
from buildbot.plugins import reporters

ss = reporters.BitbucketServerCoreAPIStatusPush('https://bitbucketserver.example.com:8080/',

Or using Bitbucket personal access token

from buildbot.plugins import reporters

ss = reporters.BitbucketServerCoreAPIStatusPush('https://bitbucketserver.example.com:8080/',

BitbucketServerCoreAPIStatusPush publishes build status using BitbucketServer Core REST API into which it was integrated in Bitbucket Server 7.4. The build status is published to a specific commit SHA in specific repository in Bitbucket Server with some additional information about reference name, build duration, parent relationship and also possibly test results.

class BitbucketServerCoreAPIStatusPush(base_url, token=None, auth=None, name=None, statusSuffix=None, generators=None, key=None, parentName=None, buildNumber=None, ref=None, duration=None, testResults=None, verbose=False, debug=None, verify=None)
  • base_url (string) – The base url of the Bitbucket Server host.

  • token (string) – Bitbucket personal access token (mutually exclusive with auth) (can be a Secret)

  • auth (tuple) – A tuple of Bitbucket Server username and password (mutually exclusive with token) (can be a Secret)

  • statusName (renderable string) – The name that is displayed for this status. If not defined it is constructed to look like “%(prop:buildername)s #%(prop:buildnumber)s”. Or if the plan has a parent plan the default is constructed to look like “<parent’s buildername> #<parent’s buildnumber> >> %(prop:buildername)s #%(prop:buildnumber)s”. If build status is generated by BuildRequestGenerator “%(prop:buildername)s #(build request)” is used instead of “%(prop:buildername)s #%(prop:buildnumber)s”. Note: Parent information is not accessible as properties for user defined renderer.

  • statusSuffix (renderable string) – Additional string that is appended to statusName. Empty by default. It is useful when the same plan is launched multiple times for a single parent plan instance. This way every instance of the child plan can have unique suffix and thus be more recognizable (than it would be just by the buildnumber).

  • generators (list of IReportGenerator instances) – A list of report generators that will be used to generate reports to be sent by this reporter. By default build statuses are generated by BuildRequestGenerator and BuildStartEndStatusGenerator.

  • key (renderable string) – Passed to Bitbucket Server to differentiate between statuses. A static string can be passed or Interpolate for dynamic substitution. The default key is %(prop:buildername)s.

  • parentName (renderable string) – Defaults to parent’s buildername if plan has a parent plan. Otherwise plan’s own buildername is used as default.

  • buildNumber (renderable string) – The default build number is %(prop:buildername)s.

  • ref (renderable string) – By default branch name from SourceStamp is used. If branch doesn’t start with string refs/ prefix refs/heads/ is added to it’s beginning.

  • duration (renderable int) – Computed for finished builds. Otherwise None. (value in milliseconds)

  • testResults (renderable dict) – Test results can be reported via this parameter. Resulting dictionary must contain keys failed, skipped, successful. By default these keys are filled with values from build properties (tests_failed, tests_skipped, tests_successful) if at least one of the properties is found (missing values will default to 0). Otherwise None. Note: If you want to suppress the default behavior pass renderable that always interpolates to None.

  • verbose (boolean) – If True, logs a message for each successful status push.

  • verify (boolean) – Disable ssl verification for the case you use temporary self signed certificates.

  • debug (boolean) – Logs every requests and their response.