Package buildbot :: Package status :: Module builder :: Class BuilderStatus
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Class BuilderStatus

source code

twisted.persisted.styles.Versioned --+

I handle status information for a single process.base.Builder object. That object sends status changes to me (frequently as Events), and I provide them on demand to the various status recipients, like the HTML waterfall display and the live status clients. It also sends build summaries to me, which I log and provide to status clients who aren't interested in seeing details of the individual build steps.

I am responsible for maintaining the list of historic Events and Builds, pruning old ones, and loading them from / saving them to disk.

I live in the buildbot.process.base.Builder object, in the .builder_status attribute.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, buildername, category=None) source code
Get state, adding a version number to it on its way out.
source code
__setstate__(self, d) source code
reconfigFromBuildmaster(self, buildmaster) source code
upgradeToVersion1(self) source code
Scan our directory of saved BuildStatus instances to determine what our self.nextBuildNumber should be.
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setLogCompressionLimit(self, lowerLimit) source code
setLogCompressionMethod(self, method) source code
setLogMaxSize(self, upperLimit) source code
setLogMaxTailSize(self, tailSize) source code
saveYourself(self) source code
makeBuildFilename(self, number) source code
touchBuildCache(self, build) source code
getBuildByNumber(self, number) source code
prune(self) source code
getName(self) source code
getState(self) source code
getSlaves(self) source code
getPendingBuilds(self) source code
getCurrentBuilds(self) source code
getLastFinishedBuild(self) source code
getCategory(self) source code
getBuild(self, number) source code
getEvent(self, number) source code
generateFinishedBuilds(self, branches=[], num_builds=None, max_buildnum=None, finished_before=None, max_search=200) source code
eventGenerator(self, branches=[], categories=[], committers=[], minTime=0)
This function creates a generator which will provide all of this Builder's status events, starting with the most recent and progressing backwards in time.
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subscribe(self, receiver) source code
unsubscribe(self, receiver) source code
setSlavenames(self, names) source code
addEvent(self, text=[]) source code
addPointEvent(self, text=[]) source code
setBigState(self, state) source code
publishState(self, target=None) source code
The Builder has decided to start a build, but the Build object is not yet ready to report status (it has not finished creating the Steps).
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buildStarted(self, s)
Now the BuildStatus object is ready to go (it knows all of its Steps, its ETA, etc), so it is safe to notify our watchers.
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sendLastBuildStatus(self, client) source code
sendCurrentActivityBigToEveryone(self) source code
sendCurrentActivityBig(self, client) source code
getEventNumbered(self, num) source code
loadYourOldEvents(self) source code
saveYourOldEvents(self) source code
addClient(self, client) source code
removeClient(self, client) source code
asDict(self) source code

Inherited from twisted.persisted.styles.Versioned: __providedBy__, versionUpgrade

Class Variables
  persistenceVersion = 1
  buildCacheSize = 15
  eventHorizon = 50
  logHorizon = 40
  buildHorizon = 100
  currentBigState = 'offline'
  basedir = None
  __implemented__ = <implementedBy buildbot.status.builder.Build...
  __provides__ = <zope.interface.declarations.ClassProvides obje...

Inherited from twisted.persisted.styles.Versioned: persistenceForgets

Instance Variables
string category = None
user-defined category this builder belongs to; can be used to filter on in status clients
Method Details


source code 

Get state, adding a version number to it on its way out.

Overrides: twisted.persisted.styles.Versioned.__getstate__
(inherited documentation)

__setstate__(self, d)

source code 
Overrides: twisted.persisted.styles.Versioned.__setstate__


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Scan our directory of saved BuildStatus instances to determine what our self.nextBuildNumber should be. Set it one larger than the highest-numbered build we discover. This is called by the top-level Status object shortly after we are created or loaded from disk.


source code 

The Builder has decided to start a build, but the Build object is not yet ready to report status (it has not finished creating the Steps). Create a BuildStatus object that it can use.

Class Variable Details


<implementedBy buildbot.status.builder.BuilderStatus>


<zope.interface.declarations.ClassProvides object at 0x104b590>