Package buildbot :: Package steps :: Module trigger
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Source Code for Module buildbot.steps.trigger

  1  from buildbot.process.buildstep import LoggingBuildStep, SUCCESS, FAILURE, EXCEPTION 
  2  from import Properties 
  3  from buildbot.scheduler import Triggerable 
  4  from twisted.internet import defer 
6 -class Trigger(LoggingBuildStep):
7 """I trigger a scheduler.Triggerable, to use one or more Builders as if 8 they were a single buildstep (like a subroutine call). 9 """ 10 name = "trigger" 11 12 flunkOnFailure = True 13
14 - def __init__(self, schedulerNames=[], updateSourceStamp=True, 15 waitForFinish=False, set_properties={}, copy_properties=[], **kwargs):
16 """ 17 Trigger the given schedulers when this step is executed. 18 19 @param schedulerNames: A list of scheduler names that should be 20 triggered. Schedulers can be specified using 21 WithProperties, if desired. 22 23 @param updateSourceStamp: If True (the default), I will try to give 24 the schedulers an absolute SourceStamp for 25 their builds, so that a HEAD build will use 26 the same revision even if more changes have 27 occurred since my build's update step was 28 run. If False, I will use the original 29 SourceStamp unmodified. 30 31 @param waitForFinish: If False (the default), this step will finish 32 as soon as I've started the triggered 33 schedulers. If True, I will wait until all of 34 the triggered schedulers have finished their 35 builds. 36 37 @param set_properties: A dictionary of properties to set for any 38 builds resulting from this trigger. These 39 properties will override properties set in the 40 Triggered scheduler's constructor. 41 42 @param copy_properties: a list of property names to copy verbatim 43 into any builds resulting from this trigger. 44 45 """ 46 assert schedulerNames, "You must specify a scheduler to trigger" 47 self.schedulerNames = schedulerNames 48 self.updateSourceStamp = updateSourceStamp 49 self.waitForFinish = waitForFinish 50 self.set_properties = set_properties 51 self.copy_properties = copy_properties 52 self.running = False 53 LoggingBuildStep.__init__(self, **kwargs) 54 self.addFactoryArguments(schedulerNames=schedulerNames, 55 updateSourceStamp=updateSourceStamp, 56 waitForFinish=waitForFinish, 57 set_properties=set_properties, 58 copy_properties=copy_properties)
60 - def interrupt(self, reason):
61 # TODO: this doesn't actually do anything. 62 if self.running: 63 self.step_status.setText(["interrupted"])
65 - def start(self):
66 properties = 67 68 # make a new properties object from a dict rendered by the old 69 # properties object 70 props_to_set = Properties() 71 props_to_set.update(properties.render(self.set_properties), "Trigger") 72 for p in self.copy_properties: 73 if p not in properties: 74 raise RuntimeError("copy_property '%s' is not set in the triggering build" % p) 75 props_to_set.setProperty(p, properties[p], 76 "%s (in triggering build)" % properties.getPropertySource(p)) 77 78 self.running = True 79 ss = 80 if self.updateSourceStamp: 81 got = properties.getProperty('got_revision') 82 if got: 83 ss = ss.getAbsoluteSourceStamp(got) 84 85 # (is there an easier way to find the BuildMaster?) 86 all_schedulers = 87 all_schedulers = dict([(, sch) for sch in all_schedulers]) 88 unknown_schedulers = [] 89 triggered_schedulers = [] 90 91 # TODO: don't fire any schedulers if we discover an unknown one 92 dl = [] 93 for scheduler in self.schedulerNames: 94 scheduler = properties.render(scheduler) 95 if all_schedulers.has_key(scheduler): 96 sch = all_schedulers[scheduler] 97 if isinstance(sch, Triggerable): 98 dl.append(sch.trigger(ss, set_props=props_to_set)) 99 triggered_schedulers.append(scheduler) 100 else: 101 unknown_schedulers.append(scheduler) 102 else: 103 unknown_schedulers.append(scheduler) 104 105 if unknown_schedulers: 106 self.step_status.setText(['no scheduler:'] + unknown_schedulers) 107 rc = FAILURE 108 else: 109 rc = SUCCESS 110 self.step_status.setText(['triggered'] + triggered_schedulers) 111 112 if self.waitForFinish: 113 d = defer.DeferredList(dl, consumeErrors=1) 114 else: 115 d = defer.succeed([]) 116 117 def cb(rclist): 118 rc = SUCCESS # (this rc is not the same variable as that above) 119 for was_cb, buildsetstatus in rclist: 120 # TODO: make this algo more configurable 121 if not was_cb: 122 rc = EXCEPTION 123 break 124 if buildsetstatus.getResults() == FAILURE: 125 rc = FAILURE 126 return self.finished(rc)
127 128 def eb(why): 129 return self.finished(FAILURE)
130 131 d.addCallbacks(cb, eb) 132