a) unfriendly to tests and (b) 230 # likely to leave the error message lost in a sea of other log messages 231