.. bb:reporter:: GitHubStatusPush GitHubStatusPush ++++++++++++++++ .. py:currentmodule:: buildbot.reporters.github .. code-block:: python from buildbot.plugins import reporters, util context = Interpolate("buildbot/%(prop:buildername)s") gs = reporters.GitHubStatusPush(token='githubAPIToken', context=context, startDescription='Build started.', endDescription='Build done.') factory = util.BuildFactory() buildbot_bbtools = util.BuilderConfig( name='builder-name', workernames=['worker1'], factory=factory) c['builders'].append(buildbot_bbtools) c['services'].append(gs) :class:`GitHubStatusPush` publishes a build status using `GitHub Status API `_. It requires `txrequests`_ package to allow interaction with GitHub REST API. It is configured with at least a GitHub API token. You can create a token from your own `GitHub - Profile - Applications - Register new application `_ or use an external tool to generate one. .. py:class:: GitHubStatusPush(token, startDescription=None, endDescription=None, context=None, baseURL=None, verbose=False, builders=None) :param string token: token used for authentication. (can be a :ref:`Secret`) :param rendereable string startDescription: Custom start message (default: 'Build started.') :param rendereable string endDescription: Custom end message (default: 'Build done.') :param rendereable string context: Passed to GitHub to differentiate between statuses. A static string can be passed or :class:`Interpolate` for dynamic substitution. The default context is `buildbot/%(prop:buildername)s`. :param string baseURL: specify the github api endpoint if you work with GitHub Enterprise :param boolean verbose: if True, logs a message for each successful status push :param list builders: only send update for specified builders .. _txrequests: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/txrequests