buildbot debugclient --master MASTERHOST:PORT --passwd DEBUGPW
This launches a small Gtk+/Glade-based debug tool, connecting to the
buildmaster's “debug port”. This debug port shares the same port
number as the slaveport (see Setting the PB Port for Slaves), but the
is only enabled if you set a debug password in the
buildmaster's config file (see Debug Options). The
--passwd option must match the c['debugPassword']
--master can also be provided in .debug/options by the
key. --passwd can be provided by the
key. See .buildbot config directory.
The Connect
button must be pressed before any of the other
buttons will be active. This establishes the connection to the
buildmaster. The other sections of the tool are as follows:
Reload .cfg
- Forces the buildmaster to reload its master.cfg file. This is
equivalent to sending a SIGHUP to the buildmaster, but can be done
remotely through the debug port. Note that it is a good idea to be
watching the buildmaster's twistd.log as you reload the config
file, as any errors which are detected in the config file will be
announced there.
Rebuild .py
- (not yet implemented). The idea here is to use Twisted's “rebuild”
facilities to replace the buildmaster's running code with a new
version. Even if this worked, it would only be used by buildbot
poke IRC
- This locates a
status target and causes it to emit a
message on all the channels to which it is currently connected. This
was used to debug a problem in which the buildmaster lost the
connection to the IRC server and did not attempt to reconnect.
- This allows you to inject a Change, just as if a real one had been
delivered by whatever VC hook you are using. You can set the name of
the committed file and the name of the user who is doing the commit.
Optionally, you can also set a revision for the change. If the
revision you provide looks like a number, it will be sent as an
integer, otherwise it will be sent as a string.
Force Build
- This lets you force a Builder (selected by name) to start a build of
the current source tree.
- (obsolete). This was used to manually set the status of the given
Builder, but the status-assignment code was changed in an incompatible
way and these buttons are no longer meaningful.