=============================== How to package Buildbot plugins =============================== If you customized an existing component (see :doc:`../manual/customization`) or created a new component that you believe might be useful for others, you have two options: * submit the change to the Buildbot main tree, however you need to adhere to certain requirements (see :doc:`style`) * prepare a Python package that contains the functionality you created Here we cover the second option. Package the source ================== To begin with, you must package your changes. If you do not know what a Python package is, these two tutorials will get you going: * `Python Packaging User Guide <https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/>`__ * `The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Packaging <https://the-hitchhikers-guide-to-packaging.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>`__ The former is more recent and, while it addresses everything that you need to know about Python packages, it's still work in progress. The latter is a bit dated, though it was the most complete guide for quite some time available for Python developers looking to package their software. You may also want to check the `sample project <https://github.com/pypa/sampleproject>`_, which exemplifies the best Python packaging practices. Making the plugin package ========================= Buildbot supports several kinds of pluggable components: * ``worker`` * ``changes`` * ``schedulers`` * ``steps`` * ``reporters`` * ``util`` (these are described in :doc:`../manual/plugins`), and * ``www`` which is described in :doc:`web server configuration <../manual/configuration/www>`. Once you have your component packaged, it's quite straightforward: you just need to add a few lines to the ``entry_points`` parameter of your call of ``setup`` function in :file:`setup.py` file: .. code-block:: python setup( ... entry_points = { ..., 'buildbot.{kind}': [ 'PluginName = PluginModule:PluginClass' ] }, ... ) (You might have seen different ways to specify the value for ``entry_points``, however they all do the same thing. Full description of possible ways is available in `setuptools documentation <https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setuptools.html#dynamic-discovery-of-services-and-plugins>`_.) After the :src:`setup.py <master/setup.py>` file is updated, you can build and install it: .. code-block:: none $ python setup.py build $ sudo python setup.py install (depending on your particular setup, you might not need to use :command:`sudo`). After that, the plugin should be available for Buildbot and you can use it in your :file:`master.cfg` as: .. code-block:: python from buildbot.plugins import {kind} ... {kind}.PluginName ... Publish the package =================== This is the last step before the plugin becomes available to others. Once again, there is a number of options available for you: * just put a link to your version control system * prepare a source tarball with the plugin (``python setup.py sdist``) * or publish it on `PyPI <https://pypi.python.org>`_ The last option is probably the best one since it will make your plugin available pretty much to all Python developers. Once you have published the package, please send a link to `buildbot-devel <mailto:devel@buildbot.net>`_ mailing list, so we can include a link to your plugin to :doc:`../manual/plugins`.