.. _New-Style-Build-Steps: New-Style Build Steps ===================== In Buildbot-0.9.0, many operations performed by BuildStep subclasses return a Deferred. As a result, custom build steps which call these methods will need to be rewritten. Buildbot-0.8.9 supports old-style steps natively, while new-style steps are emulated. Buildbot-0.9.0 supports new-style steps natively, while old-style steps are emulated. Later versions of Buildbot wil not support old-style steps at all. All custom steps should be rewritten in the new style as soon as possible. Buildbot distinguishes new-style from old-style steps by the presence of a :py:meth:`~buildbot.process.buildstep.BuildStep.run` method. If this method is present, then the step is a new-style step. Summary of Changes ++++++++++++++++++ * New-style steps have a ``run`` method that is simpler to implement than the old ``start`` method. * Many methods are now asynchronous (return Deferreds), as they perform operations on the database. * Logs are now implemented by a completely different class. This class supports the same log-writing methods (``addStderr`` and so on), although they are now asynchronous. However, it does not support log-reading methods such as ``getText``. It was never advisable to handle logs as enormous strings. New-style steps should, instead, use a LogObserver or (in Buildbot-0.9.0) fetch log lines bit by bit using the data API. * :py:class:`buildbot.process.buildstep.LoggingBuildStep` is deprecated and cannot be uesd in new-style steps. Mix in :py:class:`buildbot.process.buildstep.ShellMixin` instead. Rewriting ``start`` +++++++++++++++++++ If your custom buildstep implements the ``start`` method, then rename that method to ``run`` and set it up to return a Deferred, either explicitly or via ``inlineCallbacks``. The value of the Deferred should be the result of the step (one of the codes in :py:mod:`buildbot.status.results`), or a Twisted failure instance to complete the step as EXCEPTION. The new ``run`` method should *not* call ``self.finished`` or ``self.failed``, instead signalling the same via Deferred. For example, the following old-style ``start`` method :: def start(self): ## old style cmd = remotecommand.RemoteCommand('stat', {'file': self.file }) d = self.runCommand(cmd) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.convertResult(cmd)) d.addErrback(self.failed) Becomes :: @defer.inlineCallbacks def run(self): ## new style cmd = remotecommand.RemoteCommand('stat', {'file': self.file }) yield self.runCommand(cmd) yield self.convertResult(cmd) Newly Asynchronous Methods ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The following methods now return a Deferred: * :py:meth:`buildbot.process.buildstep.BuildStep.addLog` * ``log.addStdout`` * ``log.addStderr`` * ``log.addHeader`` * ``log.finish`` (see "Log Objects", below) * :py:meth:`buildbot.process.remotecommand.RemoteCommand.addStdout` * :py:meth:`buildbot.process.remotecommand.RemoteCommand.addStderr` * :py:meth:`buildbot.process.remotecommand.RemoteCommand.addHeader` * :py:meth:`buildbot.process.remotecommand.RemoteCommand.addToLog` * :py:meth:`buildbot.process.buildstep.BuildStep.addCompleteLog` * :py:meth:`buildbot.process.buildstep.BuildStep.addHTMLLog` * :py:meth:`buildbot.process.buildstep.BuildStep.addURL` Any custom code in a new-style step that calls these methods must handle the resulting Deferred. In some cases, that means that the calling method's signature will change. For example :: def summarize(self): ## old-style for m in self.MESSAGES: if counts[m]: self.addCompleteLog(m, "".join(summaries[m])) self.setProperty("count-%s" % m, counts[m], "counter") Is a synchronous function, not returning a Deferred. However, when converted to a new-style test, it must handle Deferreds from the methods it calls, so it must be asynchronous. Syntactically, ``inlineCallbacks`` makes the change fairly simple:: @defer.inlineCallbacks def summarize(self): ## new-style for m in self.MESSAGES: if counts[m]: yield self.addCompleteLog(m, "".join(summaries[m])) self.setProperty("count-%s" % m, counts[m], "counter") However, this method's callers must now handle the Deferred that it returns. All methods that can be overridden in custom steps can return a Deferred. Properties ++++++++++ Good news! The API for properties is the same synchronous API as was available in old-style steps. Properties are handled synchronously during the build, and persisted to the database at completion of each step. Log Objects +++++++++++ Old steps had two ways of interacting with logfiles, both of which have changed. The first is writing to logs while a step is executing. When using :py:meth:`~buildbot.process.buildstep.BuildStep.addCompleteLog` or :py:meth:`~buildbot.process.buildstep.BuildStep.addHTMLLog`, this is straightforward, except that in new-style steps these methods return a Deferred. The second method is via :py:meth:`buildbot.process.buildstep.BuildStep.addLog`. In new-style steps, the returned object (via Deferred) has the following methods to add log content: * :py:meth:`~buildbot.process.log.StreamLog.addStdout` * :py:meth:`~buildbot.process.log.StreamLog.addStderr` * :py:meth:`~buildbot.process.log.StreamLog.addHeader` * :py:meth:`~buildbot.process.log.Log.finish` All of these methods now return Deferreds. None of the old log-reading methods are available on this object: * ``hasContents`` * ``getText`` * ``readLines`` * ``getTextWithHeaders`` * ``getChunks`` If your step uses such methods, consider using a :class:`~buildbot.process.logobserver.LogObserver` instead, or using the Data API to get the required data. The undocumented and unused ``subscribeConsumer`` method of logfiles has also been removed. The :py:meth:`~buildbot.process.log.Log.subscribe` method now takes a callable, rather than an instance, and does not support catchup. This method was primarily used by :py:class:`~buildbot.process.logobserver.LogObserver`, the implementation of which has been modified accordingly. Any other uses of the subscribe method should be refactored to use a :py:class:`~buildbot.process.logobserver.LogObserver`. Status Strings ++++++++++++++ The ``self.step_status.setText`` and ``setText2`` methods have been removed. Similarly, the ``_describe`` and ``describe`` methods are not used in new-style steps. In fact, steps no longer set their status directly. Instead, steps call :py:meth:`buildbot.process.buildstep.BuildStep.updateSummary` whenever the status may have changed. This method calls :py:meth:`~buildbot.process.buildstep.BuildStep.getCurrentSummary` or :py:meth:`~buildbot.process.buildstep.BuildStep.getResultSummary` as appropriate and update displays of the step's status. Steps override the latter two methods to provide appropriate summaries. Statistics ++++++++++ Support for statistics has been moved to the ``BuildStep`` and ``Build`` objects. Calls to ``self.step_status.setStatistic`` should be rewritten as ``self.setStatistic``.