Previous: WebStatus Configuration Parameters, Up: WebStatus Change Hooks

The /change_hook url is a magic URL which will accept HTTP requests and translate them into changes for buildbot. Implementations (such as a trivial json-based endpoint and a github implementation) can be found in master/buildbot/status/web/hooks. The format of the url is /change_hook/DIALECT where DIALECT is a package within the hooks directory. Change_hook is disabled by default and each DIALECT has to be enabled separately, for security reasons

An example WebStatus configuration line which enables change_hook and two DIALECTS:

                                     'base': True,
                                     'github': {'option1':True,

Within the WebStatus arguments, the change_hook key enables/disables the module and change_hook_dialects whitelists DIALECTs where the keys are the module names and the values are optional arguments which will be passed to the hooks.

The script in master/contrib allows for the submission of an arbitrary change request. Run ' –help' for more information. The 'base' dialect must be enabled for this to work.