Release Notes for Buildbot ``0.9.0rc1``

The following are the release notes for Buildbot ``0.9.0rc1``.

See :ref:`Upgrading to Nine` for a guide to upgrading from 0.8.x to 0.9.x



* new ``HipchatStatusPush`` to report build results to Hipchat.

* new steps for Visual Studio 2015 (VS2015, VC14, and MsBuild14).

* The :bb:step:`P4` step now obfuscates the password in status logs.

* Added support for specifying the depth of a shallow clone in :bb:step:`Git`.

* :bb:worker:`OpenStackLatentWorker` now uses a single novaclient instance to not require re-authentication when starting or stopping instances.

* The ``dist`` parameter in :bb:step:`RpmBuild` is now renderable.

* new :bb:reporter:`BitbucketStatusPush` to report build results to a Bitbucket Cloud repository.


* :bb:reporter:`GerritStatusPush` now includes build properties in the ``startCB`` and ``reviewCB`` functions. ``startCB`` now must return a dictionary.
* Fix TypeError exception with :py:class:`~buildbot.changes.HgPoller` if ``usetimestamps=False`` is used (:bug:`3562`)
* Fix recovery upon master unclean kill or crash (:bug:`3564`)

* sqlite access is serialized in order to improve stability (:bug:`3565`)

* Docker latent worker has been fixed (:bug:`3571`)

Changes for Developers



Deprecations, Removals, and Non-Compatible Changes

* Support for python 2.6 was dropped from the master.

* ``public_html`` directory is not created anymore in ``buildbot create-master`` (it's not used for some time already).
  Documentation was updated with suggestions to use third party web server for serving static file.

* ``usePTY`` default value has been changed from ``slave-config`` to ``None`` (use of ``slave-config`` will still work).

* ``GithubStatusPush`` reporter was renamed to :bb:reporter:`GitHubStatusPush`.


Deprecations, Removals, and Non-Compatible Changes

* The ``buildbot-slave`` package has finished being renamed to ``buildbot-worker``.



* ``runGlob()`` uses the correct remote protocol for both :py:class:`~buildbot.process.buildstep.CommandMixin` and :py:class:`~buildbot.steps.worker.ComposititeStepMixin`.

* Rename ``glob()`` to ``runGlob()`` in :py:class:`~buildbot.process.buildstep.CommandMixin`

Changes for Developers

* EC2 Latent Worker upgraded from ``boto2`` to ``boto3``.

Deprecations, Removals, and Non-Compatible Changes

* Worker commands version bumped to 3.0.

* Master/worker protocol has been changed:

  * ``slave_commands`` key in worker information was renamed to ``worker_commands``.

  * ``getSlaveInfo`` remote method was renamed to ``getWorkerInfo``.

  * ``slave-config`` value of ``usePTY`` is not supported anymore.

  * ``slavesrc`` command argument was renamed to ``workersrc`` in ``uploadFile`` and ``uploadDirectory`` commands.

  * ``slavedest`` command argument was renamed to ``workerdest`` in ``downloadFile`` command.

  * Previously deprecated ``WorkerForBuilder.remote_shutdown()`` remote command has been removed.


For a more detailed description of the changes made in this version, see the git log itself:

.. code-block:: bash

   git log v0.9.0b9..v0.9.0rc1

Note that Buildbot-0.8.11 was never released.