.. bb:reporter:: BitbucketStatusPush BitbucketStatusPush +++++++++++++++++++ .. py:currentmodule:: buildbot.reporters.bitbucket .. code-block:: python from buildbot.plugins import reporters c['services'].append(reporters.BitbucketStatusPush('oauth_key', 'oauth_secret')) :class:`BitbucketStatusPush` publishes build status using `Bitbucket Build Status API `_. The build status is published to a specific commit SHA in Bitbucket. It tracks the last build for each builder and each commit built. It requires `txrequests`_ package to allow interaction with the Bitbucket REST and OAuth APIs. It uses OAuth 2.x to authenticate with Bitbucket. To enable this, you need to go to your Bitbucket Settings -> OAuth page. Click "Add consumer". Give the new consumer a name, e.g. 'buildbot', and put in any URL as the callback (this is needed for Oauth 2.x but is not used by this reporter), e.g. 'http://localhost:8010/callback'. Give the consumer Repositories:Write access. After creating the consumer, you will then be able to see the OAuth key and secret. .. py:class:: BitbucketStatusPush(oauth_key, oauth_secret, base_url='https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories', oauth_url='https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/access_token', generators=None) :param string oauth_key: The OAuth consumer key. (can be a :ref:`Secret`) :param string oauth_secret: The OAuth consumer secret. (can be a :ref:`Secret`) :param string base_url: Bitbucket's Build Status API URL :param string oauth_url: Bitbucket's OAuth API URL :param generators: A list of report generators that will be used to generate reports to be sent by this reporter. Currently the reporter will consider only the report generated by the first generator. :param boolean verify: Disable ssl verification for the case you use temporary self signed certificates :param boolean debug: Logs every requests and their response .. _txrequests: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/txrequests