Release Notes for Buildbot 0.8.11

    Any change that adds a feature or fixes a bug should have an entry here.
    Most simply need an additional bulleted list item, but more significant
    changes can be given a subsection of their own.

The following are the release notes for Buildbot 0.8.11.
This version was released on the 20th of April, 2015.



* Buildbot works python-dateutil >= 1.5


* GitHub change hook now supports application/json format.

* Buildbot is now compatible with Gerrit v2.6 and higher.

  To make this happen, the return result of ``reviewCB`` and ``summaryCB`` callback has changed from

  .. code-block:: python

     (message, verified, review)


  .. code-block:: python

     {'message': message,
      'labels': {'label-name': value,

  The implications are:

  * there are some differences in behaviour: only those labels that were provided will be updated
  * Gerrit server must be able to provide a version, if it can't the ``GerritStatusPush`` will not work

  .. note::

     If you have an old style ``reviewCB`` and/or ``summaryCB`` implemented, these will still work, however there could be more labels updated than anticipated.

  More detailed information is available in ``GerritStatusPush`` section.

* Buildbot now supports plugins.
  They allow Buildbot to be extended by using components distributed independently from the main code.
  They also provide for a unified way to access all components.
  When previously the following construction was used::

      from buildbot.kind.other.bits import ComponentClass

      ... ComponentClass ...

  the following construction achieves the same result::

      from buildbot.plugins import kind

      ... kind.ComponentClass ...

  Kinds of components that are available this way are described in :doc:`../manual/plugins`.

  .. note::

     While the components can be still directly imported as ``buildbot.kind.other.bits``, this might not be the case after Buildbot v1.0 is released.

* :bb:chsrc:`GitPoller` now supports detecting new branches

* :bb:step:`MasterShellCommand` now renders the ``path`` argument.

* :class:`~buildbot.process.buildstep.ShellMixin`: the ``workdir`` can now be overridden in the call to ``makeRemoteShellCommand``.

* GitHub status target now allows to specify a different base URL for the API (usefule for GitHub enterprise installations).
  This feature requires `txgithub` of version 0.2.0 or better.

* GitHub change hook now supports payload validation using shared secret, see the GitHub hook documentation for details.

* Added StashStatusPush status hook for Atlassian Stash

* Builders can now have multiple "tags" associated with them. Tags can be used in various status classes as filters (eg, on the waterfall page).

* ``MailNotifier`` no longer forces SSL 3.0 when ``useTls`` is true.

* GitHub change hook now supports function as codebase argument.

* GitHub change hook now supports pull_request events.

* :class:`~buildbot.process.buildstep.Trigger`: the ``getSchedulersAndProperties`` customization method has been backported from Nine.
  This provides a way to dynamically specify which schedulers (and the properties for that scheduler) to trigger at runtime.


* GitHub change hook now correctly responds to ping events.
* ``buildbot.steps.http`` steps now correctly have ``url`` parameter renderable
* :bb:step:`MasterShellCommand` now correctly logs the working directory where it was run.
* With Git(), force the updating submodules to ensure local changes by the build are overwritten.
  This both ensures more consistent builds and avoids errors when updating submodules.
* With Git(), make sure 'git submodule sync' is called before 'git submodule update' to update
  stale remote urls (:bug:`2155`).

Deprecations, Removals, and Non-Compatible Changes

* The builder parameter "category" is deprecated and is replaced by a parameter called "tags".

Changes for Developers

* :class:`~buildbot.process.buildstep.Trigger`: ``createTriggerProperties`` now takes one argument (the properties to generate).

* :class:`~buildbot.process.buildstep.Trigger`: ``getSchedulers`` method is no longer used and was removed.




Deprecations, Removals, and Non-Compatible Changes


For a more detailed description of the changes made in this version, see the git log itself:

.. code-block:: bash

   git log v0.8.10..532cf49