
This page documents the latest, unreleased version of Buildbot. For documentation for released versions, see

3.8.4. Builds connector

class buildbot.db.builds.BuildsConnectorComponent

This class handles builds. One build record is created for each build performed by a master. This record contains information on the status of the build, as well as links to the resources used in the build: builder, master, worker, etc.

An instance of this class is available at master.db.builds.

Builds are indexed by buildid and their contents represented as BuildModel dataclass, with the following fields:

  • id (the build ID, globally unique)

  • number (the build number, unique only within the builder)

  • builderid (the ID of the builder that performed this build)

  • buildrequestid (the ID of the build request that caused this build)

  • workerid (the ID of the worker on which this build was performed)

  • masterid (the ID of the master on which this build was performed)

  • started_at (datetime at which this build began)

  • complete_at (datetime at which this build finished, or None if it is ongoing)

  • locks_duration_s (the amount of time spent acquiring locks so far, not including any running steps)

  • state_string (short string describing the build’s state)

  • results (results of this build; see Build Result Codes)


buildid (integer) – build id


BuildModel or None, via Deferred

Get a single build, in the format described above. Returns None if there is no such build.

getBuildByNumber(builderid, number)
  • builder (integer) – builder id

  • number (integer) – build number within that builder


BuildModel or None, via Deferred

Get a single build, in the format described above, specified by builder and number, rather than build id. Returns None if there is no such build.

getPrevSuccessfulBuild(builderid, number, ssBuild)
  • builderid (integer) – builder to get builds for

  • number (integer) – the current build number. Previous build will be taken from this number

  • ssBuild (list) – the list of sourcestamps for the current build number


BuildModel or None, via Deferred

Returns the last successful build from the current build number with the same repository, branch, or codebase.

getBuilds(builderid=None, buildrequestid=None, complete=None, resultSpec=None)
  • builderid (integer) – builder to get builds for

  • buildrequestid (integer) – buildrequest to get builds for

  • complete (boolean) – if not None, filters results based on completeness

  • resultSpec – result spec containing filters sorting and paging requests from data/REST API. If possible, the db layer can optimize the SQL query using this information.


list of BuildModel, via Deferred

Get a list of builds, in the format described above. Each of the parameters limits the resulting set of builds.

addBuild(builderid, buildrequestid, workerid, masterid, state_string)
  • builderid (integer) – builder to get builds for

  • buildrequestid (integer) – build request id

  • workerid (integer) – worker performing the build

  • masterid (integer) – master performing the build

  • state_string (unicode) – initial state of the build


tuple of build ID and build number, via Deferred

Add a new build to the db, recorded as having started at the current time. This will invent a new number for the build, unique within the context of the builder.

setBuildStateString(buildid, state_string):
  • buildid (integer) – build id

  • state_string (unicode) – updated state of the build



Update the state strings for the given build.

add_build_locks_duration(buildid, duration_s):
  • buildid (integer) – build id

  • duration_s (integer) – time duration to add



Adds the given duration to the locks_duration_s field of the build.

finishBuild(buildid, results)
  • buildid (integer) – build id

  • results (integer) – build result



Mark the given build as finished, with complete_at set to the current time.


This update is done unconditionally, even if the build is already finished.

getBuildProperties(buildid, resultSpec=None)
  • buildid – build ID

  • resultSpec – resultSpec


dictionary mapping property name to value, source, via Deferred

Return the properties for a build, in the same format they were given to addBuild. Optional filtering via resultSpec is available and optimized in the db layer.

Note that this method does not distinguish a non-existent build from a build with no properties, and returns {} in either case.

setBuildProperty(buildid, name, value, source)
  • buildid (integer) – build ID

  • name (string) – Name of the property to set

  • value – Value of the property

  • source (string) – Source of the Property to set



Set a build property. If no property with that name existed in that build, a new property will be created.