1. Buildbot Tutorial
1.1. First Run
1.2. A Quick Tour
1.3. First Buildbot run with Docker
1.4. Further Reading
2. Buildbot Manual
3. Buildbot Development
4. Release Notes
5. Older Release Notes
6. API Indices
Buildbot Tutorial
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Buildbot Tutorial
1.1. First Run
1.1.1. Goal
1.1.2. Simple introduction to BuildBot
1.1.3. Getting ready
1.1.4. Creating a master
1.1.5. Creating a worker
1.1.6. Wrapping up
1.2. A Quick Tour
1.2.1. Goal
1.2.2. The First Build
1.2.3. Setting Project Name and URL
1.2.4. Configuration Errors
1.2.5. Enabling the IRC Bot
1.2.6. Setting Authorized Web Users
1.2.7. Adding a ‘try’ scheduler
1.3. First Buildbot run with Docker
1.3.1. Current Docker dependencies
1.3.2. Installation
1.3.3. Building and running Buildbot
1.3.4. Overview of the docker-compose configuration
1.3.5. Playing with your Buildbot containers
1.3.6. Customize your Worker container
1.3.7. Multi-master
1.3.8. Going forward
1.4. Further Reading
1.4.1. Buildbot in 5 minutes - a user-contributed tutorial