.. bb:reporter:: BitbucketServerStatusPush


.. code-block:: python

    from buildbot.plugins import reporters

    ss = reporters.BitbucketServerStatusPush('https://bitbucketserver.example.com:8080/',

:class:`BitbucketServerStatusPush` publishes build status using `BitbucketServer Build Integration REST API <https://developer.atlassian.com/static/rest/bitbucket-server/5.1.0/bitbucket-build-rest.html#idm46185565214672>`_.
The build status is published to a specific commit SHA in Bitbucket Server.
It tracks the last build for each builderName for each commit built.

Specifically, it follows the `Updating build status for commits <https://developer.atlassian.com/stash/docs/latest/how-tos/updating-build-status-for-commits.html>`_ document.

It requires `txrequests`_ package to allow interaction with Bitbucket Server REST API.

It uses HTTP Basic AUTH.
As a result, we recommend you use https in your base_url rather than http.

.. py:class:: BitbucketServerStatusPush(base_url, user, password, key=None, statusName=None, generators=None, verbose=False)

    :param string base_url: The base url of the Bitbucket Server host, up to and optionally including the first `/` of the path.
    :param string user: The Bitbucket Server user to post as. (can be a :ref:`Secret`)
    :param string password: The Bitbucket Server user's password. (can be a :ref:`Secret`)
    :param renderable string key: Passed to Bitbucket Server to differentiate between statuses.
        A static string can be passed or :class:`Interpolate` for dynamic substitution.
        The default key is `%(prop:buildername)s`.
    :param renderable string statusName: The name that is displayed for this status.
        The default name is nothing, so Bitbucket Server will use the ``key`` parameter.
    :type generators: list of IReportGenerator instances
    :param generators: A list of report generators that will be used to generate reports to be sent by this reporter.
        Currently the reporter will consider only the report generated by the first generator.
    :param boolean verbose: If True, logs a message for each successful status push.
    :param boolean verify: Disable ssl verification for the case you use temporary self signed certificates
    :param boolean debug: Logs every requests and their response

.. _txrequests: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/txrequests