
This formatter can be used to generate arbitrary messages according to arbitrary calculations.

As opposed to MessageFormatterFunction, full message information can be customized.

The return value of the provided function must be a dictionary and is interpreted as follows:

  • body. Body of the message. Most reporters require this to be a string. If not provided, None is used.

  • type. Type of the message. Must be either plain, html or json. If not provided, "plain" is used.

  • subject. Subject of the message. Must be a string. If not provided, None is used.

  • extra_info. Extra information of the message. Must be either None or a dictionary of dictionaries with string keys in both root and child dictionaries. If not provided, None is used.

class buildbot.reporters.message.MessageFormatterFunctionRaw(function, want_properties=True, want_steps=False, want_logs=False, want_logs_content=False)
  • function (callable) –

    A callable that will be called with a two arguments.

    • master: An instance of BuildMaster

    • ctx: dictionary that contains the same context dictionary as MessageFormatter.

  • want_properties (boolean) – include ‘properties’ in the build dictionary

  • want_steps (boolean) – include ‘steps’ in the build dictionary

  • want_logs (boolean) – include ‘logs’ in the steps dictionaries. This implies want_steps=True. This includes only log metadata, for content use want_logs_content.

  • want_logs_content (boolean or list[str]) – include logs content in the logs dictionaries. False disables log content inclusion. True enables log content inclusion for all logs. A list of strings specifies which logs to include. The logs can be included by name; or by step name and log name separated by dot character. If log name is specified, logs with that name will be included regardless of the step it is in. If both step and log names are specified, then logs with that name will be included only from the specific step. want_logs_content being not False implies want_logs=True and want_steps=True. Enabling want_logs_content dumps the full content of logs and may consume lots of memory and CPU depending on the log size.