Change Sources ============== .. py:module:: buildbot.changes.base ChangeSource ------------ .. py:class:: ChangeSource This is the base class for change sources. Subclasses should override the inherited :py:meth:`~buildbot.util.service.ClusteredService.activate` and :py:meth:`~buildbot.util.service.ClusteredService.deactivate` methods if necessary to handle initialization and shutdown. Change sources which are active on every master should, instead, override ``startService`` and ``stopService``. ReconfigurablePollingChangeSource --------------------------------- .. py:class:: ReconfigurablePollingChangeSource This is a subclass of :py:class:`ChangeSource` which adds polling behavior. Its constructor accepts the ``pollInterval`` and ``pollAtLaunch`` arguments as documented for most built-in change sources. Subclasses should override the ``poll`` method. This method may return a Deferred. Calls to ``poll`` will not overlap.