Release Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. Don't write to this file anymore!! Buildbot now uses towncrier to manage its release notes. towncrier helps to avoid the need for rebase when several people work at the same time on the releasenote files. Each PR should come with a file in the master/buildbot/newsfragment directory .. towncrier release notes start Buildbot ``0.9.4`` ( ``2017-02-08`` ) ===================================== Database upgrade ---------------- A database upgrade is necessary for this release (see :bb:cmdline:`upgrade-master`). Bug fixes --------- - Like for ``buildbot start``, ``buildbot upgrade-master`` will now erase an old pidfile if the process is not live anymore instead of just failing. - Change properties 'value' changed from String(1024) to Text. Requires upgrade master. (:bug:`3197`) - When using REST API, it is now possible to filter and sort in descending order at the same time. - Fix issue with :bb:reporter:`HttpStatusPush` raising ``datetime is not JSON serializable`` error. - Fix issue with log viewer not properly rendering color codes. - Fixed log viewer selection and copy-paste for Firefox (:bug:`3662`). - Fix issue with ``DelayedCalled`` already called, and worker missing notification email never received. - :bb:cfg:`schedulers`. and :bb:cfg:`change_source` are now properly taking configuration change in account with ``buildbot reconfig``. - ``setuptools`` is now explicitly marked as required. The dependency was previously implicit. - :bb:cfg:`buildbotNetUsageData` now uses ``requests`` if available and will default to HTTP if a bogus SSL implementation is found. It will also correctly send information about the platform type. Features -------- - Buildbot now uses `JWT `_ to store its web UI Sessions. Sessions now persist upon buildbot restart. Sessions are shared between masters. Session expiration time is configurable with ``c['www']['cookie_expiration_time']`` see :bb:cfg:`www`. - Builders page has been optimized and can now be displayed with 4 http requests whatever is the builder count (previously, there was one http request per builder). - Builder and Worker page build list now have the ``numbuilds=`` option which allows to show more builds. - Masters page now shows more information about a master (workers, builds, activity timer) - Workers page improvements: - Shows which master the worker is connected to. - Shows correctly the list of builders that this master is configured on (not the list of ``buildermaster`` which nobody cares about). - Shows list of builds per worker similar to the builders page. - New worker details page displays the list of builds built by this worker using database optimized query. Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - Some deprecated broken :ref:`Contrib-Scripts` were removed. - :py:data:`buildbot.www.hooks.googlecode` has been removed, since the Google Code service has been shut down. - :py:data:`buildbot.util.json` has been deprecated in favor of the standard library :py:mod:`json`. ``simplejson`` will not be used anymore if found in the virtualenv. Buildbot ``0.9.3`` ( ``2017-01-11`` ) =================================================== Bug fixes --------- - Fix :bb:reporter:`BitbucketStatusPush` ``ep should start with /`` assertion error. - Fix duplicate worker use case, where a worker with the same name would make the other worker also disconnect (:bug:`3656`) - :py:class:`~buildbot.changes.GitPoller`: ``buildPushesWithNoCommits`` now rebuilds for a known branch that was updated to an existing commit. - Fix issue with log viewer not staying at bottom of the log when loading log lines. - Fixed `addBuildURLs` in :py:class:`~buildbot.steps.trigger.Trigger` to use results from triggered builds to include in the URL name exposed by API. - Fix :ref:`mq-Wamp` :bb:cfg:`mq` support by removing ``debug``, ``debug_amp`` and ``debug_app`` from the :bb:cfg:`mq` config, which is not available in latest version of `Python Autobahn `_. You can now use ``wamp_debug_level`` option instead. - fix issue with factory.workdir AttributeError are not properly reported. Features -------- - Optimize the memory consumption of the log compression process. Buildbot do not load the whole log into memory anymore. This should improve a lot buildbot memory footprint. - Changed the build page so that the preview of the logs are shown in live. It is a preview means the last lines of log. How many lines is configurable per user in the user settings page. - Log viewer line numbers are no longer selectable, so that it is easier to copy paste. - :py:class:`~buildbot.plugins.worker.DockerLatentWorker` accepts now renderable Dockerfile - :ref:`Renderer` function can now return :class:`~buildbot.interfaces.IRenderable` objects. - new :bb:step:`SetProperties` which allows to generate and transform properties separately. - Handle new workers in `` script. - Sort the builders in the waterfall view by name instead of ID. Buildbot ``0.9.2`` ( ``2016-12-13`` ) =================================================== Bug fixes --------- - Fix :py:class:`~buildbot.www.oauth2.GitHubAuth` to retrieve all organizations instead of only those publicly available. - Fixed `ref` to point to `branch` instead of commit `sha` in :py:class:`~buildbot.reporters.GitlabStatusPush` - :bb:reporter:`IRC` :py:meth:`maybeColorize` is able to highlight single words and stop colorization at the end. The previous implementation only stopped colorization but not boldface. - fix compatibility issue with mysql5 (do not set default value for TEXT column). - Fixed `addChange` in :py:class:`` to use the `revlink` configuration option to generate the revlink. - fix threading issue in :py:class:`~buildbot.plugins.worker.DockerLatentWorker` Features -------- - Implement :py:class:`~buildbot.www.oauth2.BitbucketAuth`. - New :bb:chsrc:`GerritEventLogPoller` poller to poll Gerrit changes via http API. - New :bb:reporter:`GerritVerifyStatusPush` can send multiple review status for the same Gerrit change. - :bb:reporter:`IRC` appends the builder URL to a successful/failed build if available - :bb:reporter:`MailNotifier` now accepts ``useSmtps`` parameter for initiating connection over an SSL/TLS encrypted connection (SMTPS) - New support for ``Mesos`` and `Marathon `_ via :py:class:`~buildbot.plugins.worker.MarathonLatentWorker`. ``Marathon`` is a production-grade container orchestration platform for Mesosphere's Data- center Operating System (DC/OS) and Apache ``Mesos``. - ``password`` in :py:class:`~buildbot.plugins.worker.DockerLatentWorker` and :py:class:`~buildbot.plugins.worker.HyperLatentWorker`, can be None. In that case, they will be auto-generated from random number. - :bb:reporter:`StashStatusPush` now accepts ``key``, ``buildName``, ``endDescription``, ``startDescription``, and ``verbose`` parameters to control the JSON sent to Stash. - Buildbot can now be configured to deny read access to REST api resources based on authorization rules. Older Release Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 0.9.1 0.9.0 0.9.0rc4 0.9.0rc3 0.9.0rc2 0.9.0rc1 0.9.0b9 0.9.0b8 0.9.0b7 0.9.0b6 0.9.0b5 0.9.0b4 0.9.0b3 0.9.0b2 0.9.0b1 0.8.12 0.8.10 0.8.9 0.8.8 0.8.7 0.8.6 Note that Buildbot-0.8.11 was never released.