Previous: SVNCommitEmailMaildirSource, Up: Mail-parsing ChangeSources BzrLaunchpadEmailMaildirSource

BzrLaunchpadEmailMaildirSource parses the mails that are sent to addresses that subscribe to branch revision notifications for a bzr branch hosted on Launchpad.

The branch name defaults to lp:<Launchpad path>. For example lp:~maria-captains/maria/5.1.

If only a single branch is used, the default branch name can be changed by setting defaultBranch.

For multiple branches, pass a dictionary as the value of the branchMap option to map specific repository paths to specific branch names (see example below). The leading lp: prefix of the path is optional.

The prefix option is not supported (it is silently ignored). Use the branchMap and defaultBranch instead to assign changes to branches (and just do not subscribe the buildbot to branches that are not of interest).

The revision number is obtained from the email text. The bzr revision id is not available in the mails sent by Launchpad. However, it is possible to set the bzr append_revisions_only option for public shared repositories to avoid new pushes of merges changing the meaning of old revision numbers.

from buildbot.changes.mail import BzrLaunchpadEmailMaildirSource
bm = { 'lp:~maria-captains/maria/5.1' : '5.1', 'lp:~maria-captains/maria/6.0' : '6.0' }
c['change_source'] = BzrLaunchpadEmailMaildirSource("~/maildir-buildbot", branchMap = bm)