Package buildbot :: Package status :: Package web :: Module baseweb :: Class Waterfall
[frames] | no frames]

Class Waterfall

source code

 twisted.application.service.Service --+        
twisted.application.service.MultiService --+    
                                   WebStatus --+

Instance Methods
Returns the directory component of a pathname
__init__(self, http_port=None, distrib_port=None, allowForce=True, categories=None, css='/home/dustin/code/buildbot/t/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/cla..., favicon='/home/dustin/code/buildbot/t/buildbot/buildbot/buildbot.png', robots_txt=None)
Run a web server that provides Buildbot status.
source code

Inherited from WebStatus: __repr__, authUser, getChangeSvc, getControl, getPortnum, getStatus, isUsingUserPasswd, putChild, registerChannel, setServiceParent, setupSite, setupUsualPages, stopService

Inherited from twisted.application.service.MultiService: __iter__, addService, getServiceNamed, privilegedStartService, removeService, startService

Inherited from twisted.application.service.Service: __getstate__, __providedBy__, disownServiceParent, setName

Class Variables
  here = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
  buildbot_icon = '/home/dustin/code/buildbot/t/buildbot/buildbo...
  buildbot_css = '/home/dustin/code/buildbot/t/buildbot/buildbot...
  compare_attrs = ['http_port', 'distrib_port', 'allowForce', 'c...

Inherited from WebStatus: __implemented__, __provides__

Inherited from twisted.application.service.Service: name, parent, running

Method Details

__init__(self, http_port=None, distrib_port=None, allowForce=True, categories=None, css='/home/dustin/code/buildbot/t/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/cla..., favicon='/home/dustin/code/buildbot/t/buildbot/buildbot/buildbot.png', robots_txt=None)

source code 

Run a web server that provides Buildbot status.

  • http_port - a strports specification describing which port the buildbot should use for its web server, with the Waterfall display as the root page. For backwards compatibility this can also be an int. Use 'tcp:8000' to listen on that port, or 'tcp:12345:interface=' if you only want local processes to connect to it (perhaps because you are using an HTTP reverse proxy to make the buildbot available to the outside world, and do not want to make the raw port visible).
  • distrib_port - Use this if you want to publish the Waterfall page using web.distrib instead. The most common case is to provide a string that is an absolute pathname to the unix socket on which the publisher should listen (os.path.expanduser(~/.twistd-web-pb) will match the default settings of a standard twisted.web 'personal web server'). Another possibility is to pass an integer, which means the publisher should listen on a TCP socket, allowing the web server to be on a different machine entirely. Both forms are provided for backwards compatibility; the preferred form is a strports specification like 'unix:/home/buildbot/.twistd-web-pb'. Providing a non-absolute pathname will probably confuse the strports parser.
  • allowForce - boolean, if True then the webserver will allow visitors to trigger and cancel builds
  • public_html - the path to the public_html directory for this display, either absolute or relative to the basedir. The default is 'public_html', which selects BASEDIR/public_html.
  • site - Use this if you want to define your own object instead of using the default.`
  • numbuilds - Default number of entries in lists at the /one_line_per_build and /builders/FOO URLs. This default can be overriden both programatically --- by passing the equally named argument to constructors of OneLinePerBuildOneBuilder and OneLinePerBuild --- and via the UI, by tacking ?numbuilds=xy onto the URL.
  • num_events - Defaualt number of events to show in the waterfall.
  • num_events_max - The maximum number of events that are allowed to be shown in the waterfall. The default value of None will disable this check
  • auth - an object that performs authentication to restrict access to the allowForce features. Ignored if allowForce is not True. If auth is None, people can force or stop builds without auth.
  • order_console_by_time - Whether to order changes (commits) in the console view according to the time they were created (for VCS like Git) or according to their integer revision numbers (for VCS like SVN).
Overrides: twisted.application.service.MultiService.__init__

Class Variable Details





