.. bb:cfg:: dbconfig


DbConfig is a utility for ``master.cfg`` to get easy-to-use key-value storage in the Buildbot database.

DbConfig can get and store any ``json``-able object to the db for use by other masters or separate UI plugins to edit them.

The design is intentionally simplistic, as the focus is on ease of use rather than efficiency.
A separate db connection is created each time ``get()`` or ``set()`` is called.


.. code-block:: python

    from buildbot.plugins import util, worker

    c = BuildmasterConfig = {}
    c['db_url'] = 'mysql://username:password@mysqlserver/buildbot'
    dbConfig = util.DbConfig(BuildmasterConfig, basedir)
    workers = dbConfig.get("workers")
    c['workers'] = [
        worker.Worker(worker['name'], worker['passwd'],
        for worker in workers

.. py:class:: DbConfig

    .. py:method:: __init__(BuildmasterConfig, basedir)

        :param BuildmasterConfig: the ``BuildmasterConfig``, where ``db_url`` is already configured
        :param basedir: ``basedir`` global variable of the ``master.cfg`` run environment. SQLite urls are relative to this dir

    .. py:method:: get(name, default=MarkerClass)

        :param name: the name of the config variable to retrieve
        :param default: in case the config variable has not been set yet, default is returned if defined, else ``KeyError`` is raised

    .. py:method:: set(name, value)

        :param name: the name of the config variable to be set
        :param value: the value of the config variable to be set