.. bb:step:: Trial .. _Step-Trial: Trial +++++ .. py:class:: buildbot.steps.python_twisted.Trial This step runs a unit test suite using :command:`trial`, a unittest-like testing framework that is a component of Twisted Python. The :bb:step:`Trial` takes the following arguments: ``python`` (string or list of strings, optional) Which python executable to use. Will form the start of the argv array that will launch ``trial``. If you use this, you should set ``trial`` to an explicit path (like /usr/bin/trial or ./bin/trial). Defaults to ``None``, which leaves it out entirely (running 'trial args' instead of python ./bin/trial args'). Likely values are ``'python'``, ``['python3.8']``, ``['python', '-Wall']``, etc. ``trial`` (string, optional) Which 'trial' executable to run Defaults to ``'trial'``, which will cause ``$PATH`` to be searched and probably find ``/usr/bin/trial``. If you set ``python``, this should be set to an explicit path (because ``python3.8 trial`` will not work). ``trialMode`` (list of strings, optional) A list of arguments to pass to trial to set the reporting mode. This defaults to ``['-to']`` which means 'verbose colorless output' to the trial that comes with Twisted-2.0.x and at least -2.1.0 . Newer versions of Twisted may come with a trial that prefers ``['--reporter=bwverbose']``. ``trialArgs`` (list of strings, optional) A list of arguments to pass to trial. This can be used to turn on any extra flags you like. Defaults to ``[]``. ``jobs`` (integer, optional) Defines the number of parallel jobs. ``tests`` (list of strings, optional) Defines the test modules to run. For example, ``['twisted.test.test_defer', 'twisted.test.test_process']`` If this is a string, it will be converted into a one-item list. ``testChanges`` (boolean, optional) Selects the tests according to the changes in the Build. If set, this will override the ``tests`` parameter and asks the Build for all the files that make up the Changes going into this build. The filenames will be passed to ``trial`` asking to run just the tests necessary to cover the changes. ``recurse`` (boolean, optional) Selects the ``--recurse`` option of trial. This allows test cases to be found in deeper subdirectories of the modules listed in ``tests``. When using ``testChanges`` this option is not necessary. ``reactor`` (boolean, optional) Selects the reactor to use within Trial. For example, options are ``gtk`` or ``java``. If not provided, the Twisted's usual platform-dependent default is used. ``randomly`` (boolean, optional) If ``True``, adds the ``--random=0`` argument, which instructs trial to run the unit tests in a random order each time. This occasionally catches problems that might be masked when one module always runs before another. ``**kwargs`` (dict, optional) The step inherits all arguments of ``ShellMixin`` except ``command``. Trial creates and switches into a directory named :file:`_trial_temp/` before running the tests, and sends the twisted log (which includes all exceptions) to a file named :file:`test.log`. This file will be pulled up to the master where it can be seen as part of the status output. .. code-block:: python from buildbot.plugins import steps f.addStep(steps.Trial(tests='petmail.test'))