Package buildbot :: Module util
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Source Code for Module buildbot.util

  1  # -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_util -*- 
  3  from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred 
  4  from twisted.spread import pb 
  5  import time, re, string 
7 -def naturalSort(l):
8 """Returns a sorted copy of l, so that numbers in strings are sorted in the 9 proper order. 10 11 e.g. ['foo10', 'foo1', 'foo2'] will be sorted as ['foo1', 'foo2', 'foo10'] 12 instead of the default ['foo1', 'foo10', 'foo2']""" 13 l = l[:] 14 def try_int(s): 15 try: 16 return int(s) 17 except: 18 return s
19 def key_func(item): 20 return [try_int(s) for s in re.split('(\d+)', item)] 21 # prepend integer keys to each element, sort them, then strip the keys 22 keyed_l = [ (key_func(i), i) for i in l ] 23 keyed_l.sort() 24 l = [ i[1] for i in keyed_l ] 25 return l 26
27 -def now():
28 #return int(time.time()) 29 return time.time()
31 -def earlier(old, new):
32 # minimum of two things, but "None" counts as +infinity 33 if old: 34 if new < old: 35 return new 36 return old 37 return new
39 -def later(old, new):
40 # maximum of two things, but "None" counts as -infinity 41 if old: 42 if new > old: 43 return new 44 return old 45 return new
47 -def formatInterval(eta):
48 eta_parts = [] 49 if eta > 3600: 50 eta_parts.append("%d hrs" % (eta / 3600)) 51 eta %= 3600 52 if eta > 60: 53 eta_parts.append("%d mins" % (eta / 60)) 54 eta %= 60 55 eta_parts.append("%d secs" % eta) 56 return ", ".join(eta_parts)
58 -class CancelableDeferred(Deferred):
59 """I am a version of Deferred that can be canceled by calling my 60 .cancel() method. After being canceled, no callbacks or errbacks will be 61 executed. 62 """
63 - def __init__(self):
64 Deferred.__init__(self) 65 self.canceled = 0
66 - def cancel(self):
67 self.canceled = 1
68 - def _runCallbacks(self):
69 if self.canceled: 70 self.callbacks = [] 71 return 72 Deferred._runCallbacks(self)
74 -def ignoreStaleRefs(failure):
75 """d.addErrback(util.ignoreStaleRefs)""" 76 r = failure.trap(pb.DeadReferenceError, pb.PBConnectionLost) 77 return None
79 -class _None:
80 pass
82 -class ComparableMixin:
83 """Specify a list of attributes that are 'important'. These will be used 84 for all comparison operations.""" 85 86 compare_attrs = [] 87
88 - def __hash__(self):
89 alist = [self.__class__] + \ 90 [getattr(self, name, _None) for name in self.compare_attrs] 91 return hash(tuple(alist))
93 - def __cmp__(self, them):
94 result = cmp(type(self), type(them)) 95 if result: 96 return result 97 98 result = cmp(self.__class__, them.__class__) 99 if result: 100 return result 101 102 assert self.compare_attrs == them.compare_attrs 103 self_list= [getattr(self, name, _None) for name in self.compare_attrs] 104 them_list= [getattr(them, name, _None) for name in self.compare_attrs] 105 return cmp(self_list, them_list)
107 -def to_text(s):
108 if isinstance(s, (str, unicode)): 109 return s 110 else: 111 return str(s)
112 113 # Remove potentially harmful characters from builder name if it is to be 114 # used as the build dir. 115 badchars_map = string.maketrans("\t !#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\]^{|}~", 116 "______________________________")
117 -def safeTranslate(str):
118 if isinstance(str, unicode): 119 str = str.encode('utf8') 120 return str.translate(badchars_map)
122 -def remove_userpassword(url):
123 if '@' not in url: 124 return url 125 if '://' not in url: 126 return url 127 128 # urlparse would've been nice, but doesn't support ssh... sigh 129 protocol_url = url.split('://') 130 protocol = protocol_url[0] 131 repo_url = protocol_url[1].split('@')[-1] 132 133 return protocol + '://' + repo_url