Package buildbot :: Package changes :: Module freshcvs
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Source Code for Module buildbot.changes.freshcvs

  2  import os.path 
  4  from zope.interface import implements 
  5  from twisted.cred import credentials 
  6  from twisted.spread import pb 
  7  from twisted.application.internet import TCPClient 
  8  from twisted.python import log 
 10  import cvstoys.common # to make sure VersionedPatch gets registered 
 12  from buildbot.interfaces import IChangeSource 
 13  from buildbot.pbutil import ReconnectingPBClientFactory 
 14  from buildbot.changes.changes import Change 
 15  from buildbot import util 
17 -class FreshCVSListener(pb.Referenceable):
18 - def remote_notify(self, root, files, message, user):
19 try: 20 self.source.notify(root, files, message, user) 21 except Exception, e: 22 print "notify failed" 23 log.err()
25 - def remote_goodbye(self, message):
26 pass
28 -class FreshCVSConnectionFactory(ReconnectingPBClientFactory):
30 - def gotPerspective(self, perspective):
31 log.msg("connected to FreshCVS daemon") 32 ReconnectingPBClientFactory.gotPerspective(self, perspective) 33 self.source.connected = True 34 # TODO: freshcvs-1.0.10 doesn't handle setFilter correctly, it will 35 # be fixed in the upcoming 1.0.11 . I haven't been able to test it 36 # to make sure the failure mode is survivable, so I'll just leave 37 # this out for now. 38 return 39 if self.source.prefix is not None: 40 pathfilter = "^%s" % self.source.prefix 41 d = perspective.callRemote("setFilter", 42 None, pathfilter, None) 43 # ignore failures, setFilter didn't work in 1.0.10 and this is 44 # just an optimization anyway 45 d.addErrback(lambda f: None)
47 - def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
48 ReconnectingPBClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, 49 reason) 50 self.source.connected = False
52 -class FreshCVSSourceNewcred(TCPClient, util.ComparableMixin):
53 """This source will connect to a FreshCVS server associated with one or 54 more CVS repositories. Each time a change is committed to a repository, 55 the server will send us a message describing the change. This message is 56 used to build a Change object, which is then submitted to the 57 ChangeMaster. 58 59 This class handles freshcvs daemons which use newcred. CVSToys-1.0.9 60 does not, later versions might. 61 """ 62 63 implements(IChangeSource) 64 compare_attrs = ["host", "port", "username", "password", "prefix"] 65 66 changemaster = None # filled in when we're added 67 connected = False 68
69 - def __init__(self, host, port, user, passwd, prefix=None):
70 = host 71 self.port = port 72 self.username = user 73 self.password = passwd 74 if prefix is not None and not prefix.endswith("/"): 75 log.msg("WARNING: prefix '%s' should probably end with a slash" \ 76 % prefix) 77 self.prefix = prefix 78 self.listener = l = FreshCVSListener() 79 l.source = self 80 self.factory = f = FreshCVSConnectionFactory() 81 f.source = self 82 self.creds = credentials.UsernamePassword(user, passwd) 83 f.startLogin(self.creds, client=l) 84 TCPClient.__init__(self, host, port, f)
86 - def __repr__(self):
87 return "<FreshCVSSource where=%s, prefix=%s>" % \ 88 ((, self.port), self.prefix)
90 - def describe(self):
91 online = "" 92 if not self.connected: 93 online = " [OFFLINE]" 94 return "freshcvs %s:%s%s" % (, self.port, online)
96 - def notify(self, root, files, message, user):
97 pathnames = [] 98 isdir = 0 99 for f in files: 100 if not isinstance(f, (cvstoys.common.VersionedPatch, 101 cvstoys.common.Directory)): 102 continue 103 pathname, filename = f.pathname, f.filename 104 #r1, r2 = getattr(f, 'r1', None), getattr(f, 'r2', None) 105 if isinstance(f, cvstoys.common.Directory): 106 isdir = 1 107 path = os.path.join(pathname, filename) 108 log.msg("FreshCVS notify '%s'" % path) 109 if self.prefix: 110 if path.startswith(self.prefix): 111 path = path[len(self.prefix):] 112 else: 113 continue 114 pathnames.append(path) 115 if pathnames: 116 # now() is close enough: FreshCVS *is* realtime, after all 117 118 c = Change(user, pathnames, message, isdir, when=when) 119 self.parent.addChange(c)
121 -class FreshCVSSourceOldcred(FreshCVSSourceNewcred):
122 """This is for older freshcvs daemons (from CVSToys-1.0.9 and earlier). 123 """ 124
125 - def __init__(self, host, port, user, passwd, 126 serviceName="cvstoys.notify", prefix=None):
127 = host 128 self.port = port 129 self.prefix = prefix 130 self.listener = l = FreshCVSListener() 131 l.source = self 132 self.factory = f = FreshCVSConnectionFactory() 133 f.source = self 134 f.startGettingPerspective(user, passwd, serviceName, client=l) 135 TCPClient.__init__(self, host, port, f)
137 - def __repr__(self):
138 return "<FreshCVSSourceOldcred where=%s, prefix=%s>" % \ 139 ((, self.port), self.prefix)
140 141 # this is suitable for CVSToys-1.0.10 and later. If you run CVSToys-1.0.9 or 142 # earlier, use FreshCVSSourceOldcred instead. 143 FreshCVSSource = FreshCVSSourceNewcred 144