Package buildbot :: Package status :: Package web :: Module authz
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Source Code for Module buildbot.status.web.authz

 1  from buildbot.status.web.auth import IAuth 
3 -class Authz(object):
4 """Decide who can do what.""" 5 6 knownActions = [ 7 # If you add a new action here, be sure to also update the documentation 8 # at docs/cfg-statustargets.texinfo 9 'gracefulShutdown', 10 'forceBuild', 11 'forceAllBuilds', 12 'pingBuilder', 13 'stopBuild', 14 'stopAllBuilds', 15 'cancelPendingBuild', 16 'cleanShutdown', 17 ] 18
19 - def __init__(self, 20 default_action=False, 21 auth=None, 22 **kwargs):
23 self.auth = auth 24 if auth: 25 assert IAuth.providedBy(auth) 26 27 self.config = dict( (a, default_action) for a in self.knownActions ) 28 for act in self.knownActions: 29 if act in kwargs: 30 self.config[act] = kwargs[act] 31 del kwargs[act] 32 33 if kwargs: 34 raise ValueError("unknown authorization action(s) " + ", ".join(kwargs.keys()))
36 - def advertiseAction(self, action):
37 """Should the web interface even show the form for ACTION?""" 38 if action not in self.knownActions: 39 raise KeyError("unknown action") 40 cfg = self.config.get(action, False) 41 if cfg: 42 return True 43 return False
45 - def needAuthForm(self, action):
46 """Does this action require an authentication form?""" 47 if action not in self.knownActions: 48 raise KeyError("unknown action") 49 cfg = self.config.get(action, False) 50 if cfg == 'auth' or callable(cfg): 51 return True 52 return False
54 - def actionAllowed(self, action, request, *args):
55 """Is this ACTION allowed, given this http REQUEST?""" 56 if action not in self.knownActions: 57 raise KeyError("unknown action") 58 cfg = self.config.get(action, False) 59 if cfg: 60 if cfg == 'auth' or callable(cfg): 61 if not self.auth: 62 return False 63 user = request.args.get("username", ["<unknown>"])[0] 64 passwd = request.args.get("passwd", ["<no-password>"])[0] 65 if user == "<unknown>" or passwd == "<no-password>": 66 return False 67 if self.auth.authenticate(user, passwd): 68 if callable(cfg) and not cfg(user, *args): 69 return False 70 return True 71 return False 72 else: 73 return True # anyone can do this..