3.5.24. Raw endpoints

Raw endpoints allow to download content in their raw format (i.e. not within a json glue). The content-disposition http header is set, so that the browser knows which file to store the content to.

path: /builders/{builderid_or_buildername}/builds/{build_number}/data/{build_data_name}/value
Path Keys:
  • builderid_or_buildername (number|string) – the ID or name of the builder

  • build_number (number) – the number of the build within the builder

  • build_data_name (string) – the name of build data

path: /builders/{builderid_or_buildername}/builds/{build_number}/steps/{step_name}/logs/{log_slug}/raw
Path Keys:
  • builderid_or_buildername (number|string) – the ID or name of the builder

  • build_number (number) – the number of the build within the builder

  • step_name (identifier) – the slug name of the step

  • log_slug (identifier) – the slug name of the log

This endpoint allows to get the raw logs for downloading into a file. This endpoint does not provide paging capabilities. For stream log types, the type line header characters are dropped. ‘text/plain’ is used as the mime type except for html logs, where ‘text/html’ is used. The ‘slug’ is used as the filename for the resulting download. Some browsers are appending ".txt" or ".html" to this filename according to the mime-type.

path: /builders/{builderid_or_buildername}/builds/{build_number}/steps/{step_number}/logs/{log_slug}/raw
Path Keys:
  • builderid_or_buildername (number|string) – the ID or name of the builder

  • build_number (number) – the number of the build within the builder

  • step_number (number) – the number of the step

  • log_slug (identifier) – the slug name of the log

This path downloads the whole log

path: /builds/{buildid}/data/{build_data_name}/value
Path Keys:
  • buildid (number) – the id of the build

  • build_data_name (string) – the name of build data

path: /builds/{buildid}/steps/{step_number_or_name}/logs/{log_slug}/raw
Path Keys:
  • buildid (number) – the id of the build

  • step_number_or_name (identifier|number) – the name or number of the step

  • log_slug (identifier) – the slug name of the log

This path downloads the whole log

path: /logs/{logid}/raw
Path Keys:

logid (number) – the id of the log

This path downloads the whole log

path: /steps/{stepid}/logs/{log_slug}/raw
Path Keys:
  • stepid (number) – the id of the step

  • log_slug (identifier) – the slug name of the log

This path downloads the whole log